<a href="http://onnachance.com/quiz/fae.htm" target="new"> <img src="http://onnachance.com/quiz/fae3.gif" border=0> </a><br> <a href="http://onnachance.com/quiz/fae.htm" target="new">What type of Fae are you?</a>
Dedicated- if i get the chance, or am actually interested in what im doing. Enigimatic- i dunno what the hell that is but sure independent- ehh, i can do things for myself if i want but generally ask for adivce, especially in areas that i have less experiance in. Cold- Yes, at times, if you get me mad enough Distant- Uhhh, not to teh Kat... I only have one person that i actually know that i really trust with everything and anything. Actually know meaning i actually talk to them outside of the internet. Violent- Not since anger management... seriously
Yes i know i spelt another wrong, i meant it that way.
Taylor_169 · Wed Jun 28, 2006 @ 07:14am · 0 Comments |
Another quiz i took, and an update |

Your wings are DRAGON wings. Massive and covered in scales, they shimmer with strength and magic. They are the most obvious display of your power - though it runs equally throughout your heart and mind. You are uncompromising and grave, with a profound sense of justice. You have firm ideas about what is right and what is wrong and set out to fix what problems you can. You realize that you are more capable of dealing with life and evil than most, and as such you see it as your responsibility to protect those who cannot defend themselves. You have existed since antiquity and as such you are wise far beyond your years in this lifetime. While you strive for fairness and peace, if someone should steal from your cave of treasure (though not all that glitters is gold) or compromise the happiness of you or one who is close to you - they have signed their death warrant. You have a mighty vengeance and will unleash it upon such people immediately and mercilessly. Arguing with you is useless...you rarely back down and are known for holding firm in your beliefs. Sometimes you feel intensely burdened with the troubles of others...acting as a Guardian can get so wearisome. But you never give up...you see it as your life's mission. Often very introverted, you can be so smart...it's scary. Such a combination of intelligence, creativity, power, beauty, and magic is often intimidating to those around you - who are also unlikely to understand you. Arrogant, proud, overserious, and sometimes a bit greedy or obsessed with whatever treasure you choose to pursue...you have enchanted people for centuries, and will continue to do so.
Well everthings been goin pretty well for me lately. Got a laptop, MP3 player, racing dirtbike, racin ATV. Datin the girl ive been wantin to go out with for awhile. Ummmm, the family buisness is workin out really good, thanks to my dad. We had a 2000$ day yesterday and weve been in buisness for only about two months, which, in my opinion, is pretty damn good.
Taylor_169 · Sat Mar 25, 2006 @ 05:26pm · 0 Comments |
Well, exept for the gothic culture and the bi- sexual things. Here they are, and i'll post a link to the quiz at the end.
<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/C/chaoscomesatnite/1073353597_sDarkAngel.jpg" border="0" alt="darkangelic"><br>I'll bet you expected this answer. You already knew<br>you were a <b>DARK ANGELIC</b>, didn't you? You<br>are similar to a demon but slightly different<br>in that you don't revel in evil...you revel in<br>pleasure. Your wings resemble an angel's but if<br>that's so then you are a Fallen Angel - your<br>love of sin caused you to be cast from the<br>Heavens. They are black as raven wings and are<br>nearly as dark as your desires. You are<br>faithless and love it - you believe there is no<br>Judgement Day to fear and so you can do what<br>you want! You have a refined concept of what is<br>sexy and a slightly chaotic sense of 'fun.' In<br>fact, you love chaos and view much of what you<br>do as a game. You are typically attracted to<br>those that will challenge your mind, power, and<br>wit...and are 'dangerous' people like you. It's<br>not unlikely that you are bisexual or at least<br>open to the concept, because you seek<br>excitement and passion everywhere and in<br>everyone. Chances are you have a special talent<br>for magick - you're a powerful being and you<br>know what you want. Like a Serpent of Eden you<br>like to try your powers of seduction and<br>manipulation, though your intent is rarely to<br>cause harm. You have a deep, dark sense of art<br>and/or poetry, because your mind is a deep,<br>dark place. While typically smirking, amused,<br>and sarcastic, you are capable of severe<br>revenge and a passion and intensity unrivaled<br>by any other. In your eyes life is for<br>enjoyment and pleasure - nothing else. If<br>you're not having fun in your own twisted way,<br>you're not happy. You are easily bored with the<br>vast majority of people. You are most likely<br>drawn towards the Gothic subculture and<br>probably adore Goth music, art, and style. Many<br>people look down on your seemingly careless<br>lifestyle and may even consider you 'slutty'.<br>Not true. You just know you're sexy and you're<br>damn proud of it. Dark Angels have an outlook<br>most like Satanists - loving sin and looking to<br>none but themselves for power. Congratulations!<br>You're my kindred spirit. As far as I'm<br>concerned - you know what life is REALLY about.<br>Have fun...Muahaha.
 Yours are DEMON wings, possibly resembling those of a bat - huge, black, and clawed. You are cold and impure, and a born Creature of the Night. Possibly with an interest in those of a vampyric nature, or possibly one yourself. You have little sympathy or care for humanity and see them as existing for no real purpose - thus, you can be very manipulative and bend them to fit YOUR purpose. And you do have a purpose, to everything you do. Nine times out of ten it will be strictly for your own self gratification or perhaps merely amusement. As soon as a person or situation is no longer productive or pleasurable in your life, you will rid yourself of it or them. You could very well have just a touch of superiority complex (or perhaps more than a touch?). Despite all of this, you are capable of love so intense that you place that person's wishes even above your own - the only time that you will do so. Chances are you are attracted to people in which you see...yourself. Though many hate you for your carelessness and evil...Sexy, fierce, sinful, and mysterious...you turn me on. Image Source: http://www.tainted-visions.net/deception/images/darkangel.jpg
Taylor_169 · Sat Sep 03, 2005 @ 07:15am · 1 Comments |