I have had several visions, but only one in particular that was of more importance. It was of Caylee Anthony, the missing Florida two-year old.
I went to bed around the date of June 3rd 2008, while asleep I had a vision of a young girl with brownish hair being buried alive by her mother in a wooded area. I woke up thinking it was just a stupid dream. A few days later on June 9th 2008, it came on CNN, a two-year old missing from Florida. Noticing the face on the screen, chills went over me, knowing that was the girl from my dream, as this was the first major vision of my life so far. I watched as reporters talked and talked about the case. A few days passed. A report came that a neighbor seen the mother come out of the near by woods with a shovel, which would later be found that day in the trunk of a car along with stump remover, a key piece of evidence. They called in search dogs to search the area, nothing came up. They then dug up the yard of the grandparents and found nothing. No body, no crime. The mother, which was in jail the time of the case, did not feel any grief over the loss, and did not admit to anything. Two months passed still no word of Caylee Anthony's body. It came on the news where a near by department store had a girl on the security camera that was believed to be Caylee Anthony. Calmness went over me as I seen the video. Believing it was the child, I was later let down at the fact it was just a child that looked like her. A month passed, it is now Thursday December 11th 2008, a body has been found by a grounds keeper digging in the wooded area. The body was found in a garbage bag, and the body was nothing but hair, bones, and small pieces of flesh. The mother had used the stump remover from before to try and get rid of evidence. The body was sent to a lab in Orlando Florida and was proven to be that of Caylee Anthony. The mother felt no remorse over the fact her daughter was dead. While in the middle of writing this I felt something brush across the room, then my birds started flapping around. And I felt energy.
Caylee Anthony, may you rest in peace.
I went to bed around the date of June 3rd 2008, while asleep I had a vision of a young girl with brownish hair being buried alive by her mother in a wooded area. I woke up thinking it was just a stupid dream. A few days later on June 9th 2008, it came on CNN, a two-year old missing from Florida. Noticing the face on the screen, chills went over me, knowing that was the girl from my dream, as this was the first major vision of my life so far. I watched as reporters talked and talked about the case. A few days passed. A report came that a neighbor seen the mother come out of the near by woods with a shovel, which would later be found that day in the trunk of a car along with stump remover, a key piece of evidence. They called in search dogs to search the area, nothing came up. They then dug up the yard of the grandparents and found nothing. No body, no crime. The mother, which was in jail the time of the case, did not feel any grief over the loss, and did not admit to anything. Two months passed still no word of Caylee Anthony's body. It came on the news where a near by department store had a girl on the security camera that was believed to be Caylee Anthony. Calmness went over me as I seen the video. Believing it was the child, I was later let down at the fact it was just a child that looked like her. A month passed, it is now Thursday December 11th 2008, a body has been found by a grounds keeper digging in the wooded area. The body was found in a garbage bag, and the body was nothing but hair, bones, and small pieces of flesh. The mother had used the stump remover from before to try and get rid of evidence. The body was sent to a lab in Orlando Florida and was proven to be that of Caylee Anthony. The mother felt no remorse over the fact her daughter was dead. While in the middle of writing this I felt something brush across the room, then my birds started flapping around. And I felt energy.
Caylee Anthony, may you rest in peace.