Ages ago, a God who created planets which were empty and lifeless, sat on his watery chair which was the water that sprouted on his back, began thinking about making a new planet, but this time he wanted it different. He began to think about making a planet with life in it, a planet with joy and love, and then a magnificent idea came to him! He began searching for a comet which is perfectly formed, then in no where a good comet passed by him, then he held it on his hand, and made it grow bigger. Then when it was done, he added water into the gaping holes on the unfinished planet, then began dropping leaves from his scarf which made plants, and trees grow, and grass. Then began creating animals using the blood of his pet bear, following that, created the most intelligent beings on the planet, which were called the Humans, using the blood of the God. He created the first two humans, called Adamus and Evas, the two surprisingly liked each other, where they're love made them develop there knowledge of stuff. One day the two were strolling by a ground filled with the leaves of the fallen trees, big enough to make a little house for them, then Adamus said "hm, i think we can make use of these leaves. we can make a little covering, hm... lets call it a hut" he said, then the two started making the hut, and in a few days they finished it. Then Evas said "We should call this a house, not a hut" she said. Then years passed, the two kept developing there knowledge, and eventually learned how to give birth. Adamus and Evas made an offspring, which they called, Pedro. The god kept observing there progress, and was very impressed how fast they could develop, but more years passed, and Adamus and Evas passed away. Then the god gave a message to the humans, saying "Never thou forget the two who raised all", then the god faded into his own world, and disappeared forever!
The end!
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