Your name is CEOLIA KEMANI.
You are known to be heavily arrested by FOLK TALES AND MUSIC. You have an amazing ability to PLAY EVERY INSTRUMENT, a skill your ancestors passed down.You used to engage in various forms of MORE EXTREME ROLEPLAYING with some of your other friends.Also you love the story of 'LITTLE RED TROLLING HOOD.'
Your favourite thing to play is the piano and violin, possibly the oldest, most revered, and certainly freshest artform in your planet's rich history. You have a profound fascination with the FOREST, and all lore surrounding the topic.You live in the LAND NEON AND HARMONY.Your blood is lime but,somehow your favourite colour is bright orange
Your name 'KEMANI' comes from the TURKISH word for violin or fiddle.CEOLIA comes from the IRISH word CEOL,which means music
Your trolltag is semiVirtuosoand you $PE@K !N @ RE@LLY $TUP!D M@DDER,TH@T (@N P!$$ PEOPLE OFF
What will you do?
===>Ceolia:View many outfits

MY GOLLY!You didn't know your closet had this many outfits!Most of then were made by your friend
Kanaya Maryam
You kinda like her but you're not sure*ahem.*Anyways,Your dresses.Oh how you love them so dearly <3
===>sV:Wear one
to be continued?