»»»»»»»»Grendel Black««««««««

➽Name: Grendel Farris Black
➽Age: Low-to-mid 40's
➽Species: Ex-Principality Angel (sometimes just a human] (Wings Optional)
➽Height/Weight: 6'2" 185LBS
➽Likes: Junk food, cats, Rain, Thunderstorms, A good hot meal
➽Dislikes: Cold food, Dogs, green veggies, wind
➽Personality: He's very patient, laid back, serious when the moment calls for it. Not the smartest guy ever, but street smart. Fatherly
➽Brief History: Gren grew up with Detective's blood in his veins. His father was one, and his granddad and his great granddad. However, shortly after his son was born, an outside influence drove his wife to kill their son and then herself before his eyes.
OO The system he was proud of, the police, failed to find this influence so he broke from Law and went the route of a hired hit, targeting murderers, rapists, and abusers. He was then picked up by his Syndicate, who get hired by people (including the police) to kill troublesome criminals.
➽Extra: He's quite Narcoleptic. The sleeping fits can last for seconds, or up to 14 hours. He doesn't drive because of this and relies on his partner, Uriel Road, to drive him places and watch his back. He doesn't fear pain. he's pretty hairy and a tad over weight due to his eating habits.
➽Extra Refs:✪ ✪ ✪