I Like roleplaying, writing, acting.. And Than there are things you have to find out for yourself.
Find your Celestial Choir
I'm currently questing for several things, but for my profile quest. I want this <3

Total Value: 100,017,081 Gold, 336,500 Tickets
After Exclusions: 100,016,321 Gold, 336,500 Tickets
Item List:
Royal Crown Black= 650,000 gold or 315,000 tickets
#0000FF Complex Shirt= 6,131 gold
Those Black 90s Pants= 2,500 gold
Black Wulf Tail= 760 gold (already have)
Stealth EvoBlack Boots= 5,890 gold
Long Drag= 26,900 gold or 13,000 tickets
Romani Glasses= 1,800 gold
Ace of Spades= 16,534 gold or 8,500 tickets
Red Rose Corsage=100,000,000 gold
If it says gold or tickets for a certain item, I would seriously prefer the tickets. The corsage may actually never happen... but I hope it does. I never thought I'd say this but.. I really need donations on this one. After all, I'm going to write a story in my journal about it.
Thanks to these people who make my dream avi come true:
Tshadowdoom ~ my friend in RL since kindergarten.
Pallas_the_assassin~ I can never thank you enough.