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Merrin's Ranting Journal Just random rants and rambles

Community Member
Woke up and groggily prepared this morning. Almost everyone in the house overslept which was annoying so I wasn't able to eat breakfast.

But I was more than in time for my appointment, 15 minutes to be exact, lmao.
It's not my wish but hitching a ride can't be choosers.

Dentist was amazed with the check-up, asking if there had been a change in my regimen and I was like, uh, I changed from normal to electric toothbrush. It's the first time I saw her so happy but she still complained about my remaining wisdom teeth (upper ones were removed already years before because it causes massive headaches). But as the teet were not completely out and there were no other issues, I don't really feel like getting the operation to have them removed.

All in all, day has been good so far.

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