Warnning: This journal ... thing ... is completly Random and might be the cause of the fallowing: Confusion, Hyperness, hunger, Weirdness, Heart attack, stoke and even random Insanity.
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 @ 08:47pm
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 @ 08:14pm
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 @ 08:12pm
Yada yada yada *needs gold*
Post 1: <center> User name: Suika-tamasii Age: 15 How much gold do you have? 129 gonk </center> Post 2: <center> Location: Canada, Eh!</center> Post 3: <center> Favorite Color: All the colors except the ugly ones 3nodding </center> Post 4: <center> Favorite Food: Pizza~!</center> Post 5: <center> Favorite Animal: Little dogs 4laugh </center> Post 6: <center> If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live? In a nice house ..</center> Post 7: <center> Who is your least favorite person? Hmmm .. that's a hard one ... right now ... I dunno ... HITLER!</center> Post 8: <center> What is the worse thing you have ever done to someone? I don't want to remeber thoses kinds of things ...</center> Post 9: <center>
bump</center> Post 10: <center>
bump</center> Post 11: <center>
bump</center> Post 12: <center>
bump</center> Post 13: <center>
bump</center> Post 14: <center> I wish I wasn't failing Math ...</center> Post 15: <center> I wish I didn't give a damn about the way I looked.</center> Post 16: <center> I wish I would get better soon</center> Post 17: <center> I wish I could drive </center> Post 18: <center> I wish I had a car with Insurence.</center> Post 19: <center> Who is your favorite singer? Josh Groban </center> Post 20: <center> I'm hungry.</center> Post 21: <center>
Click me!</center> Post 22: <center>
----] Avatar Contest [ ----
Entry fee: 350 gold
1st Prize: 2k
[ Click Here ]</center> Post 23: <center>  </center> Post 24: <center> Pinky, Are you pondering what I'm pondering? </center>
I sure am brain! But where would we get that many salmon flavored jelly donuts? And how would we get them to Australia?
*smack*</center> Post 25 <center> How much gold do you have now that you have done this!!! Welcome Suika-tamasii , your Gaia Gold: 301
la de freaken da stare </center>
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 @ 02:04am
Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 @ 09:16pm
******** up day.
.......... Emotions: guilt gonk
I didn't go to school today. No I’m not sick. I need to get my homework caught up. It didn't help. I spent the whole ******** day, reading, wrecking my dad’s computer, and staring at my home work. I’m not lying. I wanted to get the ******** stuff done. I did. I don't want to open my math binder every single ******** day and see al these incomplete assignments, knowing that' going to fail another core subject. ********. Same thing last year. The only reason I didn't get an A in math is because I don't get any ******** homework done. I know the stuff. But most of math is the practicing part. That’s what important.
Emotions: annoyance stressed
Its 1:02 pm. second ******** time today. Last night I re-set my alarm clock. ******** piece of s**t. I set it ahead two hours. So I woke up at 6am think I had slept in. I could have gone to school today. I should have. I would have gotten more done than sitting here typing g this.
I can't ******** do it. I want to get the ******** homework done. I want to. But I can't. God I hate it.
Mom’s gunna come home and scream at me, and take away my mouse and keyboard again, that she gave back to me today. Woohoo.
Well my internet days are over. Before I got to go online at school, during computer class. But now that Montgomery is backing.... god I ******** hate her. She’s such a b***h. Mrs. Strand was way better.
Emotions: ******** pissed off scream
List of homework
-Math: Completer Chapters 1.1 to 1.11 -Socials: Current events, Nehivawak project. And what other crap I missed today. -French: Sasquatch 20-25, and work book s**t and stuff I missed today. -Computers: heh. Only class I don't get homework in. but even then Montgomery will b***h me out for being behind in my typing. Not my ******** fault that I can type faster with two fingers ... (like I’m doing now). And just to think I have a whole semester, two classes, with her.
Emotions: guilt, anger, hate, frustration. gonk scream stressed crying God I hate this all...
Now look at what I’ve typed.... I've done this s**t instead of my home work.
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 @ 12:31am