On July 9th, 2012 I lost my best friend. I thought I was doing the right thing. Cash was three years old. I had him for almost the entire three years he had been alive. I went to work and used the money I got to support him. His dog food, making sure he was up to date on everything. There's almost nothing I wouldn't do for that dog. When we got him, he was homeless. I thought 'this thing needs me'. But I knew I needed him. When my ex boyfriend raised a hand to me, it was Cash that stood in front of me. When I cried, it was Cash that let me cry to him. People always say they like their dog because they can talk to their dog but I could sit with Cash and I didn't have to say a word. I felt like he already knew. Like he felt my pain and he would never leave me because of it. It was over two months ago I lost him when I took him in to be fixed. I cried myself to sleep the other night as if it had just happened. I'm saying this here because I don't know where else to express... I miss you, buddy.
Me and Cash:

"Happy Ending"
This is the way you left me, I'm not pretending. No hope, no love, no glory, No Happy Ending. This is the way that we love, Like it's forever. Then live the rest of our life, But not together.
Wake up in the morning, stumble on my life Can't get no love without sacrifice If anything should happen, I guess I wish you well A little bit of heaven, but a little bit of hell
This is the hardest story that I've ever told No hope, or love, or glory Happy endings gone forever more I feel as if I'm wastin' And I'm wastin' everyday
This is the way you left me, I'm not pretending. No hope, no love, no glory, No Happy Ending. This is the way that we love, Like it's forever. Then live the rest of our life, But not together.
2 o'clock in the morning, something's on my mind Can't get no rest; keep walkin' around If I pretend that nothin' ever went wrong, I can get to my sleep I can think that we just carried on
This is the hardest story that I've ever told No hope, or love, or glory Happy endings gone forever more I feel as if I'm wastin' And I'm wastin' everyday
This is the way you left me, I'm not pretending. No hope, no love, no glory, No Happy Ending. This is the way that we love, Like it's forever. Then live the rest of our life, But not together.
A Little bit of love, little bit of love Little bit of love, little bit of love [repeat]
I feel as if I'm wastin' And I'm wastin' everyday
This is the way you left me, I'm not pretending. No hope, no love, no glory, No Happy Ending. This is the way that we love, Like it's forever. To live the rest of our life, But not together.
This is the way you left me, I'm not pretending. No hope, no love, no glory, No Happy Ending.
yoshidoom · Sun Sep 30, 2012 @ 08:36pm · 0 Comments |
Male Friend 1 So, there's been some strange rumors about me. And, with my luck I was probably so drunk I don't remember it happening. Male Friend 2 Well... Did you find any seamen on the poopdeck?
And that's my friends. xD I luff them lots. On a sappy note, now that high schools over, I will miss them so much! But, since my two best friends in the entire world dropped out months before school ended, hell, maybe I'll see them more!
So, here I am. Minding my own business, sitting here on the computer. Calming down from walking around town all day for nothing but a slurpee and a cold swim in a friend's pool. My hair wet from a shower and my eyes heavy with exhaustion when my little sister waltzes right up to me and says "I'm going to go next door, (where her best friend lives), can you call this number over and over without saying anything?" As it appears, she wanted to prank her bff to get back at her for "ignoring her all day." And apparently my idea of "ignoring her back" wasnt good enough. So, I said no. She whined. I said no. Then she offered me money. So, here I am, pressing the redial button and placing a pillow on the phone so my typing is muffled. Who says high school graduates make more? LoL
I'm bored. I haven't gotten a good nights sleep in... Well a long time. And... Cocaine, the Energy Drink, would be absolutely HEAVEN right now. I stayed up until 2 Am on that stuff once. Sitting on my bed, rocking back and forth saying "whyiseveryoneasleep?itsonly... ohcrapit's2AM!!wowitfeelslikenoon... whereiseveryone?psshhhsleepsnotimportant... ithinkI'llgoforarun.WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE". Yes, I'm an energy drink junkie. Yes, it may have it's downfalls such as: getting headaches when I don't have enough caffine and my heart goes crazy sometimes but I LOVE IT! whee xd ninja 3nodding GivemeaMONSTERbaby!
yoshidoom · Sat Jun 28, 2008 @ 05:50am · 0 Comments |
Ok... I was going to write on long entry about why I havent been on a lot but I dont wanna bore anyone with all that blagh blagh... so instead I'll open on a happier note- I'm 16 now!! (go, Yoshi!!) and I met this awesome guy at school! (GO, Yoshi!!!) Ok... I met him awhile ago and he's got a girlfriend but I really wanna tell the "how we met" story: Ok, one Friday, I was waiting at the bridge to the Middle School, right? I was wearing my sweet Punisher sweater. This guy was all, "hey, give me your sweater!" and I'm all, "nooo... get your own, dude..." (joking around). So, we kinda split and went our seperate ways. but on Monday, I was wearing my Spiderman sweater walking to my 6th hour when someone yelled, "Bridgett! I want your Punisher sweater!" I looked around like: eek "um..." Then we talked and started hanging out. but the moral of this story is: get to know your stalker! Lol.
yoshidoom · Fri Nov 04, 2005 @ 09:27pm · 2 Comments |
Teh Snowball... yet again... |
Shes here... AGAIN! Gawd... shes always here... -_- Sometimes I just wanna... kill her and s**t...
JK!!! Snow, you know I love you!!! ^-^ Seriously, I'd never hurt her. LOL So mucho fun-ness... To bad my Coke wouldn't listen to me and bow down to the great Tim Burton.. Damn non-believer... Your Lord and Master, Tim Burton will one day rule the world... Yeah... I'm a tad hyper... Other then all that blagh blagh... I have to say Happy Late Birthday to Panda (SlashBladeQueen) I havent had time to post but oh well. I am Panda's minion ^-^ I feel special. Mmmm... Ninja In A Can... ninja Well Thats about all the excitement for now... Tomarrow- The Dentist... Bum Bum BUM!!!!! LOL
~Your Pal~ Yoshi
yoshidoom · Wed Aug 03, 2005 @ 04:32am · 1 Comments |
So, whats shakin guys? Sorry I havent bee on much.... I plan on being on more. but this weekend might be pretty busy aswell... Oh well just figured I'd pop in and say 'Hi!' so... HI!
yoshidoom · Thu Jul 14, 2005 @ 09:29pm · 1 Comments |
.... Happy 4th of July....? |
Well, I have nothing to really report. Ok, maybe afew things... Well, on Saturday, my friend Ashley came over. Before I go on you should know I only live afew miles from town. So, me and Ashley decide to walk there.... On the way we're like 'hm... what if we called Pike?' (this guy, we call him 'Pope' and 'Spikes' so Pike is the mix) So, I took out my cell phone (using my cell phone in a 'non emergancy'- first 'opps') And we ended up meeting him on the next road. (Yes, we were all shocked his mom dropped him off. We walked to the store, bought my 'Monster' energy drink. Me and Pike each had 1 and a half cans, we were hyper all the way back to my house (Yes, inviting a guy over without asking my parents.... BIG 'opps' ) Well lets just say, it wasent pretty.... Now, the reason his mom hates me is quite simple, A- Pike isent saposed to hang out with me 'sort of people' and B- My ex was 17, he had sex (not with me) but somehow Pike's mom thinks we slept together. Not a good thing for her 'Johnny'. Its okay, my mom hates his mom = ) I think thats all the 'blagh blagh' boring crap I have now... my 4th of July kinda sucked... it was with my step dad's family *shudders* Other then them I guess it wasent that bad... we had our own... 'speical' fireworks (Michigan sucks as far as laws for fireworks.... ninja its not like it mattered, everyone was setting off illegal fireworks.... Hell, my aunts a cop and she was enjoying them with us! ^-^
Talk to y'all later ~Yoshi~
-Random Picture-
yoshidoom · Tue Jul 05, 2005 @ 03:43pm · 1 Comments |
Well, snowball came over ^-^ I think this is her second home or something.... oh well its not like I mind. 3nodding We went and saw the awesome zombie movie, "Land Of The Dead" Gawd.... I wuv zombie movies! ^-^ I mean, who could pass up watching the dead eat people alive? 4laugh Not only that but I snuck in one of those Monster energy drink things... yeah, I was pretty hyper during the movie. Snowball jumped like EVERYTIME a zombie appeared, I pointed and laughed like true friends are saposed to ^-^ Um... other then that... not much has happened. I wont be on much next week except at night. I volenteered at this Camp 911 thing like I do every year. Well, thats about it. Talk to y'all later.
-Your Pal- Yoshi
Random Picture::
yoshidoom · Sat Jun 25, 2005 @ 06:53pm · 0 Comments |
well... its over...*long sigh entered here* thus why I havent been on in 4 days ^-^ On the first day Panda came over so we could wake up early on Friday cuz it was free... it was pretty fun. Friday there was battle of the bands! And I ran around the school stealing flyers... it was fun 3nodding My friend always wants popcicles so me and panda bought popcicles, went to the library, emailed him (telling him to meet us at Battle of the bands for popcicles) but he never came crying it made us sad... so we gave away free popcicles to random people! ^-^ Then on Saturday me, panda, snowball, and kawaii all watched the parade and yelled at random people. After that we went swimming at my grandma's pool then went up to hometown days again to ride rides. Panda went home and we saw Spikes (this really awesome 7th grader). Who seemed to enjoy calling ramdom people on my cell phone xd Oh well I had a blast. Today was the last day. We (being: me, snowball, and kawaii) prolly roded the most rides. The guy controling the Crazy Dance ride let us just stay on so I gave him a hug ^-^ it was quite funny. Espiecally when I was yelling at the kid in the car-thing next to us cuz he was yelling like a morron and acting idiotic. I was like: "a**..." "F- you..." "morron..." "put your tongue in your mouth..." "I hate you..." and so on... anything that came to my mind! ^-^ I saw my ex and his slut... I wanted to squirt them with a squirt gun but i was out of money crying i wanted to make it look like they wet themselves! lol well thats my excitment... *sigh* talk to you guys later. -Your Pal- Yoshi
P.S. for all of you wondering... they didnt have any god damn rubber ducks! crying
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yoshidoom · Mon Jun 06, 2005 @ 12:38am · 2 Comments |
Okie... well... lets go in list form, shall we? Everything thats happened to me (thats worth mentioning) in one sentence a piece:: -I dyed my hair; it is now black with blue strips (if anyone calls me 'smurf'.... I'll be forced to kill you... -Kawaii's cat, Mia, had kittens... so we now have 12 cats sweatdrop (I named the black one billy... xd ) -I got to see my Ex in tights... singing and dancing on stage! *busts into laughter* ok... *cough* I'm alright now... -Panda came over to help my aunt move out of her apartment... We spent the whole time looking for this guy with cool next gloves that smelled really good... xd -I got locked in the cafeteria with, like, 150 people all up and walking around, talking... it drove me insane! -Miko got in a VERBAL fight with my ex's g/f... and I do believe she insulted us for being virgins... rolleyes -long story short: I forgot to call my mum and lost track of time...the cops were called, it wasent pretty... and I'm not saposed to be online ninja Well... gotta jam! Later!
<center> -Your Pal- Yoshi
Random pic. of DOOM!::
yoshidoom · Fri May 27, 2005 @ 11:25am · 1 Comments |