I really really want heart
So here be my request.

Age: 24
Skin: pale... very pale
Eyes: amber
Hair: black, long... shoulder-blades long...
Build: normal, not very skinny but not muscular either.
Personality: Although he has gone through a lot, he's still kind of childish and playful. But the next moment he's cold and pissed. But only around William. Maybe it's because he's still not sure about their relationship and he gets anxious quite easily. As I mentioned before... He's gone through a lot and most of it was because William. Poor boi got his teenage heart broken by the teacher... In about 75% he is the submissive...
Owned by: me
References by me: [1] [2] [3] [4]

Age: 29
Skin: pale
Eyes: brown
Hair: Brown & short & spiky
Build: normal, a little taller than Chris
Personality: Typical teacher.... Always being calm and composed. And he's like that towards Chris as well. No matter how Chris teases him, he doesn't show his emotions... No signs of jealousy or anger. And that's what pisses off Chris the most... He's only passionate while having sex with Chris.
Owned by: Cytoplasmus
Their story: Chris was a cheeky brat student, William was the new but strict teacher. That's how it began...
They met a couple of times, mostly just accidental meetings around the town... But as they talked... Well...
Until one night... Chris went to William's apartment and before leaving... He didn't even know why... He kissed William. But to his own surprise, William kissed back.. . Making that kiss into the the most passionate one in the younger male's life... And after getting to the couch... They had sex.
But as a 'responsible teacher' he said it was wrong and the stubborn Chris heard all what he wanted, not caring about what else the teacher wanted to say.
Chris decided to study in Europe... In Austria where his mother was born and grew up.
But William never tried to stop him from doing so...
Five years later Chris returned to work as a teacher in the same school. William didn't recognize him...
But Chris managed to seduce him and soon William found out who Chris really is. And once... After having sex... William whispered those three words and that made Chris' plan about seducing him and leaving him crumble to pieces...
Currently they are in a relationship... I won't say it's 'happy' because Chris is still a bit immature and William's calm teacher attitude isn't quite a help either... But still... They love each other...
crappy references for Chris and William by me
Awesome references by Vibeness: Chris William
Sims 2 references: William Chris (his hair is longer than in this pic
Ideas & poses for Chris only: Chris with a cheeky smirk being all cool (lol), or Chris with his dog. A pit bull named Billy he had back in Austria.Billy has 'face' like
Possible poses etc. for couple: Watching TV, Chris being on top resting on William's chest, Chris pushing down William who doesn't dislike it at all x'D, Chris seducing William, Chris clinging to William, kinda snoozing and William petting his hair and smiling...
I don't really want any art of William alone, since he's not my OC. If you want to draw him, draw him with Chris. Or as a freebie ;3