Now when I get home I have an aching shoulder to deal with everyday..
Also, they're all getting in the way of my art time.. I'll never be able to finish one of my WIP's at this rate.
But one tinsey wincey announcement.. Like all of you know, its going to be September 11 this Thursday. And if you don't know that was the day that two planes crashed into the Twin Towers and the World Trade Center.
I know its tragic so very tragic.. I think I'm about to cry...
I'm just letting you guys know (though I don't think anyone's going to read this).
Oh yeah.. And I almost forgot about my WIP. From now on I'll be posting my current WIP here on my journal.. Yay! xd
Now look what I've created so far.

This is what I've done so far, though I just made it smaller so it could fit.