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Crumbs of Delicous Baked Goods I like to write stories thogh I probably won't put any in here and I like poetry too. I'll probably write about my boring daily occurences though I'll try not to do it so much.^-^

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well again its been like a year since i posted in here...
i had a wonderful 18th birthday!
and i had a bunch of friends over and had a blast!!
to be honest not that much is new... funny huh?
well im still with 'squee and that makes it over a year and a half with us and we havent even done the whole "break" thing or whatever.
well my friend still lives in colorado but w/e shes happy there and thats neat! shes six months pregnant and good for her! its gonna be a boy^-^
well since i mentioned 300 in the last post i have to say that i saw meet the spartans and when i went to see it i expected it to be on par with epic movie but i actually enjoyed it and laughed out loud in the threatre!! rare occasion!
well im a senior in highschool now but im probably gonna have to take another year cause i ******** off for the past three years... and im now just starting to get down to business...
well this past year has had its troubles... my bf and i have gotten into some fights but what couple doesnt right?
well were getting along nicely now... hes nearly living with me now...
well most of my friends have moved away so now i hang out with his friends mostly while im not at school. luckily i still have some friends there! whew!
ive been really freaked out lately aswell... its weird my emotions are all ******** up and it sucks! and i dont know what to do about it!! i mean my doctor says to take some antidepressants and stuff and i tried it and it worked for a while then it just doesnt anymore.... and then when its not really makeing any difference i just forget to take it and it becomes a useless expence in the household...
oh one of my bestest friends ever!! his user name on here is nakid ninja yea hes joining the Navy so he can pay for collage. i nearly had a 'nipshun (thats how i spell it!) fit wheni found out untill he told me that hes only gonna be cooking and not fighting or anything like that and im all DAMN SKIPPY!!!
and the school hes needing help going to is baking school too^-^ i cant wait til he opens himself up his own restaurant! id go there everyday!!! like no tomorrow!! like i couldnt stuff enoiugh cookies into my gullet!!! i would get so sick though but it would be worth it to help keep his business afloat... cause ive been there when somebody you care about has a business and it just falls apart like THAT and yea... so id help him out as much as possible!!
well my a** hurts from stitting so long so ima go for now and i might post again in here if i remember... or i might be gone for another year or something... but whatever its not like anybody even reads these so yea....
ill see you all later... all=nobody?
well laters!!!!
oh sorry for the near complete clack or capitalization, punctuation or paragraphing... wow my english teacher would have a stroke....

hey sorry for not writing in so long. a lot of things in my llife have changed though, but ill try to keep it short for your reading pleasure lol. well first of all i have found the best bf ever! i love him so much, i have been with him for nearly 7 months now. his account is named `squee. he would be on the top of my friends but of course you cant pick with this kind of profile...and lets of my best friends is moving away and that really sucks, shes moving to colorado to be with her bf. its sweet though. today is my birthday as well, i was reading through my journal and i realized that i put something about my b-day last year too...ive been on gaia for a year and like three months^-^ i didnt get anything for my gaiaversary *cries* jk but i hope i get something for my b-day lol oh and my bf is taking me to go see 300 tonight and out to dinner as well its really awesome and to make it even better my really good friend is coming down to visit from where he moved to and i havent seen him in about 2 years so this rocks lol and i have to make him a cake cause i missed his b-day in december. sorry for rambling on and on theres a lot more to say and if you really want to know PM me and well talk^-^ oh and sorry for not posting any poetry so far i guess i just havent written anything i think is worth while lol and yea if you want art PM for that too. well talk to you all later then.

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guess what? i just made my first successful thread^_^ yup it got up to 21 pages and it was "i want to kill you" it was about killing people and turing them into clothing and it was cool and morbid and macabre too heehee i love the macabre i actually love it enough to be able to spell it go me!! yea it was really cool and bloody and cute lovey...yea i managed to fit that in... its a talent i can add lovey anything anywhere but im best at putting it in morbid things....hehe... but yea nothings really happened between now and then...wait yea it has that guy i was talking about in the last entry is single again and im going to the movies with him tomorrow night and hopefully he can stay over too heehee wink but whatever right? what happens happens and maybe we can watch bambi again too that was fun we critiqed bambi...yea^_^ that was great and i introduced him to ramen...that was funny cause hes 17 and never had fact i think im going to go eat some now...i just realized that i am perpetually in stock of ramen...i cant remember a time in my life where there wasnt ramen around...oh well yea whatever so yea bubye now

the guy i really like got a gf and yea i feel like venting to whoever is willing to read this. Yea he got a gf and im pissed but mostly im really sad..... ive liked this guy for years no its not like some stalking thing we hang out and stuff and talk and stuff and ive always flirted with him and all and hed never noticed it. i dont know..... i mean im happy for him that hes got a girl now i mean if hes happy its great but its not all his happieness is mine or anything sure im happy for him and all but it still suxx!!!!!! i just read the word probed........... sorry about that...... i still like him so i might just chill for a bit or just go for another guy whatever happens happens and thats why i havent gone all emo or homicidal or anything but yea whatever yea that felt great to vent like that thanks to whoever read this through and tolerated my immiture bitching i just needed to say something even if it was to people on gaia........ so yea thanks for that^-^

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dear diary
i fell in love today..... not really........... i have been i love and still am but that wond stop me from being with other guys... a whore? no ill just never be with him... officially that is......... ive been with him if you know what i mean a few times and i hang out with him regularly but he loves another chick so i sit and dont expect anything more from him and get other guys too^-^................w00t for random entries huh? domokun DOMO!!!!!!!!!!!!

yesterday was my birthday!!!!!!!!! wooo do i get any gifts? domokun

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"If the plural for octopus is octopi and the plural for cactus is cacti shouldnt the plural for a**s be ani?"

--Girls Guide to Vampires
Katie McAlister

Isn't it all prettyful yeyyy! heart

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