Okay Now Pull A Chair Up &'d Sit Your Ahh's Down ; Causee I'm Bout To Step Up In This Hack Ritee Hurr . . Talkinq Bout Thiss Wonderful Girl[; I Know Has Angiee Haha xD . .
Angie Is Tha Freakin Greatest Person To Talk To She's Funny A'f Sweet &'d Damn Adorable :3 I Would Knoww Haha . She Makes Me Laugh A Lot She's Just The Best<3(: . She's Sinqlee iThinkk ;; Oh Nahh She Aiint Causee I Got Herr xP Lmao Jk . Well Anyways Ima Hop Off This Hack For Now But I Will Be Back Though ; D
Hackedd By Aaliyahh @ 09242011 1:41 P.m (:
Angelicaa You have no idea how special I feel , you letting me write you a hack ;P First off , I've known this giirl for about uhmm , 3 Years ? Idk (x Anyywho , mess with her and I'm gonna go crazyy girl on yuh. I LOVE her w/all my heart , [: & it's amazing how far we've come .. Like seriously , thru all the drama we've managed to stay friends & I'm so grateful for that , I don't think I've EVER, EVERR had a better friend . ! She's my wife , sister , & bestie xD , & she's a lil pervy... Obviously c; If you don't like her , obviously you aren't smart enough to realize that she's absolutely A M A Z I N G . Ily giirl !
- Alex [ - Beautiilicious ] o9/25/11 @ 5:30 P.m.
Thiss iss Gabby heree hackingg SpaghettiTardFlavoring orr a i referr to her POPTARTS ;D
Sooo this chicaa iss hellaa awesomee
Thiss giirll is a totall perv xD likee legitt shee has onee hell of a dirtyy mind (;
AJ4EVAH is her stalkerr D:
Shee iss likee a sisterr too mee ;D
Shes singlee rightt noww soo guys hook on up withh herr(;
She loves too partyy like a poptartt all freakingg nightt longg ;p
haha Lovee youu girlyy (No homo)
xox Gabby
Suup? This is Anna hacking Angiiee. I call her Angie, no one else can(; . LIKE A BOSS. Anywayy, We are beliebers. & Angie does jock my shiit. ;D lmfao. Angie.. I've always trusted. I love her. I trusted her so much i told her my address. I'm aboutt.. 4-5 months older than her? She's still immature ... She needs to grow(x. Angie is a person you can trust. She's perverted. & she opens up to you when she trusts you. She's a person you defiantly want to meet. She can't watch Teen Wolf. Which i want to kick her a** for that, but. Its alright. :3 Angie... angie... Angie... How your very weird... Hahah. Love you!(:
Love, Anna. AKA Mustachiio -