I do not know you. Why are you here?
bandit of the night
Community Member
Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 @ 02:46am
14, 43, 33, 29, 57, 73
14. SpeedTo go faster was all that he desired on these rides of his. The rush of adrenaline better than any drug, and superior in his eyes. Feliu need not slow down as the light switched to yellow, instead a burst of speed was all he needed.
With the lights flying past him in streams, and only the roar of the engine that he had underneath him. He was happy...
He felt free.-x- 43. Vain“It wouldn’t kill you to fix yourself up once in awhile.”
Those brown eyes looked up from the coffee cup, a blank look in them. It seemed like a zombie was looking at him with those eyes. The black circles denoting lack of sleep giving her even more of a other worldly appearance. They were both silent staring at each other before he shook his head and looked back at the people passing them on the street.
“Nevermind. Stupid thought.” -x- 33. Call The phone never rang in the apartment.
Whenever someone needed to contact her, they would call Feliu’s line. If they did not need to talk to her, then it was Feliu. Why there was even a phone in the apartment, or in her room was quiet a mystery. It wasn’t until one Saturday afternoon did she hear it echo down the hall.
The sound had been alien to her, eyes searching for Feliu’s who looked back at her. He also did not know who would call them. It took several moments before either of them stood up, Feliu’s hand reaching for the phone and gracefully brushing blonde hair behind his ear before he placed the receiver there. She listened to his hushed voice for a moment and then a smile reached her face, along with Feliu’s.
Wrong number.-x- 29. Automatic When something doesn’t look human, the automatic human response is shock.
Instead all she did was toss the kid a pair of pants and a gun. His large hands catching each easily with a blank look in his golden eyes. She didn’t have time for shock. So what that the kid had hair that reached his thighs, so what that he had a pair of horns growing out of his head. There were people at the door trying to kill her, and really appearances were nothing to worry about. -x- 57. Deprecate It is rare for people to come up to her. They are foolish men and women that do not have common sense to avoid her presence. Their babbling is unimportant, and all she does is sip her coffee, until a question comes up that always makes her smile.
“So what do you do for a living?”
“I kill people.” -x- 73. Master When you can master something you have power.
To master the ability to control fire, that is the most dangerous and difficult. Fire is a living thing even though it has no pulse. It still can be described as “dying”, and “roaring to life”.
bandit of the night
Community Member
Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 @ 03:40am
Bailer and Sakari

Humans are an adaptable race.
They have the ability to live in the harshests of climates to the cold ice capped mountains of the Raidanna Country to the harsh heat of the Gratuna Desert. This wasteland used to be a utopia before the war, but now it was just an obstacle to pass to get to the bustling empire of King Elmwin. Caravan companies were a risk, and trading was also a hazard across this desert plane with bandits, sandstorms, along with giant creatures willing to attack any unwary traveler. The pay-out though was profitable.
But because of these dangers, merchants hired the caravan companies for protection. The best warriors were tried and tested to escort high paying merchants and clients across the desert. In the city of Carlot, this was where they were chosen and picked to go across the desert and one was waiting at the doors of the caravan company: Asheda’s “Arena”... In actuality it was just a round fenced area and in the early morning the sun beating down on the stranger’s wide brimmed hat made many passer by’s wonder if they were sweating. The hat was tilted up slightly blue eyes staring out at the sandy scene as a group of very burly men started to walk towards the cloaked figure.
The stranger stood up brushing the sand off the brown poncho as those crystal blue eyes looked up at the large men glaring down at them. A smile came on a slim, feminine face, along with a tip of the hat. The men just looked at the small stranger, some of them chuckling taunting, and pushing the stranger forcefully back into the fence. A grunt was heard the hat falling off revealing a mop of short blonde hair, eyes looking up with an annoyed gaze now.
“Now what was that for?”
The men kept on laughing at the stranger the leader stepping forward, “What are ya doin’ ‘ere boy? Ya won’ las a minute out there...”
“Boy?” A tilt of the head and a smile came to the stranger’s face as the poncho was pulled back revealing a leather chest plate along with a brand, “Sir I am a Knight, given the title by the King of Raidanna himself.”
“I dun’ care if yer the duke of Woiele I sugges’ ye go back where ya came from,” The man gave a sneer, “Or we’ll make ya.”
There was a chuckle, “I’d like to see you try...”
The large man just turned to his men giving a taunting smirk before trying to throw a sucker punch. This was easily dodged, the man’s hand grabbed and locked in a hold as a slim booted leg kicked out and landed a shot in the gut. Another goon came in the stranger made a turn pulling the leader’s hand behind his back using him as a shield as the goon gave a nice hit to his leader. She then pushed the leader back to the crowd, and removed her poncho in a swift motion revealing a short sleeved tunic underneath her leather chest plate.
The leader growled and was about to move in again on the defending stranger before he was grabbed from behind by a very rough hand. All seemed to freeze as a deep voice cleared and spoke, “Is that how you treat a lady?”
The stranger relaxed slightly giving a warm smile over behind the man and batted her eyelashes, “Hi Honey.”
Bailer gave a look over at his wife Sakari the blonde giving an innocent look as the men around her looked flabbergasted. He just tightened his grip on the man’s shoulder pulling him away, and out into the street. The man glanced back at Bailer who unlike his wife, wasn’t petite or boyish looking at all...
He was all man, his black hair was in an unkempt ponytail, dark skin marked him as one coming from one of the southern countries. His features were sharp, and his cheek looked slightly sunken from a white scar. He crossed his arms over his chest, the reigns in his hands jingling as his horse whinnied. The cargo shimmering in the sunlight revealing true metal armor, which at the moment was perched on the horse’s back along with other supplies needed for journey. Another horse stood by which Sakari pranced over to petting the animal’s nose and cooing into its ear. A bow, crossbow, and a quiver of attached to its saddle.
A glare from Bailer’s gray eyes was all that was needed to disperse the little group a giggle coming from Sakari as she hugged Bailer’s middle, “So how did the shopping go?”
A groan just came from Bailer as he shook his head, “You’re lucky I love you...”
Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 @ 03:41pm
Judas Hex
-cough- Uhm... I entered Gaian Tenkaichi Budoukai because I thought it would help better my ability to write action scenes... so uhm... ^^; Yeah here's Judas.
I like his character, I also got a sketch of him so when I get a scanner I'll put that up too.
Name: Judas Hex
Race: Human
Age: 26
Height: 6'2
Weight: 200
Appearance: Blonde messy haystack hair, narrow black eyes, and bushy eyebrows. Wears a chestplate and shoulder armor that is in need of polishing. His skin is tanned from travel, and his gray eyes always look like he's half asleep. His face is long, and lean.
Brief Bio: A knight...
Well actually he's just an adventurer, and a gambler. He started out in a normal looking city, learned a bit of magic. At the age of seven at least was when his training was started in his family, the items passed onto him when he was sixteen. He then had plenty of time to train with the weapons.
Being that the time of the knights died, he just travels around from place to place. He didn't start gambling until he met a girl that tried to scam him out of some money, wich was Boom. He doesn't know her real name, and being called Boom is good enough for her.
Skills: Ability to use small magic such as barriers, with the help of his medallion. Uses his sword mostly in fighting.
Equipment: He has one sword that has two forms, one form is what he carries around strapped on his back. The blade rusted, hilt dirty and the sword looking like it would break after one swing. When he fights It changes into a sword that has a blade of a white color, with jesters engraved on it. Its' grip is of a silver metal with a boat painted on it in gray.
His amulet is a coin with a picture of a skeleton on one side, and then writing on the other side.... That he doesn't know what it means.
On the inside of his chestplate is a small charm that keeps it intact, even though the looks of it seem just like the sword he carries around. Tarnished and in need of replacement, although it's been good for him.
Other: He has to have both items when he fights, or else one of them doesn't work. The sword won't transform without the medallion, and the medallion will not help at all with his magic.
bandit of the night
Community Member
Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 @ 12:19am
Story Time
"So what?"
"What do we do now?"
Brown eyes blinked slowly as they looked up at the gray, cloudy sky. The weather person had said it would be raining all day, but since that morning a drop has not fallen. She bit her chapped lips and shrugged as she let her eyes wander down to the pool of blood at her feet. "I was hoping you had an idea..."
A pair of gray eyes blinked at the body of a man before them. Business suit, clean hair, nice shoes, anything but a homeless man on the street. Had attacked them for no reason, and now was dead. The police wouldn't believe their story, they hardly had a scratch on them. The police was probably working for whoever hired this guy.
"Well s**t then..." A frustrated look came onto his face as he turned away from the body and looked at the brick wall of the building behind them. "Toni. What the hell did you do?"
"I killed him." She blinked her eyes again, her gaze not leaving the pool of blood on the floor.
"I know that. But why does he want to kill you?"
Toni looked up and gave him a grim smile, "Y'sure you're not the one they want killed Nix?"
The man took a deep breath, as that thought hit him. But why would they want to kill either of them, he was just a cashier at the local grocery store, and Toni worked in an office building as an accountant. What did they do to get shot at?
"s**t..." he uttered as he started walking out of the alley.
Toni watched him for a moment before following, "Is that all you can say?"
"No... I can say more colorful words to describe our situation... But I hardly think they are appropriate."
Toni rolled her eyes and ran to catch Nix's shoulder. "We just killed a guy Nix. We killed a guy!"
Nix brushed her hand off and backed away from her, "You killed him. You said it yourself. You killed him."
"I was protecting you!"
Nix sucked on his bottom lip as his eyes went to the gun still in Toni's hand. A handgun, almost the exact type that the man had been using. She had saved his life, yes, but there was something strange about it. He wasn't supposed to meet her today, he didn't even call her to help. She had just arrived, in her work suit and had shot the man. She didn't even blink when she did it, like she had done it before.
He shook his head, his blonde hair hiding confused eyes. Why was she here? How did she know he was getting shot at?
"Who are protecting me from Toni?"
And.......... That is it for the day... Uhm... Tell me what ya think... If you want.
bandit of the night
Community Member