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A hollow heart

"Hmmm..." Hisana entered the classroom looking for an available desk.It was the first day of the Eleventh grade and she was starting in an new school.Her mother died in a car accident along with her older brother and her father is in jail in the US.She decided to go alone to Japan to continue her studies.

She noticed that in her classroom they were sat in pairs and some were sat with three so she tought she couldn't just decide were to seat and she also noticed that the room was stadium style. Everyone was talking so class hadn't begun yet.Hisana aproached the teacher's desk shyli.
"Excuse me,were can I seat?" Hisana asked the teacher.
"You can choose your seat." The teacher didn't even bother to face Hisana.
"Okay,everyone.Let's take our seats and begin." The teacher grabbed his papers and sat on the edge of his desk.Hisana walked up the classroom stairs.At first it seemed as if all the spaces were taken but Hisana looked at the back of the classroom and saw a mysterious looking boy.The space next to him wasn't taken so she aproached him. "Um...can I talk to you?" Asked Hisana as she stood next to him.He looked at her with a serious face.It made Hisana feel uncomfortable but he moved to the chair next to him which was next to the window.

"Wow,she's so brave.To talk to Zero-kun." Whispered a girl to another girl.Hisana heard them but did not know how to react. "(Who is this guy?) Can I seat next to you?" Asked Hisana.Once again he didn't answer so Hisana sat next to him.

During class,Hisana wrote a note to Zero. "Hi,I'm Hisana Kuchiki.What's ur name?" Zero looked at the note and sighed.He wrote back:"Zero Kiryuu." Then he pushed the note back to Hisana.She was happy because he wrote back which was something she didn't expect since what she heard about him. "Nice to meet u,Zero" She wrote back.Zero grabbed the piece of paper and wrote something then he made a paper ball and threw it to the trash bin.Everyone gaped at Zero because he was sitting in the back of the classroom and the trash bin was in the front.
"Wow,Zero-kun has talent" Said the teacher.Hisana looked at Zero and then the bell rang.

Every class was going to be in that classroom and it was always going to be the same teacher.When the bell rang,it means intermission.You go out to the hallways were the lockers are located and leave the book of the previous class and grabb the one of the next class.So technicaly,you always carry one book and one notebook.Zero was the first one to leave the room.Hisana then pulled out a tiny piece of paper from her pocket with her locker number. "(Locker #101,got it!)" Hisana walked down the stairs and saw in the trash bin,the piece of paper Zero had thrown.She opened it to see what he'd written.
It said:"Nice to meet you too,Hisana".Hisana smiled and wrote back.Then she crumbled the paper again and put it once again in her pocket.She was happy because she tought she'd made a new friend on the eleventh grade.

She walked out the hallway and saw Zero leaned over his locker.She looked at his locker number and it was 100.Then she looked at the locker next to him and it was 101.
"Hey,guess we're neighbors now." Zero ignored her and went back inside.The rest of the morning period was quiet.The bell ranged and it was time for lunch.Hisana walked into the cafeteria and grabbed some food.She turned around and noticed there were no open spaces. "(hmm...I guess I'll have to eat outside.)" She walked outside to the school yard and saw Zero napping at the foot of a tree.She sat next to him quietly and began eating.She didn't look but,she noticed how everyone glared at her.
"Wow,she's really brave.To aproach Zero-kun with out even asking him...that's having some guts" Whispered a guy to his girlfriend.Hisana got really scared.
"(Is this guy a serial killer or something?)" She tought as she saw Zero napping next to her.Her fear calmed down after eating a nice bowl of shio ramen.She wanted to find out more about Zero so she decided to ask others about him.She stood up and walked away but she didn't noticed that the note that Zero had thrown away,fell from her pocket and landed next to were Zero was lying.

Hisana aproached Mishiro,the popular girl in her class.
"Excuse me,Mishiro."
"Ah! Hisana,there you are!You're so brave! To be able to get near Zero-kun without even asking him!,what is it?" Hisana reacted to her quick answer but then focused.
"Um...why do you admire me for aproaching him?Who is Zero?What's his deal?" When Mishiro was about to answer Hisana,Zero apeared from behind Hisana and pulled her away from Mishiro.

"Ah! Wait! Were are you taking me!!??" Mishiro was left comfused.Hisana was trying to break free but Zero was to strong for her.He took her to the back side of the building and leaned her on the wall.He putted his hand on the wall next to her head and stared at her.

"If you want to know about me,all you have to do is ask me!" Zero threw at Hisana the note and then turned around.
"I tought you wouldn't answer since you're so mysterious.And you don't seem the talkative type" Zero stood quiet and then slowly walked away.
"Wait!" Zero stopped but didn't turned to face her. "Are you going to tell me who you are?" Asked Hisana.
"No" Zero kept on walking.
"(...should I feel comfused?Nah,I'd expect he'd say that)" Tought Hisana as the bell rang.

She ran to her locker hoping to find Zero but he was already inside. "(Wow,Zero's pretty quick)" Before Hisana entered the room Mishiro's bestfriend,Hio,stopped her. "Hey,Kuchiki-san,so how does it feel to seat next to Zero?"
"Not much.It's as if noone is next to you.Why?"
"I kinda like Zero;and so does Mishiro but shhh! don't tell."
"Well let me tell you something,Hio,with're not going to get anywere." Hisana then entered the room leaving Hio completely blank.She sat next to Zero who was,as usual,staring out the window.She took another piece of paper and wrote:
"Tell me about u"
"*Sighe* -_- what do u want to know?" wrote back Zero.
"How is ur academical statue?"
"I M a 4 pnt. student,anything else u'd lyk 2 now? -_-"
"(0.0) but u never pay attention!" Wrote Hisana.
"-_- so?..."
"Do u have friends?"
"Ur as close as it gets -_-"
"But u don't even talk 2 me. ]-("
"Exactly..."Wrote Zero. After reading that Hisana looked at Zero. "(Well that's stupid)" She tought.
"You think it's stupid,huh?I don't like to socialize,so what?" Said Zero without facing her.Hisana opened her eyes really big. "I tought I told you not to read my toughts!"
"I tought I told you it's imposible" Said Zero with a wise tone.
"Are ur parents divorced or do u guys live 2gether?" Wrote Hisana.
"My parents are dead..." Hisana felt hard cold after reading that. "(Poor Zero)"

Hisana took the paper and wrote another question.Zero sighed.He didn't even bothered to read the question.He simply wrote:"Leave me alone".Hisana stopped bothering him for what was left of that afternoon school period.

The bell ranged and it was time to go home.For some reason Hisana felt as if Zero had some internal issues and she wanted to help him so she tried to be quick when grabbing her books.When she went outside of the school,she saw from afar Zero putting on his helmet.He got on his motorcycle and drove away.Hisana reacted fast and fallowed him to his house.

She hid between the bushes of his house and peeked at what he was doing.Zero was taking off his helmet and putting a cover over his motorcycle.When he went inside the house,Hisana got out of the bushes and went to peek trough the window.He dropped his school coat on the sofa and went into the kitchen.Hisana moved from that window to the one in the kitchen.Zero pulled out some carrots,letuce,tomatoes and cucumbers. "(Zero can cook?Nice)". He began chopping all of the vegetables into tiny chunks.He accidently cut himself lightly in the finger. "Ah,what a waste." He put the tip of his finger on his mouth and kept chopping the rest of the vegetables with one hand.Suddenly,Zero opens his eyes very big and drops the knive. "Ahh! Not again!" He covered his ears,dropped on the floor and began screaming in agony.Hisana got really worried. "Zero!!!" She entered the house to help him.When she got to the kitchen,Zero's eyes were color red which really made Hisana scared.He ripped his school shirt off.He had a cross looking mark on his chest.Hisana dropped on the floor next to him. "Zero,It's fine.You're okay.I'm here to help you." Said Hisana. "H-Hisana?" Said Zero who then fell unconcious.Hisana opened her eyes and saw Zero with his eyes closed in her arms.He slowly opened them and saw Hisana infront of him. "Hisana! What are you doing here?"
"Um...I...I sorta fallowed you all the way to your house and..." Zero pushed her to the floor.Hisana was in between his legs. "Don't you ever come to this place again,you here me?"
"But Zero...what's wrong?"
"Nothing just" Zero got off from untop of her and helped her stand up. "I'm not leaving.I want to know what happened to you." Said Hisana with a serious face. "Nothing now leave."
"I don't want to leave,damnit! Why do I have to leave?" Screamed Hisana.
"Because this is my goddamn house and I don't want you here!"
"Yes but why?" Hisana yet insisted.
"Because I don't want you to get hurt." Hisana looked at Zero. "Get hurt?Why would I get hurt?" Zero looked at the mark on his chest. "What is that cross mark on your chest?" Asked Hisana.Zero took her hand and put it over the mark.
"Do you feel something,Hisana?"
" don't because...I don't have a heart."
"...what are you talking about?Everyone has a heart."
"I don't...I traded it."
"...I'm comfused."
"When I was a little boy,my family died in a car accident.I was so devastated.I wanted my family back.I wanted them back so much.One night,I was sleeping in my bed and I had a nightmare.When I opened my eyes,a demon was infront of me and he asked me if I really wanted my family back and I said yes.He told me that to get my family back I had to give him my heart.Since I was small,I didn't know what I was doing,so I accepted the contract." Hisana looked at her hand which was on his mark.
"...and how did this whole thing came about?" Asked Hisana.
"Well,first he cut opened my chest with his fingers and pulled my heart out.Then,in place of my heart,he put some sort of black pill which was burning tough the pill never turned into ash."
"And which are the side effects of this whole thing?" Asked Hisana.
"Well,since he took my inmortal heart,not the actual heart or else I'd be dead,I have no amberlife.And if I have no amberlife,eventually...I'll turn into a demon." Hisana gasped.
"And were can you find amberlife?"
" human's blood.The thing with humans is that there bodies can create body can't."
" does that mean that you have actually sucked a human's blood?"
"No.I've never had.That's why,this thing that just happened here in the kitchen,is going on so thirst for blood." Hisana's face turned pale.
"T-Thisrt f-for human blood?...Are you like a vampire or s-something?...Do you have fangs?" Zero looked at her.
"Yeah,I do,you could say that." Hisana's face turned white. "But don't worry...I wont bite...unless you let me to." Said Zero sarcasticaly.
Hisana's face turned normal again. "Hisana,please...leave." Said Zero as he turned his face the other way.
"But wait! You need amberlife or else you'll turn into a demon."
"I what?"
" can take mine,if you want..." Zero opened his eyes really wide and turned to look at Hisana's eyes.She was serious.
"No,Hisana.I wouldn't.I don't want to hurt you" The cross mark on his chest began to glow.
"You will hurt yourself if you don't take it;And besides,you said humans can create more amberlife so
there's no need to worry about me." Hisana got really close to him and he whispered in his ear:"Go on...take it".At such a close range,Zero could smell her blood.The demon inside him was raging for blood.Zero opened his mouth and showed his fangs.Hisana closed her eyes but Zero pushed her away. "I'm sorry,Hisana...I just can't do it."
"Yes you can...I'm not asking you just take it."
"DO IT!!!" Hisana yelled at him.Zero grabbed Hisana and bit her neck without hesitation.Zero felt glory as he regained more amberlife.As he took her amberlife,Hisana hugged him. "(I'm here to help you,Zero)" The demon in Zero wanted more but Zero backed away from Hisana.The mark on his chest kept glowing and Zero lowered his head.Hisana hugged him again and said:"I'm here to help you,Zero"
"I don't want you to help me" Said Zero without facing her.
"But I am.Take it." Zero's eyes turned dark red.He brought Hisana closer and was about to bite her again. "(Go on,'s for your own good)" Zero bit her again and drank her blood.He knew he couldn't drink to much because that could kill her so he tried to control himself.When he couldn't bare the guilt of having to suck her blood,he pushed her away.
"Yes,what is it?"
"When you asked me if I had friends...I just wanted you to know're my only friend." Hisana stood quiet. "Now,I beg you...don't tell anyone at school because if they made a ruckuss just because you sat next to me in lunch time...I don't want to imagine what they'll do to you if they found out you're my friend." Hisana smiled.

Suddenly,a violent storm began.You could barely see outside. "Oh,God,look at the weather.Turn on the news,Zero." Zero turned on his TV on the weather channel.
"A violent storm seems to be taking place on the subburbs of north Tokyo.There is a 96% chance that this storm won't clear out at least until three a.m." Said the meteorologist.
"Well,Zero,I guess I'll have to stay in your house 'till tomorrow..."
"...I'll go upstairs to prepare the guestroom."
"Then I'll make some hot chocolate." Zero didn't answer back.He went upstairs to prepare a room for Hisana.When Hisana finished making the hot chocolate,she took a tray and slowly walked up the stairs.
"Zero,were are you?I'm sorta knew here so lead the way."
"I'm in the second room to the left." When Hisana entered the room,she was amazed at how beautiful this room was.
"You like?This room used to belong to my older sister.She was the same age as you."
"I love it.So what was her name?" Asked Hisana as she placed the tray in the small desk.
"Her name was Mei." Said Zero as he took one of the cups. "Hmm...wait here,Hisana" Zero put the cup back in the tray and left Hisana in the room.He came back in with one of his school shirts. "Why don't you go take a shower.Afterwards you can wear this.Wait,let me unbutton it for you."
"It's okay.Thanks!"
"No,Hisana...thank you..." Hisana left the shirt on top of her bed.Zero finished his hot chocolate fast. "Well,I'll be leaving to whatever it is you have to do.Goodnight." Zero closed the door behind him and walked to his room.Hisana finished her hot chocolate and filled the tub with hot water and took off her clothes.Few minutes later and she was relaxing and enjoying her bath in the tub.

Zero didn't use the tub.He used the shower as usual so he finished first then Hisana.He wore for bed some long night pants and no shirt.He went to bed,as well,first then Hisana.

It was 2:23 a.m. and Zero began to feel heat in his entire body.He was still asleep.In his dream,the demon appeared.
"Well,well,Zero.It seems as if you finally tasted the glory of amberlife.And to think it was your friend."
"What do you want?" Asked Zero to the demon.
"Me? Let's see.I've got your heart.Your happiness.Your freewill...hmmm...nothing for now." The demon laughed. "Get out of my dreams."

"Oh,c'mon Zero.I haven't talked to you since the time I took your heart.Lets catch up." Said the demon with an evil smile. "I said get out!"

"Okay.Okay,fine.I will but let me tell you something,Zero...Even if a human offered you her blood,it does not mean much for you.Besides,you don't seem that happy."

"I am a way...I just don't smile.I'm leaving.Oh! and by the way Hisana means a lot to me..." Zero walked away from the presence of the demon until he woke up.

It was 6:30 a.m. and Zero was making breakfeast for both of them.Hisana came down the stairs.She'd just woke up and still wasn't dressed for school.
"Hmm...that smells good,Zero.Do you like to cook?" Zero didn't reply. "Oh,ok,I see.It's the silent treatment again,huh? Fine! Then be with it!" Zero turned around with two plates.Each had to slices of bacon,one egg,two pancakes and powedered sugar on top. "Yes,I like to cook.Goodmorning,Hisana." Said Zero with a serious face and without facing her. "(Hmm.That does look tasty)"
"Hisana,you have to finish eating because you still aren't dressed." Said Zero,once again,without facing her.Hisana was getting pissed off with his attitude. "Hey,Zero!"
"When talking to someone you have to face the person." Said Hisana with a loud voice.
"Yeah.But I don't go by the rules" Hisana sat quiet as if he had just shut her mouth.When Hisana finished eating,she went back upstairs to change.Zero went outside to the garage.When Hisana locked the house.She began walking down the sidewalk to school. "Hey,Hisana,were you going?"
"To school,why?"
"Oh,aren't you going to go on my motorcycle.I already brought an extra helmet so..."
"Oh...ok" Hisana got in the back of his motorcycle and they drove off. "Hisana,hold on tight"

* * *

They were entering inside the classroom.Everything was normal as yesterday except Hio and Mishiro.
They wouldn't stop glaring at Hisana.Zero sat first next to the window and then Hisana.During that morning period,Hisana asked him three question and three times he ignored her.She was really getting pissy. "(After giving him some amberlife,which he much needed,this is how he repays me?...)"

"Hey,I didn't wanted to drink your blood.You're the one who said -do it-" Said Zero.Hisana opened her eyes really wide.
"(Can he read my toughts?)"

"Of course I can.What did you expect after an entire afternoon drinking your blood?" Said Zero without facing her.Hisana got pissy again. "Don't read my toughts." Said Hisana.
"I don't need to.I can sense them from a mile away.It's like you scream in your toughts." Said Zero.
"Well ignore them!" Zero looked at her,sighed,and then looked the other way again.
"Ok students..." Said the profesor. "I'm assigning a homework on human chemistry.All you have to do is rate your partner's chemistry from 1 to 5.Write it in your notebooks.I think one day is enough.I expect all of you to hand them by tomorrow." Hisana looked at Zero.Clear it was that there chemistry is unrateable.Then the bell rang and it was lunch time.

Hisana was making the line in the cafeteria and Zero was behind her.She grabbed her food and turned around.
"Um...Hisana-chan..." Said Mishiro.
"How would you like to seat with us?" Asked Mishiro with a fake smile.Zero stood infront of Hisana and glared down at Mishiro. "I'm afraid she can't.We have to rate our chemistry so we have to spend time together." Mishiro looked at Hisana and then walked away.She sat next Hio.
"What happened Mishiro?" Asked Hio.
"I think I am jelous of Hisana-chan.Hio,remind me next year to seat next to Zero-kun" Said Mishiro without facing her. "Hai!" Said Hio.

"Lets go outside,Zero."
"What's the point?We can't rate our chemistry."
"'re right." Zero looked at Hisana. "We can't.So all we have to do is lie it."
"Okay,that's sounds fair enough.How about 2?"
"Sounds okay."
"There problem solved.All we have to do now is write it down in our notebooks."
"Yeah." Zero and Hisana finished eating.When the bell rang,they went back inside the classroom.For some reason,Mishiro wouldn't stop staring at Hisana and that was sorta giving her the creeps.

They were already by the third class of the afternoon period,when suddenly Zero feels as if his throat was dry.The demon inside him was losing control.Zero dropped his pen and ran out of the classroom. "Zero!" screamed Hisana. "Hisana,since you're his partner,go help him,please." Said the profesor without facing her.Hisana ran out as well.She looked at the empty hallway and saw Zero on his knees next to the lockers.He was grabbing his neck and coughing. "Zero,are you alright?!" Hisana ran to were he was and dropped on her knees as well.His eyes were once again dark red. "Stay away,Hisana!!!" Said Zero in an angry voice.Hisana grabbed him by his arms and pulled him.Without letting go of his neck,he stood up.Hisana pulled him towards the boy's restroom.She took off her jacket and then took off his.
"Take it,Zero" She got close to him.Zero could smell the amberlife in her neck.His eyes turned glowing red.He opened his mouth really wide and his fangs began to stretch out.He bit Hisana and drank her amberlife. "(He didn't hesitated this time)" She wrapped her arms around him and so did he.Hisana pushed him away. "Let's leave." They ran out of the school and to his house.

Once there,Hisana unbuttoned his shirt. "(The mark is glowing...)" She grabbed Zero by the shirt and pulled him close to her.Without hesitating,he bit her again.When he finished he simply backed away and wiped the blood from his face.
"Um...Zero,this might sound wierd but..."
"You enjoy it when I suck your blood?" Hisana looked at Zero.
" did you know...what I was going to say?"
"I can tell what you feel by the taste of your blood." Hisana looked down.
"Y-You know what I feel?...well that just gives me the creeps." Said Hisana with a smile.
"How can you do that?" Said Zero.He stood up and backed away from Hisana.
"What do you mean,Zero?Do what?"
"Smile.How can you smile all the time?"
"I...I don't.I..."
"You smile when you want to cry..."
"Yeah." Said Hisana with a smile.
"But why?" Asked Zero.Hisana sat in one of the chairs in his living room.As Hisana smiled,a tear streamed down her cheek.
"It's just entire life I have been alone my whole life and..."
"You want to see someone smiling." Said Zero interrupting Hisana.She simply smiled.
"Yes.That's right."
"But why with me?" Asked Zero.
"Because like me,you're all alone.And even tough you suffered the consequences,I want to help you because I know what it feels like to lose everything just like that."
"But why?" Zero insisted.Hisana gently grabbed him by his head and he grabbed her hands.She brought him close to her head. "I don't know Zero...I don't know." She whispered.Zero suddenly felt as if his energy drained and dropped his head on her shoulder. "Zero,I'm here because I want to help you."
"I'm sorry, can't compare yourself to me." Said Zero without raising his head.
"No...I can't...but I can help you and cheer you until this curse which is upon you disapears." They stayed liked that for a few minutes.
"Thank you,Hisana..."

* * *
Hisana grabbed her jacket and turned to face Zero.
"Well,I'm heading home.I'll see you tomorrow,Zero." Zero walked her to the door.
"So,what are we going to tell the profesor?" Asked Zero.
"Hmm...Lets just tell him you had a personal problem and you had to leave."
"But what about you,Hisana?"
"Don't worry.I'm fine.He did told me to go help you so...that's exactly what I did."
"...Ok...are you sure you don't want me to take you to your house?"
"Are you willing to take me to my house?" Asked Hisana.
"Well I'm just saying.It's not like I have anything better to do." Hisana smiled.
"Very well,shall we go then?"
"Okay,let me grabb the keys and we can head out." Zero ran to the kitchen and grabbed the keys.He opened the garage door and they walked inside.Hisana looked at the car that was parked inside the garage next to the motorcross.
"Zero,you have a car?"
"Hmm? Oh that.It used to belong to my dad.We had two cars.The other one got destroyed in the car accident..."
"So...why not take the car?"
"I don't know.I haven't used the car in a long time." Said Zero.
"But this car is practicaly new." Hisana got startled.
"It is.Believe it or not,this car was bought two days before the accident"
"Oh! So is that the reason why you don't use it anymore?"
"No...I just never had a reason to do so."
"Well now you do.Get the keys to this car because we are going for a drive." Said Hisana as she walked towards the car.Zero sighed and then went back inside the house.He took the car keys and the house keys and went back to the garage.They went inside the car and Zero started it.He waited a few minutes while the engine got warm and then drove off.
"Hey,Hisana,you have to tell me were to go.I don't know were you live."
"Me?I rented an apartment in Hirisho.Do you know were that is?"
"Yeah I know.I've heard of it before.It's not that far.Just around the block." Zero turned to the left and then there was a stoplight.He was waiting for the green light when sensed Hisana's toughts.
"(...Zero...Zero is suffering.Zero is suffering and I can't feel the same pain as him...why not?I wish I could now what he's going trough.)" The red light turned green.
"Well Hisana,we're here."
"Thanks for the ride,Zero."
"It's not like I had anything better to do." Hisana looked at him.She kissed him on the cheeks and then left the car.Zero backed up the car and left as well.

That night,when Zero was sleeping,he felt the same heat as the night before.When he opened his eyes,he saw the demon.
"What do you want?" Asked Zero.
"Don't talk to your father like that." Said the demon.
"You're not my father."
"Well,I am the one who made you a demon so,technicaly,yes,I am your father."
"Technicaly,I am still not a demon.So,technicaly,I am still not your -son-.Anyway,what is it?"
"I came to gave you an offer."
"Last time you said that I wounded up betrayed.What's the difference with you saying it now?"
"That I felt pity.My own son has to go crawling to a meere human girl for blood."
"For the last time,I'm not your son! And she's no meere human me,she's big."
"Then why do you not show it?"
"...I'm turning into a demon...I forgot how to smile,cry or feel pity."
"...interesting.Anyway,my offer is to grand you acces to the underworld."
"Acces to the underworld?Why would I want that?"
"I don't know.I heard rumors there.There might be cure for your curse."
"The only cure I know,you have it.So why bother?"
"Because I won't give you mine so get your own"
"Fine,I'll think about it.Meanwhile,stay out of my dreams and don't come unless I call you."
"But you never call me."
"Exactly..." Zero began to walk away.
"Oh,Zero,by the won't gain anything from feeding on that girl's blood..."
"I know..." Zero walked away until once again he returned to the human world and fell asleep with the tought of what the demon had offer him. "Yes...give me that power..." He whispered as he fell asleep.

The next morning,Zero didn't wanted to go to school.He wanted to take a look at the underworld.He had no idea how to get there so he guessed.He was sitting in the chair of the desk in his room. "(Maybe all I have to do is to concentrate in the tought of it.)" Zero closed his eyes and began to imagine how the underworld would be.When he opened his eyes,he was no longer in his room.The world were he was was crowded with demons and evil spirits.The place looked like an old rundown plaza.At first it seemed as the only thing demons did there was hunt down or buy human souls...that is,if the human wished to.Zero's presence was very noticeable.In his blood stream flowed Hisana's amberlife and that attracted the attention of many demons and spirits.Many of them slowly aproached him.Zero felt powerful since his demon powers could finaly emerge.His cross mark began to glow and his eyes turned dark red.He closed his eyes and focused all of his power in his hands.Then he swayed his hands forwards and all the demons near him were blown away by a blindign attack.
"Heh,not a challenge at all.They were already weak from the need of amberlife." Said Zero.
" just enter the underworld and are already causing trouble.What a troublesome child." Zero looked back and saw a girl probably of his same age.
"Who are you? How do you know my name?" Asked Zero.
"You don't know me? Uh! that father of yours can be so irritating sometimes."
"I'm your mother,Zero."
"You're not my mother."
"And that demon is not your father yet he proclamed himself to be so...why can't I be your demon mother?" Said the girl.
"I'm the ruler of the underworld.Now would you stop harming my precious demons." Zero stood quiet. "Zero,let me say this now before I forget...that human friend of owe her your life.Without her amberlife you would've slowly died but at the same time,painfuly transform into a demon."
"Yes,I know..."
"Do you want me to show you around?"
"No...just show me the most important place here and the rules."
"...hmm...don't speak to your mother like make her proud and that makes her wanna crie" Zero felt disgused.
"So what can I call you?" He asked.
"Hana" Zero opened his eyes really wide. "(Hana?Like Hisana?)" Wondered Zero.
"Zero dear,the rules of the underworld are as fallowed.There are no friends...there are no enemies.There is no life...there is no death.Thre is no happiness...there is no sadness...there-"
"I noticed that,Hana.Tell me the fundamentals."
"Anxious,aren't we? not hesitate when you turn a mortal soul into a demon..." Zero tought as if there were no rules since he would never offer anyone to suffer the pain of turning into a demon.
"Now listen,Zero.We just so happen to have an important place,as you speak."
"So were is it and what do we do there?"
"Have you ever heard of the The Kyoukai?"
" really.What is it?"
"It's like the tribunal for demons and souls,court,The jury and so on."
"So what do we do there?"
"Everything actually.That is the center of the underworld.Since you are not yet a demon then there is no reason for you to live in the underworld so just for now,all your business will be there."
"And were is the Kyoukai located?" Hana turned the other way.From were they were standing,they could see the underworld and the black horizon.In the center was a tall building. "Over there." She said pointing at the building. "Zero,I suggest you register yourself as a demon over there."
"...for the last goddamn time,I'm not a demon."
"Oh,my bad...demon to be..." Zero got pissy and turned around but she was already gone.He then ignored it and looked at the tall building. "Kyokai,huh?Useful."
"Zero!! Zero!! Are you alright!? Zero!!" Zero heard this low voice eco.He looked around and saw nobody.Suddenly he woked up in the human world.When he opened his eyes he saw Hisana next to him.
"Uh! Zero!!!" Hisana hugged him. "Are you okay?"
"Yes,I'm fine."
"It's just that you missed school and I came here to see if you were okay and then I saw you here lying on the floor."
"No,I'm fine."
"...Are you sure?You look tired."
"I was granted acces to the underworld so I went to check it out."
"The underworld?Zero...did you made another deal with the demon?" Zero sat quiet. "Zero,answer me!"
"So I made a deal with my father,so what?!?!"
"Y-Your father?"
"...the demon proclaims himself as my father."
"And you let him?"
"No,but he does have a point when he sais he is my father in the underworld." Hisana just looked the otherway. "And I also have a demon mother."
"Who?" Hisana faced him.
"The ruler of the underworld.She's the mother of all demons."
"Who is she?"
"Her name's Hana.Do you know someone named Hana,Hisana?"
"No but it's sounds coincidential." Zero sat quiet thinking about how her name and Hana's ryme.
"So,Hisana what are you doing here?"
"Oh,me?I came to drop your homework." Said Hisana as she dropped the pile of papers and books untop of him.Zero got pissy. "Then you have no business here." Hisana got pissy as well.
"No,I also came here to give you your daily dosis of amberlife." Hisana pushed her hair out her neck's way and Zero looked the other way.
"Hisana,stop sticking your neck out for me and get serious.I may be turning into a demon but I do have a human side,you know."
"I-I'm not saying you don't,Zero.I-I-I..."
"Forget it...nevermind,Hisana.You can go."
"But I don't want to go."
"Is it because you find my case intersting?"
"Don't answer.Fine stay.I'm going up to my room."
"Zero,wait! You don't have to talk to me like that.We made a promise,remember?"
"No we didn't.You promised yourself."
"Yes,I promised me to offer myself as your amberlife..." Zero ran towards her.He grabbed her by her wrist and pushed her to the wall.He got closed to her and his fangs began to stretch out.Hisana hesitated and began to tremble.Zero letted go of her hand. "You see,it's you the one who hasn't" Hisana dropped on her knees and looked at the floor.Zero climbed up the stairs and locked himself in his room.
Hisana stayed were she was sitting the whole afternoon thinking about why she hesitated.

It was 5:30 pm and the sun was begining to set in the horizon.The skies were orange and pink and there were no clouds.Hisana was still sitting on the floor.It was getting hot since the air conditioner was off and lonely.She stood up and fixed her skirt and walked up the stairs.She stood infron of the door to Zero's room.She could feel the cold airconditioner coming out from the foot of the door.She slowly opened the door and a cold air blew trough her hair.The room was dark and the windows were close but since she opened the door,it letted in a bit of light.She could see Zero.He was lying upward in his bed.Slowly she tip-toed trough the room and crawled into his bed and around his arms.
"Huh? Hmm...wha?" Said Zero almost asleep. "H-Hisana,w...what're you doing?"
"Forgive me,Zero.I did not meant to upset you." Hisana closed her eyes and fell asleep.
"I know,Hisana...I know." Zero put his hand over her head and fell asleep again.He accidently fell asleep with the tought of the underworld and that caused him to enter it.It was an accident tough he decided to stay there for a while.

In the underworld,he looked at the Kyokai. "(I'm going to check it out.)" Zero began to walk trough the black floor of the underworld.Even tough Kyokai seemed far away,Zero got there in three steps forward.He entered the tall building and all he could see were demons.They all turned to face Zero since he had a nice source amberlife in his bloodstream.Once again they slowly aproached him.He was getting prepared to attack but just then,his Hana apeared.
"What a troublesome child." Hana made all of the demons flee in two seconds. "Fallow me,Zero" She said
They walked inside.Zero was behind her. "Hana,I have a question..."
"Yes,what is it,child" She said without stopping or turning around..
"Your father?His name is Watari.He's out hunting a lost demon."
"Watari,huh?What a hideous name." They kept walking until they aproached a big door.Hana closed her eyes and when she opened them,they were glowing an intense white.The doors creaked open.Inside,Zero saw many demons swaying in the air.They were all ghostlike but instead of white,they were black.

In the center of the room there was a big book.The pages were stained with blood from demons and demons to be who had signed there.Hana grabbed one of Zero's hands and with her delicate finger,she pressed down on the palm of his hand and cut open a small wound on his hand.A drop of blood streamed out and fell on the floor.All of the demons in the air,vanished.

Without letting go of his hand,she slowly pulled him to the book.She put his hand over the it and another drop of blood fell in one page of the book.Zero then collapsed.Hana grabbed him and he fell in her arms.She dropped on the floor and healed his small wound.She made her fangs strecth out and bit herself in the hand and drank some of her blood.Zero opened his eyes slowly.He saw Hana infront of him.Hana slowly aproached him and kissed him.Zero closed his eyes again.When Hana stopped,she wiped the blood next to his lips.She had accidently stained him with her blood.Zero opened his eyes and gazed at her.
"Zero,how do you feel?"
"When you become fully concious,I'll explain what I just did.Meanwhile you must rest."
"Why are you the ruler of the underworld?"
"...I'm the most powerful demon in this whole dimension."
"But you're so young..." Said Zero.
"Actually I am centuries old it's just that I am inmortal and I do not grow."
" are beautiful,Hana" Hana didn't smile.She simply looked at him.Zero then fell asleep in her arms.
"You are supose to love me, are supose to." She left Zero in that room and left. "I'll send you back now,Zero.But this is not yet done." She whispered.

Zero opened his eyes really wide.He bursted up. "Hana!" Hisana opened her eyes slowly. "Hmm?"
"H-Hisana?...oh,I'm back." Zero lied back again.
"Zero,what's wrong?"
"Nothing." Hisana knew Zero said not to stick her neck out for him but she still wanted to do so.Zero sensed that.
"Hisana,I'm sorry for screaming at you back then.It's not that I don't want you to stick your neck out for me.It's just that...well...I don't think it's a wise thing to do.I mean...Why are you helping me?"

"Because you're the first real friend I've ever had and I don't want to see my friend turn into a demon."

"But in the end,I will turn into a demon.By giving me your's like disgusing the fact that I am so going to turn into one."

"Yes...I know,and as long as we keep your inner demon asleep,you'll have plenty of time to find a reverse for this curse." Zero said nothing.Hisana climbed untop of him and her hair slided on his chest.She slowly lied her head next to him making her neck be of view to Zero.His eyes turned dark red and he stretched out his fangs.She dropped untop of him.He wrapped one arm around her waist and another around her head.
"Hisana...thank you and I apreciate the fact that you want to help but please don't..." His eyes began to glow red and his fangs stretched out a bit more.He opened his mouth really wide and bit her in the neck.
As he did that,he hugged Hisana really tight as if he were saying:"No please,don't".

Zero knows he doesn't want to harm Hisana but the demon inside him is the one who pushes him to drink her blood.Zero stopped.
"Hisana,don't you have somewere else to be?" He whispered without facing her.
"It's not like I have anything better to do." Zero closed his eyes. "No,I don't because...I'm alone."
Zero took a deep breath. "Are you all lone as well,Zero?" She asked.
"No...I have you." For the first time ever since he lost his family,Zero felt happy.
"Zero,why are you so afraid of biting me?"
"It's not the biting you..."
"Is it the fact that I become a victim?" She asked.
"No.It's the fact that I become a victim.Or better yet,I owe you my life,Hisana." Hisana smiled.
"Well then,to pay off your debt...take my blood."
"What will you gain with that?"
"A friend..." Zero hugged her.His eyes glowed red again and his fangs streched out again.
"Are you sure that that is what you want,Hisana?"
"Yes" She whispered.Zero kissed her neck,were his fang marks were and then bit her.

Eventually,the demon inside him was satiated and once again fell into a deep slumber.Zero pushed Hisana away. "Hisana,haven't you tought that if we keep this'll eventualy die of blood loss?" Hisana's face turned white.
"N-N-Not really..." Zero sighed.
"Well it's a good thing I am moderate." Color came back to Hisana's face.
"Well...if I die of blood loss,it would be because you took my blood."
"So technicaly,we would become one."
"Did you know,Hisana,that since your blood runs trough my bloodstream as well,I can sense your feelings?Not only your toughts,of course."
"Really?Cool.So Zero,what are you going to do now?"
"I don't know.I'll probably go to underworld to find a cure."
"Then...can I come with you?"
"Nope." Said Zero flatly.
"But,but,but why not?"
"Because it's too dangerous.You have amberlife and that is something they crave over there."
"Then I'll wait here until you wake up!" Zero simply rolled his eyes.
"Why don't you just go home?"
"Cause I have nothing to do there."
"Don't you have something to dust or wipe?"
"What do you think I do when I'm not here?" Zero sighed. "If I'm such a disturbance here,then I'll leave." Said Hisana as she sat up infront of him. "It's not that.I love to have you here but..."
"But you rather go to the underworld now instead of when I'm not here,right?"
"'re always here." Hisana got pissy. "N-Not that I don't like that.I-I-I love it."
"Don't strain yourself,Zero.I'm going out.You can stay here and enjoy your underworld." Hisana stood up from bed and fixed her skirt.
"Were are you going?"
"To the cafe.I'm going to grab some coffee maybe a pastrie"
"...fine you may go."
"What are you talking about?I don't need your permision." Hisana laughed.
"I know.I just want to make sure you come back."
"I don't know.I guess since I can sense what you think and feel,I also have to protect you."
"Awww,I'm flattered."
"It's not me,it's the fact that it comes with your blood."
"O...K...I'm leaving.Be back in an hour or less." Hisana ranout of the room and left.Zero closed his eyes and once again went to the underworld.When he opened his eyes,he saw Kyokai.
"Back so soon?" Said a voice from behind.Zero turned around and saw Hana.
"Hana!...I came to ask you something."
"Is it about what I did to you?"
"I confirmed your existence."
"Confirmed my existence?"
"In the underworld."
"But I'm not a demon."
"Yet.But you are a demon to awaken."
"And why did you do that?"
"To confirm our marriage,of course."
"Zero,there's something you must know."
"What do you mean,Hana?"
"You're the ruler of the underworld.You're the father of all demons."
"What're you talking about,Hana?I'm human."
"'re not.Your father,your real father,was a demon slayer who fell in love with an inmortal soul.That inmortal soul,your mother,was on his bingo list.Yet he decided not exterminate her.The society got mad at the fact he didn't fullfill his task and began hunting him down.He and your mother were running away from the hunter's society.Your mother came to Kyokai to request help.Kyokai gave her power far beyond then my own.One day,the hunters tracked them down.By then,you were born.You were a demon and your sister was a human.The hunters killed her and your father.Your mother sacrificed herself for you.She erased your memories and putted your demon powers into a deep slumber.When Watari offered you his demon power,he was really offering you to awaken your inner demon." Zero was in a state of shock. "B-B-But the car accident..." He babbled.
"That was just like a decoy.Think of it this way,do you remember anything that happened before the accident?" Zero stood toughtful. "Not really."
"So why are we supose to get married?"
"Your mother's powers passed down to you...Zero,you are more powerful then me and it is anounced in profecies that does who passed down from strong and legitimate demon clans were meant in marriage"
"But my family isn't legitimate.My father was human and my mother was a demon."
"But she was the strongest and most powerful queen of the underworld and you were her prince.I was the third most powerful after you...and you may not recall it agreed to marry me 1,000 years ago.So we already engaged.I just confirmed it in the book.I stained it with your blood,and it fell over mine that was already marked from a long time ago."
"So I'm like the ruler of the underworld?"
" are."
"And we are meant to marry each other?"
"Yes,that's right."
"I think I'm going to go now."
Zero opened his eyes and was back in the human dimension.It was 8:52 pm and he went to shower.He couldn't stop thinking about what Hana told him.He felt weird now that he knew that he is no longer human...or rather never was human. "(Then why do I crave amberlife?)" At that moment,Watari apeared.
"Huh?You know my real name?" Watari chuckled. "Oh,that Hana."
"Watari,I'm not human."
"Of course you're not.You're a demon to awaken.Your demon powers were put to a slumber by your mother."
"Then why did you not tell me anything,damnit!?"
"Because you didn't ask." Zero felt annoyed when he said that.
"Then if I'm already demon...why do I crave amberlife?"
"Because you are a demon to awaken,Sheesh."
"And since you don't want to turn into a demon,you use amberlife to tame and/or control the demon powers so that they do not fully awaken."
"Are you telling me that...I drink amberlife to avoid awakening as a demon when I already am?"
"Oh no...Hisana."
"Well,I see you have some thinking to do so...I'm going to report in Kyokai.By the way,how did you find the underworld?"
"I met my fiancee."
"Who,Hana? Yeah.Well goodbye." The demon then disapeared.Zero got out of the shower and wrapped himself in a towel.He walked down the hallway and into his room.He turned off the air conditioner and put his nightclothes on.Just then he heard his cell phone ring.
"Zero,it's me,Hisana."
"Hisana,were are you?"
"I'm in the bakery,do you want me to buy you something,Zero?"
"Um.No! Hisana...I just took a shower and I'm going to might as well go home."
"Can't I spend the night over there?I don't want to go home."
" don't have any clothes here."
"'re right.Well then I guess see you tomorrow."
"Bye." Hisana hanged up and so did Zero.Zero dropped his phone next to his pillow and then he lied on his bed.He looked at the roof and tought of Hisana. "Engaged to marriage,huh?Hisana is really beautiful" Whispered Zero.He turned around and lied sideways.When he looked at his cell phone,the light was blinking.He recieved a text message from Hisana.It said:"Just tought I'd say goodnight 1 more time...well goodnight!!! XD" Zero smiled and then turned off his phone.He turned the other way and fell asleep.The next morning,he woked up with the sound of his alarm clock.For some reason he felt happy today.
"I something good going to happen?"Zero buttoned up his shirt. "Let me not get to worked up." He grabbed a toast,his keys and coat and locked the house.He started the engine and drove off on his motorcross to school.

He was parking his motorcycle on the school parking lot when he got wacked in the back of his head by Hisana.
"Ouch!" Zero complained as he rubbed the back of his head.
"Ohayo,Zero!" She smiled.
"Ohayo...Hisana" Said Zero.
"I need you to do me a favor,Zero"
"Yeah,what is it?"
"I have to do something before I enter the classroom so I was wondering if you could cover for me."
"If you had something to do before class began,why didn't you just did it before you got here?"
"Because I forgot and I remembered it a few minutes ago.Are you gonna help me or not?"
"Well,It's not like I have anything better to do so...I guess I will."
"Ooh,thank you.Thank you.Thank you." Hisana hugged him and then ran off.Zero sighed.He grabbed his backpack and walked inside school campus.

When he entered the classroom,Mishiro ran to him.
"Zero-kun...I...I have something to tell you.No! better yet confess to you." Zero looked at Mishiro with his tired looking eyes.
"I...I've had a crush on you for a long time...and I was wondering if...if you felt the same way."
"No,Mishiro,I do not feel the same way." He said flatly.Some girls were sitting in the center of the room talking to each other.They heard what Mishiro asked Zero. "Well,Zero-kun could say things that do not purposely make people hate him." They whispered to each other.Zero heard them and he couldn't care less what they tought.He left Mishiro standing and walked pass her to his seat.
"Okay,everyone,class has begun.Zero welcome back.Taisuke fix your tie and go to your seat and Mishiro,stop standing there and take a seat." Said the profesor randomly. "Today we have a new student joining us.Please come in." Trough the door,came a girl with long black hair,beautiful eyes and a nicely done body.All the boys,except Zero,gaped at her. "Her name is Hana and she will be with us,hopefuly,for the rest of our time being here." Zero looked at her.He still hadn't sat down. "(Hana?!)"
"Oh! Zero-kun!" Hana waved happily. "Long time no see!" She ran towards him and jumped on him and hugged him.Zero caught her and hugged her as well sorta confused.Meanwhile,Mishiro was dying of jelousy.
"Now that's what I call,a spoiled welcome.Hana,seems your luck is getting better,we have no available seat except next to Mr.Kiryuu here so take a seat.By the way,mr.Kiryuu,were's Hisana?"
"I don't know,pro." Hana sat next to Zero just when Hisana came into the classroom. "Oh,miss Kuchiki,welcome.Please take a seat." Hisana walked up the classroom stairs and saw someone sitting on her spot.
"Excuse me,who are you?"
"I'm Hana,nice to meet you um..."
"Hana?! Zero she's..."
"Yes,she is.Now please,shut up and seat down." Said Zero.

"Ok,class.Today I'll be making a small excercise with you guys.You all know that we've been working lately with chemistry so I tought of a fun way to interact with others.I'll be making some seat arrangement.Rest will all be changed temporarly."
"For how long?" Asked a girl.
"For as long as I damn want." Mishiro got excited with the idea. "(I hope I get paired with Zero-kun)"
"Ok,class.First up,Hana,Hisana,and Zero please come forward." Hisana stood up fallowed by Hana. "(Such a drag.)" Tought Zero .Zero stood up and fallowed Hana.They stood infronof the class. "Ok,here's a dynamic of what I'm going to be doing.Hisana and Zero have known each other for three days meanwhile he and Hana don't know each other..."
"Actually,profesor,I've known Zero ever since he was born..." Zero looked at her.Mishiro felt disgused. "(Show off!)"
"Well in that case...I guess I'll have to= split you three."
"Oh,no,no!I don't know what I'd do if I were to be separated from Zero." Said Hana hugging Zero.
"Zero,what relations do you have with Hana?" Zero didn't know what to say but Hana stood infront of him.
"I'm his girlfriend." Hisana,Mishiro,Hio,the prtofesor and the entire class were in shock.
"Um...profesor,do you excuse us for a minute?" Asked Zero.
"...I don't know...I guess so." Zero pulled Hana out to the hallways.

"How dare you say that,Hana?!"
"But it's true."
"Yes,but this is my world.Things around here don't go as the underwold."
"Then you should tell me the rules,Zero."
"Okay,in this dimension,you can not talk about our secret engagement.Do not hug me,kiss me or act as if you knew me."
"That's fine...Hey,Zero...who's Hanamisa.Is hse your source of amberlife?"
"...yes,she was.Now that I know that there's no need for amberlife I might as well stop it...Umm.Hana,what're you doing here?"
"Me? I'm with you,of course."
"But why?"
"I figured since you already know about our engagemnet,I might as well come join you and besides,humans are so interesting."
"...just stay out of trouble,okay?"
"Okay.Zero...may I ask you something?"
"Yeah.Sure.What is it,Hana?"
"Do you still love me?"
"...why do you ask?"
"Because 1,000 years ago you agreed marriage with me.Since your memories were erased,I just wondered if the memory of our engagement had been as well erased."
"I don't know,Hana.Honestly,I just met you and I just found out you were my fiancee..." Hisana came out of the classroom.
"Ah! Hisana." Said Zero. "This is Hana,the ruler of the underworld."
"The ruler of the underworld?"
"Yes and guess what."
"I'm the ruler of the underworld as well."
"You are?"
"Turns out,I am already a demon.I am actually 1,000 years old and am the most powerful demon alive."
"...what?...I am very comfused right now."
"No,it's really simple once you hear the entire story." Said Zero quickly. "And Hana and I are engaged to marriage!!" When Zero said that Hisana's heart felt tighten.Zero felt it and did not know how to react. "Hisana,are you alright?Your heart tighten."
"Y-Yes,I'm fine." Zero knew she was lying.The bell rang and it was lucnh time.Mishiro came out of the classroom with Hio over to Hana. "Hana-san!Hana-san! Come with us.We'll show you around!" Said Mishiro.
"Um...ok,I guess so." Hana,Mishiro and Hio then walked away.Hisana looked at Zero with a smile but her eyes showed as if she wanted to cry.Zero remembered what he told Hisana:"(You smile when you want to cry.)".Hisana then began to walk away.
Zero didn't stopped her but he wanted to know what she felt and for some was now hard for him to sense it.He was doing the line in the cafeteria,when he turned around,he saw Hana talking to Mishiro and Hio.
"Seems she made friends quickly." Zero saw some boys were talking about Hana. "And it also seems she made some crushes." He told himself.He looked around and couldn't find Hana.He sat down and ate alone.When he finished,he went back to the line and grabbed an apple.He then walked back into the hallway.It seemes everyone was outside so the hallways were empty.He kept walking and entered the classroom which was empty as well.He saw Hisana sitting in her seat.He sat next to her and gave her the apple.
"You will be weak if you don't eat something." Said Zero.
"Thank you,Zero." Hisana grabed the apple and took a bite.
"So are you going to tell me what's wrong or do I have ti figure it out myself."
"What do you mean?Nothing's wrong."
"No really,nothing's wrong." Said Hisana with a smile.
"It's okay to cry.No one's around." Hisana looked down and said nothing as one tear streamed down her cheek.
"I'm sorry,Zero."
"What are you sorry about,Hisana?"
"...Because I made you do something you didn't wanted to do..."
"What,drink your blood? It's okay...truth is,in a way,we enjoyed it.But that's not the real reason why you're sad."
"Y-Yes it is!"
"Fine.If you wont tell me...I'll just find out by myself." Zero's eyes turned dark red and he stretched out his fang.
"W-What do you mean find out by yours- Ah!" Zero grabbed her and bit her in the neck.At first she was surprised then she calmed down and began to think about what really worried her.It seems she wanted Zero to know in an indirect way.Zero drank her blood.When he finally knew what she felt he stopped and looked the other way.Hisana face turned red.
"Don't worry,It wont interfere between you and her,those feelings will eventually go away."
" have feelings for me?" Hisana sat sinlent. "Why didn't you tell me anything,Hisana?!" Zero hugged her.
"Because you are engaged to marriage with Hana."
"Yes but this feelings aren't from this morning...why didn't you tell me?"
"Because it was stupid.My feelings didn't matter.What mattered was you turning into a demon,which apearently that is no more." Said Hisana as she hugged him.
"No,it wasn't're the biggest thing in my hallow heart."
"Plus,we were too different.You're a demon...I'm a weak human."
" you want to join me as well,Hana?"
"What do you mean...become a demon?"
"But what difference does it make?In the end you are already engaged to marriage with Hana."
"Yes,but I am engaged to her in marriage by profecies...if you become as powerful as her..."
"What?! I marry you?"
" are offering me the power to become a demon as well."
"Yes,so what do you say?" Hisana stayed quiet as she tought of a decision.
" feelings for you are too strong...yes...I do."
"Very well." Zero took off her jacket and unhooked three buttons from the top of her shirt (It didn't show anything,for those who tought wrong...pervs!). He then bit the tip of his finger and it began to bleed.He drew with his blood a cross mark on Hisana's chest. "(I won't take your heart,Hisana.It's the only thing that makes you pure.)" He then buttoned up her shirt back in place.
"Is that it?"
"I don't know.It's the first time I've done this.I actually did it instinctively." Zero looked at her. "Try stretching out your fangs."
Hisana opened her mouth and Zero saw some fangs slowly stretching out.
"It worked."
"So...I'm a demon?"
"...yes,it's not noticeable because you're a powerless demon.All you need is training and orientation." Zero got close to her and kissed her.Hisana wrapped her arms around her. "I knew I loved you...I just wasn't sure." Whispered Zero.Hisana blushed but then pushed him slowly. "'re engaged to marriage." Said Hisana looking the other way.
"You're right." Zero said flatly.Hisana was about to insult him back but she fainted and fell on him.Zero caught her in his arm.
"('re stamina must've energies are being replaced with a demonic aura...interesting reaction...)" Hisana then became concious but fell asleep.Zero knew she wouldn't wake up soon so he grab his and her stuff and left the school.He made sure he left a note to the profesor.He also left a note to Hana telling her to return to the underworld.

He was walking to his car in the parking lot.He pressed the "unlock" key in his beeper and opened the door to his car.He putted Hisana in the front seat and buckled her in.He sat next to her and drove off.He went to his house.When he got there,he turned off the engine and carried her inside.He left her in Mei's bed and went downstairs to prepare supper.It was 1:46 pm when he had begun and he finished by 2:30 pm.He walked up the stairs to Mei's room to check on Hisana and give her some tea.When he opened the door the room was empty. "Hmm...I can smell her blood but I can't find her." He went to his room and saw her lying in his bed.He putted his hand over her eyes. "Hisana...awaken!" Hisana slowly opened her eyes.
"It seems you got used to being a powerful demon." Said Hisana.
"Here,drink this." Zero gave Hisana the tea cup.Hisana sat up and drank some.
"I just finished cooking.After eating we will be going to the underworld."
"To the underworld?Why?" Asked Hisana a s she took a sip from her cup.
"I'm want to see how strong you are now;How strong you are after some training and I also want to check how strong am I actually."
"Hmm...Zero,you sound wise.Do you know what you're doing?"
"Not really.For some weird reason,I suddenly know everything there is to know about demons,spirits,and the underworld."
" what did you prepared,Zero?"
"Your favorite...salted salmon marinated with lemon;Green ceasar salad with a hinch of vinegar and some bread."
" did you know exactly what I like?"
" I really have to asnwer that?"
"No..." Mumbled Hisana. "Let's go!I'm staaaarving!!!" Hisana ran downstairs.
"It seems that the demonic aura has completely filled her body."

Zero fallowed her downstairs.He had already served the food so it wasn't that surprising to find Hisana gobbling up he food.She ate his and her portion.
" ate a ration big enough for two people..." Said Zero.
"Yeah and I'm still starve...Do you have anymore?"
"...well no but I can cook some more."
"Oh no,don't worry."
"It's okay.I actually enjoy cooking.It's a good time to rethink stuff and analyze."
"So...what do you think about,Zero?"
"...well to be"
"..." Hisana felt happy but then she realized that he hadn't cooked in a long time.XD
"Well,I'll be right back." Zero went into the kitchen.He came out a few minutes later. "Well the salmon is marinating."
"Um...Zero...can we go to the underworld now,please?"
"But aren't you going to wait for the salmon?"
"No..." Zero grabbed her by the hand and closed his eyes.He tought of the underworld and when he opened his eyes,he was there.

"Zero..." He turned around just to see Hana in her normal physical. "What are you doing here?"
"I-I'm here some business."
"...there's no need to hesitate.You are the ruler of the underworld." Zero stayed silence.Hana saw Hisana peek out from behind him. "Who is this,Hisana?"
"Oh,hi,Hana" Said Hisana.
"Zero,why is she here?"
"I...I made her a demon...So I want to see how strong she is...and how strong am I?" Said Zero.
"She...I don't know but you...not even all the demons together cna defeat you." Replied Hana.
"Then if that's so true...prove it."
"Fine!" Hana's eyes truned glowing white.Black ghost like creatures arised from the depths of the underworld.All of the creatures shooted themself to Zero.Zero's eyes turned white as well.He pushed his hand forwards and all of those creatures got burned.Hisana was impressed.
"(I want to become as strong as Zero.)" Hisana sneaked away from the scene to find some battle.Zero was so caught up in his battle with Hana that he didn't noticed but Hana did.Still,she didn't tell him anything.

Hisana saw a plaza down the black path.A dark plaza.She saw the same ghostlike creatures that attacked Zero,roaming around it.She saw in the center of the plaza a bathhouse. "(Hmm...a bathhouse...)"
Hisana crossed the bridge that was a croos a black river.When she was in the center of the bridge,she looked down and gaped at the black water.Suddenly a black hawk with a red colored head was flying really fast towards her.It was going to attack her but a young boy,probably her same age,pushed her from it's way.
"Take cover!" Hisana bent down in her knees and he covered her with his body.The hawk didn't see Hisana so it flew away. "There,it's gone.Are you alright?" He asked.
"Y-Yes.What was it?"
"Are you new here?"
"That's probably it.That hawk is a guardian.It's job is to eliminate every demon woh hasn't register in Kyokai." Said the boy.
"W-Who are you?"
"My name is Haku."
"Haku...thank you for saving me,Haku.I'm Hisana."
"Hisana,are you a resent demon?"
"Then it's dangerous for you to be around here.Swallow this.It oughta protect you." Haku gave Hisana a red pill.
"What is it?" It will disguise your human scent for a while."
"But I am no longer human."
"Yes you are.The only difference is that instead of energy,you have a demonic aura.That makes you seem like a demon but you are still not one."
"What is your job in the underworld,Haku?"
"Me?I make sure no criminal demon escapes from Yokai prison."
" wish I could have a job like that."
"You can but not yet." Haku stood up. "Where were you heading,Hisana?"
"I was going to that bathhouse."
"I wanted to check how strong I am now so I tought I could find someone there."
"Wrong thing to do.Most of the demons and spirits who attend there are profesional human hunters.If you had entered there with your human scent you could've been slayed." Hisana got scared.
"So where can I train?"
"You can't go anywere public.Let's go to the shinigami realm.It's quiet and empty there.I'll train with you."
"Thank you very much,Haku." Hisana stood up and fallowed Haku.Eventually,they were standing upon a big gate with a unknown emblem in the center.
"Hisana,you must hold your breath as you go trough this gate." Hisana took a deep breath and kept it.She began to walk trough the gate.When she past the portal she let go of her air.

* * *

Zero was battling Hana.He noticed silence.When he looked back,Hisana wasn't there anymore.
"Wait,stop." He told Hana. "Where's Hisana?"
"She ran off somewhere now let's get back to fighting each other and forget about her."
"I can't just forget about her,she knows nothing about this place.She could be getting killed right now...her scent...her human scent! Oh,no,no,no! She's probably being devoured by a demon right now."
"Oh,Zero,calm down."Hana got closed to him and hugged him. "She's probably down at the plaza enjoying herself.Now please,pay attention to your fiancee."
"No,Hana!" He pushed her away. "I have to go find her." Zero then ran off.

"You're not getting away from me,Zero." She said to herself.Her eyes turned white and she looked down at a puddle of black water.It showed Hisana and Haku training.
"The shinigami realm,huh? Heh! poor Zero." She grabbed a black rose and squashed it in her hand.A red sparkle poured down and fell in the puddle which showed Haku. "Good love."

* * *

Hisana and Haku were battling each other.
"Hmmm.For a recent demon,you're pretty powerful." Said Haku as he dodge on of her attacks.
"Thanks.You're pretty good too." Hisana jumped at him but he dodge her.Haku suddenly gapes at Hisana.
"Hisana!" Hisana stopped.
"What is it?"
"...nevermind.Forget it." Haku then stopped. "Please wait here.I have to go somewere.I'll be back." Haku then vanished.Hisana was confused but she stayed there to wait.

Haku was soaring trough the black and red trees.Three seconds later and he was kneeling infront of Hana.
"Yes,my master?"
"It seems you know Hisana."
"H-Hisana?" He looked up.
"Yes,the one you were training with."
"Oh,she's new here so I tought I'd help her."
"So let me get this straight." Hana extended her arm and the hawk that was going to attack Hisana earlier landed there. "First,you p

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