Age: about 100 years old
Class: Shaman
Race: Drow
Height: 5'5
Eyes: Gold, missing sight in her left eye, when open it shows pure white
Hair: White, down to her knees, held back with a headcloth
Skin: Coal black
Clothing: Layers of skirts in various states of faded to vibrant colors, and bits of leather. does not wear shoes commonly, if she must, it is sandals, or simple leather booties.
Accessories: various trinket, fetishes, bobbles and feathers
Back story: Abandoned as a young child (about 3) to die of exposure because her family thought her not right in the head (too easy of spirit for a drow). She was found by a roaming group of gypsies and taken on by their shaman as his own. She sacrificed her left eye to the earth to gain access to earth magic and become a shaman. she does not suffer for lack of sight though, her connection to the earth means she sees more than most.
Art of her
By me

By others