Turned, or Turning, is the act converting a creature of another species into a Lycanthrope or a Vampire.
How Vampire's Turn: Vampires are able to secrete venom from their fangs. While this venom is often used in heavy doses to paralyze the feeding Victem, in light doses it causes the the victem to become a vampire. If a Vampire does not drain it's victem completely, it is possible to accidentally turn them.
How Lycans Turn: Werewolves do not secret venom, their bites are simply infectious. By breaking the skin and drawing blood, the werewolf's infection spreads and turns them. Like Vampires, it is possible to accidentally turn some into a Lycan. The biting done can occur in human or Lycan form. Therefore it is possible to turn someone that the Lycan is kissing (lip biting), while giving a hicky (if the skin breaks), and in a battle fought in human form (if biting is used).
The Turning Process
Lycanthropes: On the first full moon after being infected, the Lycan must be able to see the moon directly (not through mirrors or TV, or pictures). Upon doing so, the Lycan begins to shapeshift. The first transformation takes much longer than any other transformation. Usually a few minutes to become a full beast. Once morphed, the Lycan is completely ferral while the conciousness is not operating. When the sun rises, the Lycan reverts to human form, and has no memory of the previous night. After this, they are able to transform.
Vampires: The Vampire's turning is longer and more uncomfortable than a Lycans. Over the course of a few hours to a few days (pending on venom strength) the envenomed victim loses many operations of their body such as recieving nourishment from normal food. Their blood also becomes tainted, and it is no longer able to support their life. Often, they also lose pigmentation and become lighter skinned. They feel pain all over their body untill the transformation is complete. New Vampires are often much more aggressive than veteran vampires, as they cannot control their hunger as well.
Hex Kor · Thu Apr 21, 2011 @ 08:17pm · 0 Comments |
A Hybrid is when two different creatures bear children.There is a ranking line of Gene superiority, which is the ranking of how much stronger a racial gene is over the other.
Lycanthropic genes are stronger than Vampiric genes, which are stronger than Human genes. In other words, as long as you have Lycan in your genes, you are able to shapeshift (with one exception)
Lycan/Human Hybrid: These creatures are basically the same as a normal Lycan. The only difference is the age at which they undergo their first transformation, which occurs at a later time.
Vampire/Human Hybrid: These creatures are basically the same as a normal Vampire. One major difference is sun damage. While a regular Vampire would burst into flames or turn to ash at the touch of sunlight, a Hybrid is merely severly burned, though prolonged exposure will still kill them. The next is a decreased Blood lust.
Lycan/Vampire Hybrid: Much stronger than Vampire or Lycan (pending on breed of Lycan). Able to stand in the sunlight and do not react to the full moon. Increased immunity to Silver. When Shapeshifting, the Hybrid's form is at it's choosing, whether that be a Wolf, Bat, and everywhere in between. The Appearance of the Hybrid is often dependant upon the father (i.e. Why Vladimire has Fangs, but Vincent does not.)
Lycan/Vampire/Human Hybrid ((A.K.A. Full-Hybrid)): This form of Hybrid is a two-edged sword. These creatures can be as powerful as their Lycan/Vampire cousins, and have full immunity to silver. However, some Full Hybrids, can have all the weaknesses of both Lycans and Vampires, and may be unable to shapeshift, pending on the dilution of the Lycan gene in comparison to the Vampire and Human genes.
Hex Kor · Thu Apr 21, 2011 @ 08:13pm · 0 Comments |
A Werepire is the result of the genes of a Lycan and a Vampire entering a body by the means listed:
*If a Human is bitten by a Werewolf, and later by a Vampire.
*If a Human is bitten by a Vampire, and later by a Werewolf.
*If a Vampire is bitten by a Werewolf.
*If a Werewolf is bitten by a Vampire.
-While these are essentially the same as Hybrids, there are some side-effets:
*Greatly Increased Hunger or Bloodlust
*Inability to eat regular food
*Physical Mutation
It is for these reasons that turning a another Immortal is discouraged and punishable.
Hex Kor · Thu Apr 21, 2011 @ 08:11pm · 0 Comments |
Vampires, despite popular beleif, are not a diseased people or hellspawn. Vampires are a race of humanoid. This race has too few pigments in their skin, causing them to burn in sunlight, this often results in their pale skin colors. Vampires drink blood out of acquired taste through many years of evolution, and the blood they drink is in no way related to their life. A vampire could very well eat any other type of foof, but thier genetics give them a bloodlust that is very difficult to squelch.
Physical Traits Vampires are usually skinny, and there is no kown reason for their lean-ness. Perhaps they just want to look good during their eternal lives. Vampire's skin is almost always pale.
Abilities Vampires are able to manipulate their own personal gravity to perform extraordinary feats. The are able to glide, jump amazing distances and heights, and even walk on walls and cielings. A more talented Vampire can even manipulate the gravity of others. Vampires are very strong, they could take down a wall with some effort, and easilly break bones in other creatures. Vampires have superior reflexes, coordination, speed, resilience and stamina, regeneration process and heightened senses.
Powers Vampires have "Fang Eyes" which is the equivalent to a Lycan's transformation, but not nearly as extreme. They have no Vampiric fangs unless their "Fang Eyes" are activated, which happens at will. This allows for better camoflouge when in human presense. Vampire's can regenerate rapidly, often times regaing a limb in as little as a day.
Weaknesses Sunlight will kill a vampire with prolonged exposure. Depending on its location, they would die a different way. If the sun is directly overhead, the burst into flames and die on the spot. If they are exposed to the sunrise, they will die a more peaceful death. Garlic, although unkown why, if a Vampire were to taste garlic, they would swell immensly and explode. Vampires share a weakness of silver with Lycans. Since Lycans connot use silver, the only danger of this being used against them is from the humans. They are not as violently allergic to it, and can survive if it enters an organ, but not the heart. They can also inhale it with minimal harm, though it may lead to inflamation, difficulty breathing, choking, or death by suffocation.
Other Despite numerous rumors of Vampires not being able to give birth, or giving birth to dead children, Vampires can in fact have children. However, having a vampiric child within a human female may result in extreme injury or even death. A Vampire's temperature is colder than any human. They feel cold to the touch.
Werewolves Vampires are faster, but weaker than Lycans. Vampires can smell Werewolves, their scent is sickening.

Hex Kor · Thu Apr 21, 2011 @ 08:09pm · 0 Comments |
WerewolvesWerewolves may at first strike you as savages, but infact they are naturally kind-hearted creatures. Being closer to nature, they often will have multiple animal companions. Their Wolf appearance can have many appearances pending on their genetics. Some have tails, manes, or more fur than others, short snouts, long snouts, whatever.Physical Traits All Werewolves are muscular and tall. They usually have dark or tanned skin.Abilities While transformed they posses Superior Strength, Agility, eye sight, smell, hearing, speed, durability and reflexes. Werewolves can climb buildings using their claws, and this they do very rapidly. A Werewolf's strength is superior to that of a Vampire's. They could easilly knock down solid concrete walls, lift and throw cars, and destroy any creature's skeletal structure.Powers Werewolves are most noted for their ability to transform into wolves, in whish form they posses the abilies listed above. But most people don't know of their ability to use these powers while in their Human state. However the ability to do this is limited only to the most powerful of Werewolves. Werewolves even have the ability to communicate telepathically to other creatures, and have complete dominion over ferral wolves.Weaknesses Silver is their only weakness. Its only fatal if it penetrates organs, or if it enters the blood stream and reaches the heart. Lycans are violently allergic to silver. Because of this, harboring silver as a weapon is too dangerous, since turning silver into bullets and weapons may bring harm to them. Also, if angered, they may transform against their will, which can be dangerous depending on the situation.Other Werewolves can increase their numbers in two ways: Reproduction, or Turning. They are able to reproduce even with Humans and Vampires. Impregnating a Human female will in no way harm her, due to Werewolves not obtaining their strength untill their first transformation. Anytime a werewolf anf Vampire mate they have a low chance of getting pregnant, but it is possible. A Werewolf's temperature is warmer than any human. They feel warm to the touch. First TransformationA Werewolves first Transformation usually occurs at the first full moon after puberty, and they are completely ferral, but weaker than older Lycan, so it's easy to maintain. A turned Lycan will turn at the first full moon, and is completely ferral. Since they are not younglings, they are much more difficult to deal with.VampiresWerewolves are stronger, but slower than vampires. They can smell them too, and their scent is disgusting
Hex Kor · Thu Apr 21, 2011 @ 08:02pm · 0 Comments |