So - had a rather late night last night, decided to have coffee at midnight along with some *cough* alcholic beverages *cough* ninja and I didn't really get to bed till 4am. Which really isn't all that different from most nights, but this week I have final projects due left and right and I auctually have to wake up early in the mornings. domokun
So this morning, I decided that it would be a good idea to take a shower to help wake up. And I've got this order that is now pure habit when in the shower and washing hair/face. Face wash first, shampoo, condintioner, soap. That order, always. Well, I auctually make it to the condintioner without falling asleep, rub my hands together, and SPLAT! I start trying to wash my face again, but this time with condintioner gonk
To say the least, my hair recieved less conditioning this time around than normal and my face felt funny for a while. . . sweatdrop
Long day, but only two classes left! heart Oh! And I will soon be having another cute pup to keep Skoll company! whee
... stare . . .looks like I now have company. . . roomie's friends? i think?
heart Happy Easter (a little early, but meh!)
Dragon Girl · Thu Mar 24, 2005 @ 09:00am · 3 Comments |
Cute, angsty wittle Skoll! heart
Dragon Girl · Thu Mar 03, 2005 @ 12:19am · 2 Comments |
Well, instead of trying to be senaky and hid them places that I will remember but won't get deleated I've decided that it's time for them to have their very own post!
Dragon Girl · Thu Mar 03, 2005 @ 12:18am · 2 Comments |
So i have officially started my "quest" heart
Here is my banner, feel free to link to it and help me along or just stop by to say "Hi" or give a hump, i mean. . . bump or two wink

I'm very pleased with myself for fixing it up like that, it was done late at night with a head cold no less, so i'm suprissed the link-thingy works and all... Heh, i think i'm finally getting the hang of this codding thing...or you could ask me tomorrow to see how it's going 3nodding
Va~la! heart
Dragon Girl · Mon Feb 21, 2005 @ 09:18am · 1 Comments |
School and such... --___--;; |
Well, this quarter I'm really pushing myself to do the best I have so far. It has finally clicked that I only have two quarters left then I will be graduating...egads! I am so nervous.
I would hesitate to say that I'm taking a break from Gaia, but I am cutting down dramaticly on how many hours I spend on here. If it was up to me, I would sit in front of the computer all day, but that will not get me a job... gonk crying
So you guys will be seeing less and less of me, but I will stop by when I can to check up on a few things. heart
One of the things I checked up on is my walrus! whee heart These were some freebie line art in celberation of V-day. They will go here for a while 3nodding
heart " />
Dragon Girl · Tue Feb 01, 2005 @ 07:30pm · 0 Comments |
Got my first fish hat today!!! Lets hear it for White Pebbo Fedders! xd
Working my way up to the top of the charts... sweatdrop ...that might take me a bit longer, but I have jumped up 200 or so, well, I'm sure it would just help to fish more regularly! 3nodding Which I plan on trying to do.
My ultimate goal is the Diamondback Lion fish! heart whee
I've already got one, not I only need 9 more! xd surprised eek .... gonk
So that might take me a little bit longer than I would hope for, but who knows!? domokun
Good luck to all of you fishers out there! biggrin
Dragon Girl · Thu Jan 13, 2005 @ 10:09pm · 0 Comments |
So I was just crusing through the fish forum and this random person who was also in the same thread as I just made me this oh so cute pic! heart
Thanks again, ShtrDrNGry
*luffs on the lionfish*
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v16/AoiNeko108/Sample%20Art%20Work/fish_love.bmp">
ninja must . . . get . . .more. . . lionfish!!! domokun
Dragon Girl · Tue Jan 11, 2005 @ 02:31am · 0 Comments |
So winter is here right? Well, yes it is. xd Just last night we got 7-8 inches of snow and now I am in my house with my parents. lol...well, not really, we can manage to get out of our driveway, but with all the ice and other crazy people trying to drive, we'll just sit at home. Oh, except for food. We need that. So yeah! heart
*luffs on snow*
Going back to school again soon, so I'll be on gaia a lot more. Hopefully catch up on quite a bit! 3nodding I'm still alive!!! surprised
Luffs! heart
Dragon Girl · Fri Jan 07, 2005 @ 08:39pm · 1 Comments |
Oh my gosh!!!
So, I havn't been on gaia for a while...been out "camping" at a cute barvarin village (which it was really snowing there) and I get onto gaia and Poof!!! there is snow here too!!! heart whee
Did I mention that I'm now stuck using a very slow dial up internet connection, so you may infact see less of me this winter break sweatdrop Wish it could move just a bit faster....*pokes computer with a cattle prod*
Just wanted to wish everyone a merry christmas and a happy new year! I'll try to give a call and say hi, hopfully plan a get together! whee
Luves, Just wanted to say Hi! heart 4laugh
oh yeah! and there is snow!!! xd
Dragon Girl · Mon Dec 20, 2004 @ 09:04am · 1 Comments |