Otogakure had now become home, but it really wasnt. And its an interesting, and entirely unpleasant feeling. Not that Sasuke really felt that Konoha was his home anymore, either. He was homeless. When he became sullen and lethargic because of his displacement, Orochimaru's lips curled down and he told Sasuke Uchiha do not behave in such a childish manner. The way he said Uchiha was degratory and a little mocking. Sasuke suddenly wished that they were all here, even Itachi, to slit the man's throat and show just how inferior his dirty blood was.
There wasnt anything in the way of comfort in Otogakure. The fortress was soundtight, giving a still and lifeless feel, and unlike the myriad colorful buildings of Konoha, stacked one ontop of the other in seemingly endless rows, Otogakue was small, dull, and horrible efficient. Trade was done in secret, outside of the village, and produce was transfered in during the night by silence. Food, clothing, weapons, the neccessities were distributed to the "villages" inhabitants by chuunin selected to do so.
If he so wanted, Sasuke could walk through the streets during the day, but they were always uncomfortably quiet. Normally the lack of people and noise would comfort him, a reprieve from the chaos of artificial congeneality, but here it was just uncomfortable. Walking throught the streets, where no sun reaches through the thick canopy overhead, there is a sense of unease, of constant survealence. Sasuke hated hated hated touching people, but pushing through the morning rush in Konoha, he'd been able to dissapear, become one unimportant face amongst a thousand.
And he hates it here. The muted sound of everything, the complacency of the people, the styerylized smell of the main compound. They were in the middle of the forest, and not a single plant grew aside from the trees. No animals were ever to be seen, birds to be heard, it was like any life he might catch a glimpse of was false, a painting of a painting.
E d i b l e F l o w e r · Wed Jul 01, 2009 @ 08:41pm · 0 Comments |
Personality Type: Misanthropic Hobo
Gift Me: White/Black Ink [or your love biggrin ]

if i could crush my little heart dont you think i would?
E d i b l e F l o w e r · Tue Jun 30, 2009 @ 02:13pm · 0 Comments |
Eee~ so i found a bunch of old photos on my parents old computer while looking for my senior pics, i shall post them. even though this is taking foreeeeever. this computer is sooooo sloooooooow. and. it took like half an hour to round up the pics. they were all in one file (like 3000 of them) in a really old version of iphoto Dx
first some from a year ago springbreak. went to Hawaii (i actually hated it, but THAT is a looong story) the scenery was nice, at least.

there was Plumeria everywhere, it smells so good. and it doesnt look like a real flower, but it is. very poisonous, too <3

and then there was the Banyan trees, they grow up really gib and then the branchs grow out parrallel to the ground, sometimes only like four or five feet above it. sometimes a part of a branch will grow straight down like a new truck. it looks really weird cause its all ONE tree. i called it Banyan-san.

i had to take a picture of this sign xD

and we drove up to the mountains, they were really beautiful.


the resort we stayed at had a lot of wild life...
 a gecko i found in the bathroom xD <3

including some penguins xDDD (but they looked really sad u.u )

thats it for that, then i also found some pics from easter

some henna i did on my friends feet~<3 i painted her nails too xD

and last but not least, one of my crappy home made senior pics. i dont want to use it.
E d i b l e F l o w e r · Sat May 02, 2009 @ 12:30am · 0 Comments |
My teeth are healing up nicely. it didnt hurt at all, and i remember everything Dx the worst part really was the IV. The dentist stuck it in my hand and fished around with it for like three minutes. Then he called a nurse lady ver and they whispered and looked concerned. Poked around some more (and that hurt) and finally looked at me and said "Dont be alarmed, but... youre vessel ruptured"
So then he switched over to the other side and said "I hope all youre veins arent so fragile lol" (the lol was implied). Yeah... I got it done over spring break, so that was fun.... they wanted to prescribe me Vicodine, but my mom said no. They ended up going with Percacet, but I didnt even need to take anything.
Prom was... Im glad I went. Shannon asked me to go and I was really happy, but a little scared too and it ended up not being what I expected. It was just a lot of loud shitty music and sweety teenagers grinding together in one huge mass.
My worst nightmare =u =' so many different people touched me. But I looked nice, two different people I didnt know told me I looked like a vampire. I think thats a good thing. Im pretending its a good thing. If I get the pictures from my friend Ill post them.
E d i b l e F l o w e r · Fri May 01, 2009 @ 06:30am · 0 Comments |
>____< Im getting my wisdom teeth cut out in a couple days. Im really scared, cause when I was at the dentist the other day they went over all the things that can potentially go wrong (Im "going under" wink and theyre all like "Well, you could become permanently paralyzed on one saide of your face, or we could hit a nerve which would be excruciatingly painful, or you could drown in your own blood" and Im like OwO "but those things never really happen... right" and the doctor goes ".... <___<' they happen every now and then"
And apparently Im ggoing to be conscious through the whole procedure, cause they need to tell me when to open/close my mouth, and when its over Ill get up and walk to the car, but Im not going to remember any of it <_________<''' soooooo it'll be strange. Yeah... and prom is just a few weeks away! I can only hope I dont get an infection of dry socket or anything u.u
Oh!~ But speaking of prom, I got a gorgeous dress! Its this really sheer satiny fabric and its dark dark purple, like almost black, and Im getting it tailored to fit me perfectly (its very... complimenting of the body o wo) and Im gunna go to the salon and get a really fancy updo!~ ^ ^
I almost died yesterday <..<' I let Iwo-chan out for a few hours, and when I came back into my room she was sitting on my dressor and her little paws were all covered in this drak red stuff that looked just like blood = 3=; I thought she was dying or the cat had gotten in or something, but then I picked her up and she left hot pink paw prints all over my very white shirt. So shes fine (Igave her a bath in the sink and she hated it xD) but I still dont know what she got into.
E d i b l e F l o w e r · Sat Mar 28, 2009 @ 06:02pm · 0 Comments |
I got new glasses! And they're super pretty!~
My mom has been nagging non-stop =__= my teachers, too. She infected them with worry. She has told me at least four times in the past week "I dont care if you dont graduate on time, as long as you get scholarships." ...thanks, mom, I can tell you really care. And besides (and Ive told her this) I fully intend on graduating with the rest of my class : /
Yesterday she was being all hardcore drill sargeant like, I was looking into this scholarship that involves writing a four page essay on one specific aspect of the Holocaust. She told me that I had to finish the entire essay in a single day, no excuses. She forced me to stay at the computer and work on it. Now, I like to consider myself a fairly morbid person, but even that is too much for me. And I am so not the type that can sit for hours on end and concentrate, let alone work on a single task. Especially not a task that even college professors generally allot a time frame of two weeks for.
On top of that, she also expected me to clean my room from top to bottom, do my chores, and finish an extensive research project for my government class that let me note doesnt even have a due date.
Do I have to say at this point that I hate her?
Im actually looking forward to moving out. I never thought I would, cause to be perfectly honest Im scared shitless of the "outside" world, but I dont know how much longer I can stand her. Every single time I am on the same floor in the house as her (we dont have to be in the same room, if she hears my footsteps, she yells for me) she nags. She will literally ask me about the same things dozens of times per day, as though she just doesnt remember asking me not half an hour ago.
She constantly complains about everything, from her "horrible" living conditions to the weather, she is never happy about anything. If I, on the other hand, so much as mention how it would be beneficial to me if I could finish writing a poem Im working before vacuuming the living room, she mimicks my voice in a disgusting high pitched wine and scrunches up her face at me and tells me not to be pathetic.
And of course, there are the random, unprovoked outbursts. Me and my disgusting little brother actually have a truce of sorts going on. Everyday when we get home we consult each other on her disposition (depending on who got home first). The other day she randomly freaked and yelled (and [********] can she yell) "DEVIN YOU'RE ******** PISSING ME OFF" because he apparently didnt take his shoes off at the door.
About a week before that she flipped at me because I was complaining about the laundry. Let me explain. I have expressly stated to ALL of my family members that if I have clothes ready to be dried, they are to ask me to dry them. Not to do it themsleves. On this day an entire load of my favorite shirts were dried, and shrunk beyond all reasonable hope of saving. I was upset.
In response she stomped down the hall and yelled loud enough for our neighbors to hear "THIS ISNT ******** FAIR" under the assumption, somehow, that I was trying to shirk my laundry duties off onto her. She then proceeded on a very long rant about how it isnt fair that she has to do all the work around the house.
I dont know what is wrong with her, but she lives in a very strange world. A world in which she seems to be under great pressure doing constant work for her family. I know I must sound like a typical teenager, I have it so bad, my moms a d**k, ect. And sometimes I mistakenly think that that is so. That I am over exagerating these things to myself.
A few days ago I was at my dads house, and he did something he rarely does (in fact, I cant remember, prior to this event, the last time he did this); he bad mouthed my mom (something she loves to do about him, as often as possibly in fact). He said that the entire time he was married to her she never did anything. She never cooked, she never cleaned, she never left the house, She sat at home, every single day, and watched Opera. The same thing that, ten years later, she does now.
I am so afraid I might end up like her (thats part of why Im actually sort of trying to keep my friends now, that make me someone better).
E d i b l e F l o w e r · Tue Mar 17, 2009 @ 04:19am · 0 Comments |