Name: Sar-Iya Vann Kuki [Mortality]73
Sex: Female
Birthdate: June 11, ????
Zodiac: Gemini
Birthstone: Alexandrite
Age: Joseff's Birth [37] Dixie's Birth [42] Grown Age ?/375
Height: 5'5" = 65 in. = 165 cm.
Weight: 110 LBs. [164 LBs. Serpent Form]
Cup Size: A 1/2
Wealth: 261,000*** = Around Average
Attribute: Darkness
Soul Type: Su Hoen [3/4 Demon, 1/4 Human]
Physical Type: Serpent
Hair Color: Blazing Orange
Hair Type: Curly
Eye Color: Sunflower Yellow
Sexuality: Straight.
Favorite Time of Day: The Evening Hours.

Name: Joseff Vann-Kuki [Mortality]61
Sex: Male
Birthdate: May 30, ????
Zodiac: Gemini
Birthstone: Emerald
Age: Dixie's Birth [5] Grown Birth [