First off-
Obsession scale:
heart heart heart heart = OMFG!!!!!!!! whee 4laugh
heart heart heart = Yay! this makes me happy!
heart heart = Aww isn't this awesome. :3
heart = I JUST discovered this so idk how much i like/love it yet.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Asian Ball-joint Dolls!
heart heart heart heart

Ok, so this is fantastic because.... They come as a skeleton then you make/buy the hair, eyes, clothes and such. You put on their makeup and pose them however you want. They are NOT little kids dollies. I MUST clarify right now that they are not some stupid little kiddie trend that have stupid and annoying advertisements for low payments of 99.99. Ok. For more information just look it up on google. I found lots of information and pics on them easily.
I would love to have the money/time to own one but i don't have either. I also am not willing to spend 200$ - 2000$ on it because I wouldn't have enough time to use it anyway.
I became interested in this when/because.... When I saw a picture of one in the Gaia Arena. Someone in the comments mentioned what they were called and I did extensive internet searches afterwords.
Side-notes: THEY ARE SO BEAUTIFUL! X3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
heart heart
Ok, so this is fantastic because.... It is a fun site that allows you to draw and animate anything at all. It is fun to enter contests, post comments, view animations by other users, add animations to your favorites and become a 'fan' of different users.
I became interested in this when/because..... I was on facebook and I saw one of those stupid advertisements on the side. I was bored to i clicked it and was surprised to see an actual legit site.
Side-note: I am NOT obsessed with this site nor am I creating anything new ATM. I was obsessed for a little while and I still credit this site as a really good site. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
heart heart heart

Ok, so this is fantastic because.... It is a website for DIY (Do It Yourself) mainly clothing but also home decor. The web shows are fun to watch and really informative. Over summer break when I have more time I will go back to this site and make some of the awesome stuff they teach you to make! It's also a very amazing movement that American culture has kinda lost over the years. People use to always make their own clothes by hand or with help. With mass consumerism taking over and making our planet less green we have all become fashion zombies. They reuse old things lying around or cheap stuff at Salvation army to make their own clothes and be original. I want to set myself apart from all the zombies as much as possible!
I became interested in this when/because..... I honestly don't remember, it's been awhile since I first discovered it.
Side-notes: Sewing is NOT just for old ladies! Guy and girls of any age can try sewing/knitting or other things, it doesn't make you a f** or a grama! Do what you want for you, not for what society tells you is acceptable. screw them! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
xCharmedXForeverx · Sun Feb 01, 2009 @ 09:44pm · 0 Comments |