This is pretty cool, yo. = )
My sister recently bought a tablet, (Wacom Bamboo Tablet, to be exact) and she's allowed me to use it. I LOVE YOU IF YOU'RE READING THIS LYDIA. Anyways, I've kind of been playing around on it and doodling...because that's what I do when you give me a touch pad pen and a smooth surface tablet. I doodle. And here's what I've come up with:

It's pretty cool I think.
I originally opened up the program to draw a full on grunny in a pink tankini at some kind of spoof bunny pageant... But I'm a tablet noob, and I can't get my hand to be very steady while I draw. So it ended up being a head like that... I kept adding to the head. I outlined it...and then I gave it sunglasses. (My sunglasses, actually. These nice big new white ones I bought at Cannon Beach that look WAAAAY better than in the picture.)
Anyways, by drawing this and a few other doodles I'm starting to realize that my style is Western, completely unlike the anime and manga styling of many on this sight...

I tried to do something anime-ish for a friend, and it ended up looking like the picture of her avatar to the right. I really love the dress, and the eyepatch (I used a special brush to get the blood on there).The glove is iffy, and I could have done better shading with the skin and eyes. But overall I feel VERY accomplished. This whole thing has inspired me to do an art blog.
And by Art Blog I'm not talking about something like Hyperbole and a Half (if you don't know it, look it up, she's hilarious.) For the most part, I would want the blog to be full of pixellated art I drew with the tablet, and not Microsoft Paint, and said art would be edited on Photoshop to fit the theme...and that THEME would be humor. Like spoofs. Or something ridiculous I can make fun of, like the Kardashians or Snooki a& Jwow. (A show that, by the way, I'm addicted to.) However I would also want to include little life-story segments, and maybe illustrate those segments like she did...but it would be mostly a comic strip. More art, less writing.
This is all just what I'm taking into consideration. I used to blog, many a fortnight ago. = ) But I've sorta given up on blogging, because the blogging I did was personal, and all about myself. There wasn't anything fun or artsy...which made it kind of boring.
Anyways, I figure I'll practice my art skillage so that, maybe one day, I can do something like that Art/Personal blog...which the more I talk about, the more it actually does kind of sound like Hyperbole and a Half. o.o