" OMG School's over? You got to be kidding me! But no, it really is! Now is time for me to do my own stuff. Get my nails done, hangout with friends, dye my hair, and just sleep all day! "

My reaction the first day of summer... It is only a week later that I realize..., I'M BORED! Yes I got my nails done, yes I hanged out with friends but now they're all gone, yes I dyed my hair, and yes I sleep all day! But now what?! This is why I'm posting this entry, 'cause I'm.bored. This is sad, but come on, I know I'm not the only one! So anyways, now here I am, on Gaia 'cause I got nothing else to do. I mean, I love Gaia, it is my life, I really enjoy it, but most us do it because we're bored... It's true...
But soon I won't be so bored ( well I hope ), because I'm leaving for the U.S on Monday!! Hells yes! You have no idea how excited I am, to leave Shanghai, and go meet up my old friends, visit my school, and just party all day/night long!! We gonna get so drunk and have so much fun! (; I miss you guys so much!
An other thing about summer, it's camp... I'm leaving for the U.S on Monday, true, but my second week there, I'll be spending it at a Tennis Camp... Well it might actually be fun, I've never been to any before, but I don't know anyone... -.- I wish my friends went, but no, they're lucky enough to not have to go... But I guess it'll help me get un-bored? Oh but you guys know what's funny? One of my friends in Shanghai, Josephine (josie_lol_) is going to a tennis camp too! o: . When I heard about that, I was like "******** Yes", until she told me it was in France... Ugh. I wish we would go to the same one, it would have been so much fun!! D:
Anyways, I'm getting hungry... And I got nothing else to talk about. Ima go grab some junk food downstairs, byeeee!

My reaction the first day of summer... It is only a week later that I realize..., I'M BORED! Yes I got my nails done, yes I hanged out with friends but now they're all gone, yes I dyed my hair, and yes I sleep all day! But now what?! This is why I'm posting this entry, 'cause I'm.bored. This is sad, but come on, I know I'm not the only one! So anyways, now here I am, on Gaia 'cause I got nothing else to do. I mean, I love Gaia, it is my life, I really enjoy it, but most us do it because we're bored... It's true...
But soon I won't be so bored ( well I hope ), because I'm leaving for the U.S on Monday!! Hells yes! You have no idea how excited I am, to leave Shanghai, and go meet up my old friends, visit my school, and just party all day/night long!! We gonna get so drunk and have so much fun! (; I miss you guys so much!
An other thing about summer, it's camp... I'm leaving for the U.S on Monday, true, but my second week there, I'll be spending it at a Tennis Camp... Well it might actually be fun, I've never been to any before, but I don't know anyone... -.- I wish my friends went, but no, they're lucky enough to not have to go... But I guess it'll help me get un-bored? Oh but you guys know what's funny? One of my friends in Shanghai, Josephine (josie_lol_) is going to a tennis camp too! o: . When I heard about that, I was like "******** Yes", until she told me it was in France... Ugh. I wish we would go to the same one, it would have been so much fun!! D:
Anyways, I'm getting hungry... And I got nothing else to talk about. Ima go grab some junk food downstairs, byeeee!
[u:def3fe8a17]My dream avi! >.<
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[u:def3fe8a17]My dream avi! >.<
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