A Tragic Tangle
Spiders crawling upon my limbs Spin florescent webs of lies That coat the fiber of my skin Amidst frustrated cries.
The scratching of their tango, As they construct their lines divine, Creates a hidden mess of cobweb coats, While on the Garden’s olden time.
The curling of my toes reject Their fangs so sharp and fatal. It is never impossible to detect, Such a tragic tangle.
They crawl upon my lips, my brow, And cloak my calm and placid face, With bristles hidden as unworthy vows, They grow to fornicate.
Upon my legs and arms they breed, As maggots in a boney skull. Their kind never seems to recede, No matter how hard I pull.
And entering my secret cave, They devour my integrity, And rape me like a bleeding slave, Amidst their curls of secrecy.
And over my skin lays such disgust, A matted mess that I cannot bear, The plague that is filled with lust, is really just strands of my hair.
*Commissioned by TheChad765
Leeches upon my barren flesh Rip and tear my skin apart. Their wounds are so nicely fresh, As they burrow to my heart.
An aroused tongue proceeds to lick the blood seeping from my lips, And thorns, my hand, they p***k As their poisonous fangs still drip.
Venom courses through my veins, As my organs are devoured. They slither in my brain, And erase me by the hour.
A clear and viscous liquid, Pours out my somber mouth. Their legs are soft and tepid, As they begin to travel south.
Into my pupils, they burrow, Maggots enveloping my eyes. My eyebrows start to furrow, As the dim light fades and dies.
Their teeth are sharp as knives, Though they’re barely seen at all, And they travel with their hives, Nesting places that will fall.
Their bite results in ice Cloaking my sharp demise. The cool air crawls like mice Upon my skin with such surprise.
My hands shiver in the frost, of their destructive wake. What is the hidden cost, of the life they seem to take?
And in my skin protruding, are the parasites of death. They always are eluding, Hell’s putrid, fiery breath.
Once they finish consuming, Ravaging my sanity, their ears will begin fuming, With hunger for vanity.
Their angry teeth seem to gnaw, At my timid capillaries, Eradicating every flaw, That they discover within me.
They twist my frail arteries, And tie them tightly in a knot, Leaving remnants of their feces, To decorate their plot.
And from the moonlit tide, Of my empty veins, Forcing their way inside, They bring the pouring rains.
Into my lungs they flow, Thriving amidst the hurricane. Diving inwards, they know, That they shall win this game.
They squeal in my alveoli, Birthing babies with such care. In the maze of my divine temple, they do not pay the fare.
My shallow ocean starts to weep, While they journey from my chest. They gnaw into my belly deep, As their offspring slash my breasts.
They spring into their journey, Proliferating inside my cells, And pierce through my spleen, Releasing the gastric fluid well.
And inside my intestines, They consume my dying flame. Their mission is clandestine, But their actions are not tame.
I sense their tender touches, Beneath their loving graze, For within their spikey brushes, They relish the corpse deranged.
My neck slumps upon my shoulders, As they penetrate my ovaries. They ******** my female boulders, As I moan a piercing scream.
And in a barren wasteland, An infant has been stillborn, Its cries of bones demand, The pure milk of a whore.
A hybrid of two species: A worm and humanoid, Enjoy half of one entity, And the other half, avoid.
It suckles for a swift escape, Dissolving muscle with its blood, And my cave it masturbates, As it drowns in placental mud.
I groan as it proceeds, Down the carnival-strewn path, But in my core, I bleed, From its tainted Satanic wrath.
Tentacles probe my mind, While my heart is discarded. My dignity is left behind, And my lips, parched, are parted.
I recover from such ecstasy In time to greet my own resolve: To know that I shall find defeat, And that my life shall soon dissolve.
I feel their tiny lips kiss my cold and deadened face; Death would be such bliss, To their remorseless chase.
And as my chest rises lower, My nostrils become filled; My heart rate grows slower, As I experience a chill.
My ghost rises in distress, Holding onto my form, My pain, I cannot express, Amidst the parasitic storm.
A Love For the Ages
We come together as friends and foes, To put aside our troubles and woes, And join these two people as one entity, Through the beauty of a ceremony.
Their hearts are filled with love so pure, That through the centuries it shall endure, And in their eyes, one finds inner peace, For their souls, united, have been made complete.
In every embrace and loving kiss, They find the meaning of true bliss, And even though these circles are mere golden rings, They represent the happiness that love brings.
For surpassing the star-crossed lovers at their death, And avoiding the mutiny ‘tween Lord and Lady Macbeth, From Puck’s quick wit to his flowery pits, This love is no ruse of the mind or spirits.
And in these bands of golden air, One finds the greatest love to bear, From now until eternity, Your hearts shall fuse in unity.
And with this union, their hearts beat as one, For glorious Aphrodite has won, The fight of epochs and years past, In these two, love has found a niche at last.