Character Full Name: Soulstice Winter (a.k.a. Soul)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Half Werewolf, Half Demon
Appearance: (Oh and um... I didnt draw this my art skills arent that good)

Personality: Strong sense of justice, Caring, Shy, Loner, Dedicated, Tends to risk his life for others.
Weapons: Two Swords, Sol and Luna
Skills: Has the ability to heal and also the ability to transform into a werewolf if necessary
Background: At a young age Soulstice Winter was forced to become an outcast by his tribe. This was due to him being a half breed and the fact that he was always in his human form. Ran away from his tribe at the age of 10 and was brought up by a hermit who thought him the ways of the sword and how to heal himself and others. Once the Hermit passes away when Soulstice was 16 he was forced to fend for himself. He left the area in search of his place in the world and is still searching.