These are some RP ideas I have...
Plots for Samara Hyuki
After about 24 years of school, (On earth, that's 12), You finally get to notice me. You see me getting either picked on by some snobby girls in the cafeteria, or harassed by guys wanting to copy off my homework near a fence, they have me cornered. You can come in and save me, or let me be.
You have known me since I was a little girl, but haven't said much because you are afraid i will bite, or think that I don't like you, which ever reason. I stumble on you and we slowly become friends after that, finding out that our senior classes are almost the same.
Plots for Samara Gydran
Plot I want to do if you don't mind:
Ditya Co-Ed Boarding School.
Tis a boarding school for both Males and Females. Sama and (INSERT YOUR CHARACTER HERE) have been friends since Freshman year. Both of them are now moving into Junior year, as (YOUR CHARACTER HERE) has a a crush and denies feelings for Sama. Though Sama have feelings for (YOUR CHARACTER HERE), she holds it down and is not aware of it as feelings. Either Sama or (YOUR CHARACTER HERE) can be a vampire. ^-^
Sama and (YOUR CHARACTER HERE) live in the same dorm, as Sama exposes the fact that she doesn't like take showers in public, so usually waits till everyone is asleep and goes in. though she asks one time for (YOUR CHARACTER HERE) to stand guard.
Sama and (YOUR CHARACTER HERE) live in different dorms, as (YOUR CHARACTER HERE) comes over and sneaks in so they can chat and study for tests. One day Sama tells (YOUR CHARACTER HERE) about her fear of showering in public, and is afraid to ask for (YOUR CHARACTER HERE) to stand guard.
Etc: I do other plots, but still.
Plot for Sam Zydro
Co-ed boarding school, where just as the bio says, I am the hottest yet most inactive, in relationships, boy among the High school. You will play a girl who is either as popular, or the least popular and end up almost getting killed by a car driving too fast, but I come and save you from getting hit.
Plots for Samara Zydro
Females: You are a scientist/Lab assitant who gets a shipment with a new model for a Bioman (Bionic Humanoid), and you discover it's he's a gorgous looking Bioman. He Looks like a guy you've dreamt of since you were a little girl... Truth is... You find out later on, he... is a she.
Males: You are walking down the street in the back of the houses. You are walking home from the convienet store. When you see a bioman laying in the middle of the road. You too, think it's a male, so you take it in, only to find out when he takes his armor off so you can help him repair his self, he... is a she.
The male one can be a female thing too.
Here's my BIO:
Samara Hyuki, AKA Sama

Name: Samara Hyuki
Gender: Female
Age: 32 (On Earth she's 17)
Race: Zylan (Aruzan with the blood of Zylox, the Original God of Darkness)
Personality: She is shy, quiet, yet warms up to someone easily, though doesn't usually talk. She maintains distance unless someone intrigues her.
Strengths: She is able to lift the Darkness out of any object, allowing the light to take over, though she rarely uses this power. Her shyness attracts a lot of attention, though she loves to get physical.
Weakness: She has a thing for boys with white hair, just like the God of Wind.
Weapons: She does not carry any weapons.
Character Picture/Description: Samara stands 5'4" tall, and weighs at least 130lbs. She is strongly built with muscles as she works out twice a week. She wears all black due to her heritage. She wears shirts that show her neck with webbed shirts underneath. She always wears a belt too big for her, and they always have a different color when she chooses to be different. Her pants are always bell bottoms, as she only has one pair of regular jeans. She has knee high boots that zip up the side, and wears thigh high socks. She always wears a collar that has a pure silver bell. It was said that her mother was a Neko.
Bio: Samara Hyuki's parents died in the war, Her father was a strong man who always wanted a son, but his only child was a daughter. He never loved her as much as he should, but he went off to the army, expecting her to join him too, She refused. He died in the army, as her mom died of depression, and hung herself. Samaras sadness hangs inside her, for she was told it was her fault by the blood of her mom that was smeared on the wall. She only wishes to get by in life and die, but is too quiet to let that happen. She does not cry other the loss of her parents, and some say she is too depressed to talk at all. Samara hopes that someone will help her through life, but still cannot speak the words.
Sama Zydro

Name: Sam Zydro
Gender: Male
Age: 36 (17)
Race: Zydran
Personality: Smart, kind, generous, loving, quiet, cool in a silent way, peaceful, Charming, etc.
Strengths: Fire Based-Combat, Large crowds he can just blend into, open spaces for more space to fight in.
Weakness: Water based combat, Hugs.
Weapons: Sam doesn't carry many weapons, he only uses his fists and/or his ability to create fire out of every inch of his body.
Character Picture/Description: Sama, or Sam, stands about 5'11", and weighs about 175lbs. His read hair is a natural color, as his skin is a bit tanner than his picture. His eyes are ruby red, that match his ruby hair. He glistens in the sunlight, or at least that's what girls say, as he walks around with a white buttoned shirt. With the two buttons on the top of his shirt buttoned down, along with his tie pulled down half way down his shirt, his jeans are navy blue but fade near the nears. Sam usually carries around a short version of a cruiser board.
Bio: Sam has been eye balled by girls everywhere he goes, mostly his ruby colored hair and eyes always catches attention. Zydran's don't normally have ruby red hair, they usually have black hair or brown. Sam, or Sama, likes to have a nice polite, fan girl day free. He only ignores the girls requests to get a date, for he only wants to find a friend. Most guy friends he's had just wants to date His fan girls. Sama keeps to his dorm after school, and goes to a Co-ed boarding school. Sam is a very brilliant, straight A student, who has brains and looks. Sam has always been a courageous boy who has always stood up for people he didn't even know. Sam has a nice life, as his parents on a huge steel industry in the Zydro Temple. Sam was brought up knowing the art of Lyu-kia (Martial Arts), but uses it for defense. When he was five, he was given armor from his teacher, it was adult size, but when he was pushed into it, the armor disappeared. Anytime he is in true danger, or his temper grows, the armor summons as he becomes known as the Keeper of Wildfire.

Name: Samara Gydran
Age: 32 on Aruza, 17 on Earth. (Aruzan's live twice as long as Earthlings.)
Race: Zydran. (Aruzan with Zydro Blood. (Zydro is the God of Inferno))
Personality: Easy-going, laid back, in love with fire, sticks with a hobby, calm, sweet, gentle yet strong, teasing when she wants something badly.
Strengths: Able to bend fire using the Oxygen around her, Sword she carries on occasion, Able to give off hormone every time she uses her fire powers.
Weakness: Water, girls that try to hit on her, very cute guys.
Weapons: Able to Bend Fire using the Oxygen around her, Sama allows her foes to get close by teasing, and strikes when necessary. She carries a Sword on occasion, it's not very sharp but it is used to cut up her meats.
Character Picture/Description: Sama usually wears her red V shaped shirt that shows her white undershirt with tie. Her skirt reaches down about half a foot past her groin and wears Long black socks, along with black shoes. Her hair is always down and is held back most of the time with a black ribbon. Her Eyes are a shade of brown that matches the tree trunks of her village. Sama also usually wears red all the time, even down to her panties and bra.
Bio: Sama has lived a basic Life, though her parents are the riches two in the city, she never sees them. Due to the lack of Parental guidance, Sama skips her Co-Ed Boarding school and goes out in the woods and practices her Fire magic near the River. She has always had a fascination with girls, though she loves boys, she blushes deeply near her beauty dorm mates. She takes showers after midnight to prevent any slippage of her hormones so she doesn't embarrass herself, or worse, try something on a girl.
Samara Zydro

Name: Zydro
Gender: Female
Age: Born in 2331 AD, Looks around 18 years old.
Race: Andriodic Bioman. (Ask?)
Personality: Sheltered, careful, doesn't trust easily, stubborn, sweet.
Strengths: Will fight till the end, distancing people.
Weakness: Water, Love.
Weapons: She can bend computer codes into her own and make them do as she does if the firewall is weak enough. Her energy blade. Occasionally uses her power to bend fire.
Character Picture/Description: Zydro Sama (Samara Zydro) stands about 5'7", and weighs about 300lbs of machine and technology. She has orange hair that flows out of her helmet, and when she takes it off, You can see her true hair and beauty. She was created with a Human look, down to every point. if you cut her open, you could still mistake her for a human. She wears her armor to hide herself and trick everyone into thinking she is a boy.
Bio: Not much is known about Samara Zydro, only that she escaped and blew up the facility she was born in when she found out she was being used for a weapon. She has only had one friend, and she hasn't seen him since 2335, four years after she was created with him. She only has a vague memory of him, and hopes to meet him again, but she hides this from the world. Before she found out about her true purpose, she was a very sweet hearten gal, who loved everything. She loved the color pink, and she adored roses. She would blush all the time when her friend would come in.

Name: Samara Swein
Gender: Female
Age: 32 (17 on Earth)
Race: Mizan (Blood of Mizar, God of Wind)
Personality: Shy, smart, doesn't come to conclusions unless thought through thoroughly, etc.
Strengths: Books, Mizan art of Defense, Intellectually gifted.
Weakness: Hand on Hand combat without knowing an opponent's stats.
Weapons: None, Can use wind from palms and body.
Character Picture/Description: Samara Swein stands 5'4" tall, and weighs about 120lbs. She had brownish red hair, that extends to her middle back. She usually wears a green and white school like uniform, but in her spare times, she let's herself go. She wears a black undergarment used for personal time with her books. She is never caught without a book, and usually wears thin black glasses to help her see. Unlike Mizan's, she has green eyes, which match her skirt, but doesn't match her naturally brownish red hair. Her skin is a bit pale, but a bit tan at the same time.
Bio: Samara Swein has been living in a dorm for two years now, and has always lived away from her parents. They own a huge air balloon company to those who cannot use wind based powers to fly place to place. She is basically a billionaire, but doesn't like to use too much money. She has a lot stowed away, but never uses it except buying books, food, and clothing. Samara has always had a book in her hand, and will never be seen going to bed without reading a chapter or 15 of her favorite books. Samara has always had a taste for home made Mizan treats. She first picked up a book when she was 2, (2 on earth) and has always had one ever since. Samara goes to a very classy school, which turned out to be a Co-ed boarding school. She has a room to herself since Freshmen year, and has always wished for silence, yet someone to read with her. Sama took both beds, and put them together.