I literally danced when that banner finally worked .-. go ahead, click the picture that I had to route through three different websites to bring to you!!
I'm so proud of myself. Took me forever!! In other news, eveything's gotten pretty boring. I have English homework...OH OH OH OH!! I forgot to tell you!! There's this new HAWT New Zealander in my Gym class!! He just moved here! His family'll be moving here too in about a month, he came first for school!! He's tall, dark, HANDSOME!! AND HE'S GOT AN AMAZING ACCENT!! -melts- All done now c: Did I mention how hot he is?
Anyway. I can get on the school Computers, before school, and during lunch!! Muahahahahahaha, so there, nothing can stop me!! Even grounding! > : D That's right, I'm getting down with mah bad self!! -dances-
Alright, I'll never scar you guys like that again! -makes rainbow- ((Get the pun there? Post it in the comments!!))