See Blog and CLICK here: EVENINGWIND

Note: Thanks to Kenji-san for the photos!!! KOS is an organization where simple anime otakus gathered in an event and doing things for FUn. We usually referred each others in our official anime codename
DAY 1: June 13, 2009
It's good that we had fine weather today!!
I came to Manila around noon, since me and my KOS twin, Reiss a.k.a KOS Hinata, decided to meet up first and went to the Megamall together. *Everyone really teased us that we're twins and sometimes, YUURI couples.
First, I met up with some newest members of our organization namely: Wrath, Omi Tsukiyono, Lucia Raregroove,and Night in a TEKKEN Competition also held on that day. Then, we went in the 5th floor and meet the other members...
Waa~ it's been a long time since I see you guys!!! At first, they didn't even recognize me since I changed my style again but still, Yuuri-san recognize me that I was like YOITE in some sort of casual costume 'coz of the Gatsby cap and the attitude. And again, in the end, they still saw and treated me like an innocent little kid.
<img src="" border="0" />Waaa~~~ " What the- "
so... everytime Kenji-san and others asked me to take some photos of me, I portrayed Rokujou Miharu's behaviour (mostly doing the pose with the hand like the one below) :p

After that, we went down again and moved the rendezvous to food court where Hinata and me, ate some lunch! and finally, took some group pictures as for the Kashira Tsunade requested. That time, some other photographers (those from the photo session of some basketball players autograph signing event held in the food court) joined in and took some pictures with us, KOS.
<img src="" border="0" />* Wondering why? maybe they think that we're some anime portrayers in casual attires? No! frankly, we're afraid if where in the world will they post it waah~~~
The most TREASURE moment out there was, I finally saw and met the TEAM TUX especially Jin Joson-san and Miguel Mercado-san. They were cosplaying Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X characters. They are completely different in person *compare to photos..hey, they're much kawaii and cool in real life.. that's what I think* but still, they are really nice and friendly guys.
Even L-san and Kenji-san teased me about wny not having pic with Joson-san since they knew me that I was one of the TEAM TUX fans but unfortunately, it was before hehe and I'm just plain contented to see them in person and the ultimate reason is!!!!
sshh <img src="" border="0" />*I mostly admire senpai Kralle.
Plus, the reason I came in Manila is to see the KOS and the other newly joined otaku and it's already unexpected that I saw the Team TUX. Oh, I almost forgot to tell that even the Gosiengfiao sisters were there as well hehe...
Ashley and Alodia Gosiengfiao

Lastly, the official meeting of the Otaku Media Assembly, where Kenji-san, Baiken-san and me talked about some future projects for the KOS' subgroup and I believed that this year we can finally released what's the original products from KOS so better watch for it. Ow! Thanks to Baiken-san that I was able to meet my senpai Izanagi!!! * OW, she glomped me in front of everyone..*blush
I really missed everyone, unfortunately, I couldn't even afford to talk so much since that time, my throat hurts---> IDk why or how it happen? or maybe the artificial cold given off by the aircon or maybe my body wasn't still adjusted on the new climate. Everyone was worried to see me that way or maybe they was expecting me to be loud and happy this day. Still, before Hinata and I leave.. I keep on apologizing for it. Gomen nasai!!
These are some selected cool pictures I chose and acquired from our very own KOS Kenji-san, the photographer of the day!

NarutoHinata, this one was one of my fave shots that Kenji-san taken. So kawaii! Thank goodness they didn't kill you for asking them to pose like this, nice job! hahaha *pats Kenji-san's shoulder*

Some snapshots of KHR kawaii figures. >w<

Gunslinger girls: one of the Photoshoot entry

"AAHHH! Help!! " Dark Father of Star Wars abuse!!! tehehe

OMG! I couldn't take my eyes on this one! ~Uwaaa~~
Some other pictures taken inside the convention.
See more at: EveningWind @ Flickr
Day 2: June 14, 2009
Yep, this is the very first time that I'd gone to an event for two days usually I always choose the last day of event hehe. If I donned some males clothes yesterday, this day I wore a white chinese dress and my partner wore a black gothic dress. We looked like sisters in some way that had a different fave of colors haha.
This time instead of having some meeting with the organization, me and Reiss decided to spent the day with each other. This was our PERSONAL day today. We know that the next event will surely come in August.. and it's another long days that I couldn't see my partner again.
Gadding around as usual but before we went up to 5th floor,we saw some mascots of Mister Donuts Smidgets plus the mascots of Power Books, if I'm not mistaken. That was way to cool to see. We never thought that we'll see some non-anime characters out there hehe. The second day event had really did the activities that they planned for that day especially the cosplay fashion show and group cosplay.
And of course, we met and hanged out with L-san but this time he didn't wear his SA uniform so it's like that we're all in casual attires. This was the great oppurtunity that L-san and Coud-san talked in person and at the end, L-san referred Coud-san to cosplay the Darker than black -Hei. The plan of wearing the costume will be around August and after hearing this, we, including Yuuri-san organize our individual portrayal plans for this year. My Yoite's costume will be on pending mode again so we need to pick another anime! It should be wear if everyone will already done with other nabari's characters.
Before we went home, we finalize everything and our group portrayal will be on CHRISTMAS TOYCON- The NABARI NO OU Group cosplay!
Yep, we all know that the said anime is mostly unknown by most people but we can't help it but to PORTRAY Yoite, Aizawa, Yukimi and Raimei... I really hope that there's someone who will join us as Miharu!
Overall, I enjoyed going to Manila and nothing beats the wonderful feeling to see those guys that I don't really expect that we'd formed some bonds because of this reason maybe: " Different SIMPLE people, One INTEREST, united as ONE and doing all thing just for FUN".
sweatdrop It's quite long? yep, gomen ne for it... xp I couldn't even hold back myself that I tell this all in this journal while I just remained silent again in person hahaha.
Where's my own picture?
<img src="" border="0" />
Hey, I've told you guys already I don't post more than the one you see in the avatar.
I'm BAD? Yep, I am!<img src="" border="0" /> tehehe