My OC's and Other Stuff~ |
i will mainly keep descriptions of my OC's in here but a fer other things will be added. |
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Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 @ 06:06am
   To see the colors of the different sections, click the different sections of her body. (left - middle - right) In this one, clicking the middle gives you a full view of her. Full name: Tonpopo Ravii (tön-poe-poe, Rah-vee) Nick name: Ton (Tön, pronounced like on) Sex: Female Orientation: Heterosexual Age: ?? Hair color: Dark brown. Eye color: Ice Blue Height: When standing straight, Ton is 6’4 Outfit: Ton usually wears simple, natural clothing like animal hide, string or rope, feathers, and branches. Instabilities: none Residence: a forest on the planet Arborea. Other: Ton is a species known as Gen Mo’Kai (from Unreal Tournament – click here for info about the species) they usually have all green scales but she has beige under her arms, legs and belly. (Use this as color/scale reference but where the light green parts are is where the beige will be on Ton. The Gen Mo’Kai usually have tentacle or dread like tendrils for “hair”. As far as Ton goes, she has a few dreads tied on the top of her head but the rest of her hair is straight and long. Background: When Ton was a child, she was taught how to be a warrior rather than scavenger. She grew up fighting and now is the leader of her small clan. She takes care of and protects all of them. Her home is in a hidden field of dandelions in the middle of the forest Personality: Ton is calm and intuitive. She is interested in new things and new places but can never experience them because she cares more about her clan. She is beautiful and knows it quite well. In knowing this, she presents herself all the time for she, even though she is the leader, has still not found a suitor. Other Pics:
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 @ 06:04am
 Click anywhere to view the colors (skin - eye - red in outfit -- other colors are black and white--) Full name: Korii Anne La’Vinski Nick name: none Sex: Female Orientation: Isn’t sure Age: 17 Hair color: Black with red streaks and tips Eye color: Blue Green Height: 5’7 Outfit: Korii is very scene/punk rocker. She love to dress in tutu’s and leggings and shirts with pictures or designs on it. She almost always has her guitar with her and wears red, white, and black. she usually wears red lipstick and a smoky eye shadow. (i forgot to draw it on the picture XP ) Instabilities: Short tempered Residence: With her parents in their pasta shop. Other: Inside of the neck of Korii’s guitar is a katana. Her nails are long and normally painted black, red, or lack and red pattern. Background: Korii grew up with pasta loving parents who lived in the back part of their family owned pasta shop. Her parents always supported Korii in whatever she wanted to do, as long as she works at the pasta shop. Personality: Korii is outgoing, flirty, and a little bit of a show off. She always is trying to impress people by playing her guitar and having a long conversation with them about things that spark an interest. Other Pics:
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Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 @ 06:03am
   click the left, middle, r right part of the picture to view the colors. Full name: AnnaLouese Mariette Nick name: Anna Sex: Female Orientation: Heterosexual Age: 19 Hair color: Brown Eye color: brown Height: 5’7 Outfit: Anna usually wears school uniforms or some sort of suit. Instabilities: Is clumsiness an instability? Residence: Usually a school dorm. Other: nothing really too interesting about Anna Background: Anna’s parents are both graduates from the best college in the US and now that Anna has graduated high school, she is attending that same college. She lived her life for school, but sometimes wishes it was otherwise. Personality: Anna is clumsy, nervous, and all around shy. She doesn’t know how to talk to people or how to hold a conversation. She tends to make a fool of herself around people but especially boys. Ana is not too into relationships because they never work out. She believes that she isn’t very attractive even though she is a very beautiful girl Other Pics:
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 @ 06:02am
   click the left, middle, and right parts of the picture to see all colors Full name: Allouette Adelaide Nick name: None Sex: Female Orientation: Heterosexual Age: 22 Hair color: Maroon with light pink streaks in it Eye color: Maroon Height: 5’9 Outfit: Allouette wears basically the same thing all the time. (the outfit in the picture). Instabilities: None Residence: usually on her pirate ship Other: Her nails are long and she has earrings that look like small bird cages. Background: Allouette lives in medieval time and is the Commodores daughter. She always was outside looking for things she could investigate. One day, she found an old skeleton key, not knowing what it was, she ran back to her father to show him. Quickly he snatched it from her hands and hid it from her. Allouette overheard her father saying that the key was to a chest that belonged to a group of pirates and that whoever found the key was cursed. Rather than scared, Allouette was excited and eventually grew tired or living her life in luxury and wanted adventure. She ran away to become a pirate when she was in her late teens to find the lost chest that would be opened by the skull key. She became the most notorious and wealthiest of all pirates even though she is a woman. She’s fascinated with the little things or anything that can spark a hint of Adventure. She won’t stop until she finds the lost treasure. Personality: Allouette is independent and a bit snooty. When she thinks she is right, then she won’t let anyone tell her otherwise. She loves and flaunts the fact that she is a female pirate and sometimes comes off a little haughty. Other Pics:
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Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 @ 05:59am
   click left, middle, or right part of the picture to view colors. (colors not listed - black leather) Full name: Lealai Melani Nick name: None Sex: Female Orientation: Heterosexual Age: 16 Hair color: Brown Eye color: Brown Height: 4’9 Outfit: Lealai is a tomboy/steam punk kind of girl. She wears short shorts, short shirts, and short hair. She loves being comfortable and being outside so anything with too much clutter or is hard to move around in is out of the question. Though she wears showy clothing, she seems to pull off not being provocative due to her childish appearance. Instabilities: Lealai has A.D.H.D. (attention deficit hyperactive disorder) and O.C.D. (obsessive compulsive disorder) Residence: In a beach house with her parents and brother. Other: Lealai has ear piercings and usually wears some sort of long earrings. Background: Lealai basically grew up taking care of her lazy, couch potato, parents. Her brother always hid in his room due to his extreme shyness so if she ever hangs out with him, it usually is because he is being dragged into something. Lealai gained the “do this for me because I don’t feel like it” as she grew older. They all ley in their own filth, but the only thing that keeps Lealai from doing nothing is the fact that she loves the outdoors and climbing things like a monkey. Personality: Lealai is super hyper and loves to be around her friends. She is crazy and a lot of people are scared away by the way she acts. She is always happy and a little slow at points. Other Pics:
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 @ 05:52am
 click anywhere to see his skin color - the skin is sapposed to look dead. (missing colors - black and white skin and ice [almost white] blue eyes.) Full name: Ichiro Asame Itsuka Nick name: He sometimes is called Ichi but he hates that name. Sex: Male Orientation: isn’t sure Age: 17 Hair color: white Eye color: Ice blue (almost glassy, like someone who is blind) also, DONT FORGET THE DARK CIRCLES!! he rarely sleeps so he has dark circles under his eyes~ Height: 5’7 Outfit: Ichi usually wears loose clothing and prefers comfort over looks. His usual outfit is some sort of long shirt with leggings, never jeans. He wears thigh boots or high rise convers. (the outfit I draw him in is usually the only outfit he owns but feel free to mess around with his clothing, i love experimentation <3) Instabilities: He has multiple personality disorder. Residence: An old fashioned insane asylum Other: Has his nails painted black. He almost constantly has a lolipop in his mouth. Background: Ichiro is a twin but his twin was never born. His twin died by being strangled by his own umbilical chord. By the death of her own son, Ichi’s mother had a heart attack and died as well. On this day, Ichiro was given his mothers locket. as Ichiro grew a bit older, his father told him about what had happend to his twin and he began to think he could take on the life of both himself and his brother. When Ichi was about 7 years old, his Father dropped him off at a mental hospital, telling him it was his new school. He never came back. He lived in the asylum for 10 years and doesn’t know why. Every time he built up the courage to ask, the staff would refuse to tell him and send him to “room 9” if he resisted. After a while, he got tired of asking and just lived his life. He is there because as he began to try and live out both his and his unborn brothers life, he actually developed an uncontrolable second personality, as if his brother was actually living inside of him. Ichiro changes without knowing he has but it usually happens with strong emotion like anger, sadness or anything like that. when he ever got angry or sad as a child in the assylem, the staff would give ichiro a lolipop, this became his only way to control his emotion. His twin personality is childish and usually innocent but is very short tempered. If his twin personality loses its temper, it becomes indestructible and very powerful. Ichi is always trying to figure out how to get out of the insane asylum but doesn’t have any idea how much he needs to stay in. Personality: Ichi’s main personality is quiet and serious. He tries not to appear it but he is desperate for attention and clings to anyone that is willing to be friends with him. Somehow, in the midst of all that, he has abandonment issues and doesn’t want to get attached to people. He is very insecure and comes off rude. Other Pics:
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Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 @ 05:51am
 click anywhere to vier the colors (missing colors - white - any colors that might be steined on his clothing.) Full name: Ezekiel Baradd Young Nick name: Zyke (he added the y --- it’s supposed to be and is pronounced like Zeke) Sex: Male Orientation: Heterosexual Age: 18 Hair color: White with grey blue tips (more blue than grey) Eye color: Grey blue (like his tips but darker) Height: 5’3 Outfit: Zyke wears all white, most of the time. The only color in his wardrobe is the paint stains all over his clothing. He usually has worn out spots or tears in his clothing and wears soft materials like soft jean and cotton. He always wears his fuzzy hooded jacket with everything to hide the urn scar on his arm and ALWAYS wears his goggles; he doesn’t like people to see his eyes. His hair is usually messy Instabilities: None. He’s just a loner Residence: Zyke lives in a friends toolshed. Other: Zyke usually is role played in stories that have abilities usable. He uses an ancient ability that allows him to combine his soul into a painting of a creature or symbol, making it come to life, in actual size. He usually is only able to apply this when he is emotional over something. Since it is his soul in control of the animated picture, he has control to a short extent. His main problem is that he doesn’t have practice with this ability. It does what he truly wants, not what he tells it to do. Background: Zyke’s family was very wealthy and he was an only child. He always had an interest in the outdoors and finding new things, but was expected to stay indoors and learn how to play the violin and other classical instruments. As he grew to age 6, he began drawing and painting, knowing he wasn’t able to go outside, he drew landscapes and animals. When his parents found out about this extra-curricular activity, they took all of his paper and supplies so that he wouldn’t “express himself”. From then on, they would keep a close eye on him, making sure he was to only play instruments, and nothing else. ”brainwashed”, He played for a year and almost completely forgot about painting, until one day when he was looking around the house, he found where his parents hid them. Behind their backs, he continued painting, tired of his formal living. He continued hiding it until he was 12, by now he had hundreds of paintings and even projects finished that he was working on for years. That is, until his parents found them. They burnt all of his paintings and drawings. He reached into the fire to save a few paint brushes and paints. Zyke then ran away deep into the forest that resided behind his house. He brought the few supplies with him and found himself inside of a cave painting, and crying, himself to sleep. When he woke up the next day, all of his paintings where either gone or warn out. Scared, Zyke ran home to his parents for comfort but instead saw a massacre and his parents where dead. Being rich, every heard of Zyke’s loss and treated him with gentle gestures and delicacy. He hated being treated like this so he ran away and never spoke of his last name again, leaving his house, and memories, behind. Personality: Zyke is a loner ad doesn’t like people. He is very sexist and treats girls no better than the dirt he walks on. He tends to act tough because of his interesting past and never accepts help from anyone. Even though he is a tough guy, if you can gain his trust, he becomes very loyal and will do anything for you. Sometimes people don’t take him seriously because of his physique. Other Pics:
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 @ 05:50am
 click anywhere to see colors (skin and eyes) (missing colors - black leather EVERYWHERE!) Full name: Beauregard Anthony Lavonne Nick name: when a child, he was called Beau (bo) but now he tells people to call him Zephyr Sex: Male Orientation: Pansexual Age: 28 Hair color: Silver Eye color: Green Height: 6’1 Outfit: Zephyr usually wears some sort of leather or biker looking clothing. He always only wears one glove, leather. It’s a bit off-putting due to his beautiful, rather than rough, features. Instabilities: None Residence: no one really knows where he lives. Other: Zephyr is left handed and has a tattoo of a white line on his left cheek (on the right) under his eye. He does have a pair of reading glasses but he hates them so he rather not read then wear them in front of people. Background: Zephyr lived in Paris, France and was left home alone as a child; almost 97% of the time. He almost never got to see his parents because they were traveling for work all the time. This turned out to be a good thing. Zephyr would go out shopping and talking to people and became very independent even at his young age. Everything he learned on the streets of Paris was on his own by mistake, not example. When he became 16, he finally told his parents that he was tired of them leaving all the time and they decided to move to America and retire. Moving to America was exciting for Zephyr, though he would miss his friends; he loved making new friends and has always wanted to be someone he was not. That is when he came up with the name zephyr and began having people call him that. That’s also when he started wearing leather, and growing his hair out. He quickly caught on to an American accent and speaks in it when he’s not around his family or when he gets nervous. On his 20th birthday, he began having dreams of a young boy that seemed so familiar. He spent the next 8 years of his life trying to find this boy until one day, when in a café, he found him. Even though zephyr isn’t sure what his connection is with this boy named Koya, he is sure that whatever it is, it’s meant to be. Personality: Zephyr knows how to get his way with anyone. He is charming and quite the flirt to most people, especially Koya. He is nice and loves to take care of people. He’s not too big on being treated like an adult, he loves being with people in their teens since he is very youthful himself. He doesn’t have a formal bone in his body and hates people knowing and calling him by his name. Other Pics:
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Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 @ 05:46am
  click left or right to view the colors Full name: Koya Mora Niazaki Nick name: He prefers people to call him Niazaki Sex: Male Orientation: Isn’t interested in relationships Age: 15 Hair color: Brown Eye color: Hazel (golden brown) Height: 5’5 Outfit: Contradictory to the way Koya acts, he usually dresses in bright colors, mixing shorts under skirts and sweaters or corsets over his shirt. Instabilities: slightly bi polar. Residence: Koya lives with his sister until he graduates high school Other: Koya’s nails are usually green-orange pattern (every other nail) and are slightly long. Though he doesn’t need his glasses for anything other than reading, he leaves them on just to make things easier. Background: Koya was rich as a child and got everything he wanted. His parents enrolled him in the smartest schools in order to give their son the best education possible. When he was 10, both of his parents died in a car accident, making Koya a very bitter young man. Now living with his 26 year old sister, he is attending a normal high school and goes to her café every day after school. One of the days he returned to his sisters café, there was an older man (see next OC) sitting in his usual spot. After meeting this man, he follows Koya around everywhere, claiming to have some sort of connection with him. Koya often calls him a “wasp” Personality: Koya is independent and doesn’t need anyone to keep him company. He actually hates company. If anyone tries to talk to him, he pushes them away and he blames everything that happens bad to him on people around him, mainly because when he is alone, everything is perfect. He is very snobby and cares nothing about people’s feelings. Other Pics:
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 @ 05:45am
  click left or right to view the colors (colors missing - white) Full name: Aden Michael Oliver Nick name: just Aden <3 Sex: Male Orientation: Homosexual Age: 16 Hair color: Blond with light brown strands (looks natural) Eye color: Sky blue Height: 5’0 Outfit: always wears something in style, and he loves patchy clothing. He tries to look sharp, yet cute, all at once. He loves skinny jeans or short shorts. Normally wouldn’t wear girls’ clothing but doesn’t mind either way. He loves accessories like scarfs, jewelry, and hair clips. He even has a non-prescription glasses in order for more ways to accessorize. Instabilities: to his knowledge, none. residence: lives with his uncle in a two bedroom condominium. Other: Aden is in love with fashion and cosmetology. His nails are almost always painted to match his outfit he has on which means pink or purple. His ears are pierced once (on each ear). He only wishes he could get his belly button pierced. background: Aden grew up in England and lived a normal life and was loved by his parents. He was neither rich nor poor. As Aden grew older, he became more and more interested in things boys shouldn’t be (shoes, dolls, baking, dresses, etc.) He moved in with his uncle to attend high school in America for his 16th birthday. Personality: Aden is outgoing, girly, hyper, and just fun to be around. He loves having a lot of friends but doesn’t want to be bothered with love (though flirting isn’t completely out of the question~) he is into fashion and makes sure he is always presentable. Other Pics:
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Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 @ 10:18pm
Gen Mo'Kai
The Gen Mo' Kai are a humanoid, gecko-like species, with digitigrade feet and short tails. Hailing from a planet named Arborea, the lizard-like Gen Mo' Kai are a renowned species of honourable warrior males and hunter/scavenger females. Their society is clan(family)-based rather than individual-based, and either males or females may become clan-leaders. Combat prowess is highly prized amongst this predatory species, though they are also intelligent and highly inquisitive. Most Gen Mo' Kai who enter into the human empire's tournament bloodsports do so willingly, for the challenge and the sport of competitive combat. Their society is highly traditional and ceremonial, and some Gen Mo' Kai choose to wear familial death masks to war, bearing countenances which are highly stylized and often disfigured or gruesome looking. After the company wars, the Gen Mo' Kai took over and became the government of Earth according to the Unreal-Championship timeline, which in some ways differs greatly from the Tournament timeline...