Well I can tell I've improved on drawing in 4 months see look....
 I so wimped out on this! it absoluetly SUCKS
and then.... *drum roll*
 did that today, ALOT better! and surprisingly they both have the same reference image mrgreen
WOOHOO! I just learned how to tie a tie Lol I had to go to an instruction video but I mean hey! I am wearing a complete awesome foreign hand-knotted tie! it's fudging awesome it is green with santa on it! and you press a button and it does Jingle Bells! lol
School is interesting. I am a total outcast really, I have my friends and all but I am really out there lol. Thursday OMG lol I caked on the makeup! I woke up and was like 'I'm gonna wear makeup... *giggle* and I'm gonna have fun...' then next thign you know I'm smearing eyeshadow and blush everywear. wearing bright red lipstick and puttin on loads of eyeliner and mascara! it was so friggin funny to see peopels reactions. one girl fell over another girl dropped there binder and my friend couldn't keep a straight face near me!
mUsIC_-_LoVr142 · Mon Dec 14, 2009 @ 01:28am · 0 Comments |