His name is Dylan. Well it is a wierd story right? right. Well Thurday, June 4th, 2009..... I was walking my dog around and I was passing the City Pool. I saw this kid and I said Hi and OMG it was dyaln. Me and dlyan ment a year before that cause of a friend and we were running around in a cornfield we were not supposed to be in and yeah. THERE WAS A BIG DOGGY THING and it was gonna kills us....not really but there was one but it ran away......
Well Thursday he became my new best friend. The weirdness is ummmm When my mom and his mom and our dads were younger they used to hang out and our moms got pregnant a month apart and yeah.... Turns out they hung out during that time and they wanted their kids to be best friends and yeah.....Look where we are now. I hate my dad and he hates him mom though......
Hes cute though. LoL hes like my best friend/Brother but we kinda like each other but I like my bf and he likes his gf more....Its wierd...We are ninjas though from narnia...
XXhannah_eleitheXX · Mon Jun 08, 2009 @ 12:12am · 0 Comments |