The once was a Kingdom named Soltice, a beautiful place filled with lush orchards and green fields. Soltice was run by the kind and benevolent King Cardin.
 King Cardin And his well loved son, Prince Gareth. With the passing of the Queen, King Cardin decided it was time his son took a wife, unwilling to run the kingdom alone for much longer.
 (Prince Gareth at the Queen's grave.) The king announced that his son would marry the first woman who proved her worth to the king, regardless of status, origin, or race. The news of the announcement traveled quickly throughout the Kingdom of Soltice until everyone knew of the declaration. Women from all reaches of the kingdom lined up to impress the king, but King Cardin hated them all.
Tired of seeing the heartless, selfish women of the kingdom, the Prince ran off to be alone one day. Dressing as commonly as he could, he wandered through his kingdom looking for something to fill the void he felt in his heart. Alas, in every town he came to, he found only selfish women with their hearts bent on money. Feeling lonely and depressed, he fled from civilization, delving deep into the woods, believing there was nothing. But to his surprise, he found himself in an orchard filled with lush fruiting trees and the greenest trees he'd ever seen. Enchanted by the beauty of the nature he'd never been allowed to enjoy, the prince began to wonder through the orchard. A soft humming caught his attention and he ran to find the owner of such a beautiful voice. Before his stood the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. Her long, dark blond hair flowed easily behind her, and her light blue eyes entranced him.
Unable to help himself, Prince Gareth approached the woman, but at the sight of him, she screamed and began to back away. "I have nothing." She cried at him. "Nothing for you to steal, nothing for you to take. Please, leave me be!" She fell to her knees and began to sob.
 (Kylis in the Orchard.) Shock filled the prince at the woman's words. Did she not recognize him? Was that possible? He'd never met a person who had not known his name, his face, his title, or his birth right, yet here was a woman who thought he was a mere thief.
 (Princess Eveline)
Vialet_Napisom · Sat Nov 24, 2012 @ 10:22pm · 0 Comments |