Race: Robot
Age: 10
Weight: 2 tons
Abilities: Hydrolic limbs that exert enough power to blow through 4 solid layers of titanium. Electrical canon within his torso that can fire an extremely powerful shot of electricity. unable to fire more then one shot from his torso with out completely draining his battery and or damaging his body beyond repair.
Background: He was a demolition bot originally made for construction. He worked as a demolition bot for 5 years until he was considered out dated and useless. He was about to be torn apart for scrap when a group of mutilated robots rescued him. When he remembers waking up on an operating table, His torso that had originally contained an extra battery seemed to have been replaced with an electrical canon. His memory grows hazy after that.
Personality: He is calm and calculative. He lies and takes what he needs. He has freewill unlike most bots.