Welcome to the Rare Fish Report thread
Our Purpose: To gather data about Gaia's rare fish and present it to our fellow fishers with the hopes that the information found here will help them in the catching of their own rare fish.
Most people have a general idea about rare fish, little bits of facts and things we've all heard and experienced while we're out fishing. Some of it came from guides, some of it came from theories we've made up, some of it came from people that looked at the game code long ago.
Rare fish were... pretty rare. In the past, months could go by with only 1 or 2 reports. It seems like times have changed however, there are more and more reports popping up in threads around the forum and elsewhere, with lots of new information.
In this thread I hope to gather as much information as possible, from what bait was used, to how the fish moved. Everything we can find, to hopefully see what's changed, if anything, in this new version of Gaia Fishing, and establish possible ways in which people can hunt for rares more efficiently.
Everyone is welcome to post what rares they have caught, as well as discuss their theories and ideas regarding the rare fish.
Thread Rules and Guidelines
Please read these before posting. If you break one of these rules you will be banned from the thread, so just don't do it, ok? Thanks.
* I thought this would be obvious, but ABSOLUTELY NO COPYING ANYTHING FOUND HERE. You may ask for permission to use the information, and post it in your own words. If you desire to post it exactly as I have it, please use the "quote" function. You must provide a link to this thread. Just saying my name is not good enough, there must be a link.
* No spam. No bumps unless the thread is off the first page of the forum. Spam includes posts that are just smilies/emoticons, and posts that are not related to either rare fish, rare fish prices, or the fishing game in general. The only type of spam that is allowed is a bump to bring the thread back up to the first page of the forum. Please keep in mind that spam can be warned for. I will most likely delete spam in my thread, I will most likely delete posts that are not related to the topic and contribute in no way to the thread. I will most likely delete posts that are just random things when the thread is already on the first page of the forum.
* No quoting ANY of the first 5 posts on the first page. If you have something to say, use the POST REPLY button, NOT the "QUOTE" button.
* Be NICE to each other. Keep personal drama out.
* When reporting a rare catch, please include screenshot proof. If you don't know how to get the screenshot, post and ask. If you don't know what to put in the form, please post and ask, someone will tell you 3nodding
* Do NOT PM me your report, POST it HERE. Please and thank you.
* [If sharing rare fish price information, please post it all in a single post, or make a post, mention that you will be editing it, and edit in all the information you found later.
* I don't mind double posts, but don't over do it. Don't make a new post right after your last post if it's not absolutely necessary.
* Don't sell your fish here. Caught a rare fish? Great, post it. Bought a rare fish? Great, please post the price. Sold a rare fish? Wonderful, please post the selling price. Want to sell a rare fish? Go to the Game Item Exchange, don't post here. Want to buy a rare fish? Go to the Game Item Exchange and look for sellers. Don't post here.
I reserve the right to add any more rules as I see fit.
tiranaki Site Moderator
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Post: 18654283_2 created on Tue Oct 17, 2006 11:35 amPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 11:35 am
Please use the following code to report your catches. If there's something you're unsure of, post and we'll do our best to explain it.
Fishing Spot:
Gaian Time of Day (Night, Day, Dawn or Dusk):
Rare Fish Caught:
Bait Used:
Bait Level:
Date Caught(Approx.):
Rod Used
Fishing Mode (Casual/Competition)* (see explanation below):
Row and Slot: * (see explanation below)
How Many Games Had You Played That Day When You Caught It:
Were You Filtering, or Dredging/Powerfishing: (MUST be one of these, see explanation below)
Sample Report
*Username: myusername
Fishing Spot: Durem
Gaian Time of Day (Night, Day, Dawn or Dusk): Night
Rare Fish Caught: Emerald
Bait Used: F
Bait Level: A
Date Caught(Approx.): june.25.07
Rod Used DRP
Row and Slot:* (see explanation below) 1st slot, 1st row
Fishing Mode (Casual/Competition)* (see explanation below) : Casual
How Many Games Had You Played That Day When You Caught It: First game (1)
Were You Filtering, or Dredging/Powerfishing: (MUST be one of these, see explanation below) Dredging
Proof: *insert screenshot of stats page or vend*
* When you fish, you are either filtering, dredging or powerfishing. If you are just fishing casually and catching what you can and not caring if you get trash or fish or whatever, you know, just fishing and chatting with friends, or not really doing anything except passing the time and having fun, then you are dredging. Which means, to catch everything you can with no specific intent or purpose except to fill up the bucket.
* If you are only catching fish and letting go of the trash, or only catching large and medium fish and letting go of the small fish and the trash, or letting go of ALL the fish and only catching trash, etc, then you are filtering. To filter means to let go of the unwanted items and only reel in the things you want. This is done by knowing how each item moves and being able to tell what it is before you catch it..
* If you are trying to fill in the bucket as fast as possible, not caring if you get trash or fish, then you are powerfishing. Which means to fill up the bucket in the fastest possible time with little to no regard as to the contents of said bucket.
That said, please do not put "no" or "I don't know" or "neither" when answering that question. You HAVE to have been doing one of the 3 because that's how the game is played. Even if you were just "fishing randomly" then you were still dredging.
* Casual meaning less than 20 games per day. Just a few games a day, or a week, etc. Competition meaning 20 or more games, in other words, you were fishing constantly throughout the day.
* Was the fish in the first row, second row or third row? And was it the 1st slot, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th and last slot?
Proof of Catch
While I would love to give everyone benefit of the doubt, I've come across too many fake reports, so if you want your rare report to be added to the data, please include a screenshot.
The only acceptable screenshots are the following:
IMPORTANT: If you decide to use the vend store method, please select BID ONLY, and put a really high amount, like 300000000. Make sure you select 14 days as the auction time, and a bid increment of 1000. If you use this method, don't take the necessary precautions and loose your fish, I am not responsible.
The reason why a bucket/in game screenshot is not preferred is because these are easily editable in any photo-editing program.
Screen shot guide for ALL computers
* Please save this link for future references, as a fisher, you will use it a LOT.
tiranaki Site Moderator
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Post: 18654283_3 created on Tue Oct 17, 2006 11:36 amPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 11:36 am
Rare Fish from Bass'ken Lake
Fish Name: Mutha Guppa
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Suggested Fisher's Pricing: 250k-280k
Last Reported Actual Sell Price: 330k
Fish Item Available: Mutha Guppa Mask
Time of Day Available: Day
Catch Description:
"Dang gurl! Baby got back!"
Inventory Description:
"You don't wanna mess with this Mutha Guppa. Seriously. Well, ok. Go for it. But don't say I didn't warn you."
Fish Name: Big Mouth Bass'terd
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Suggested Fisher's Pricing: 250k-300k
Last Reported Actual Sell Price: 250k (Reported by Moldorm)
Fish Item Available: Big Mouth Bass'terd Mask
Time of Day Available: Night
Catch Description:
Inventory Description:
"There isn't a creature in this lake more crude, more foul, more vile, and more digusting than the Big Mouth Bass'terd!"
Fish Name: Candy Striper
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Suggested Fisher's Pricing: 600k-850k
Last Reported Actual Sell Price: 600k (reported by Bria_Teregram)
Fish Item Available: Candy Striper Mask
Time of Day Available: Dawn/Dusk
Catch Description:
"I don't know why anyone would volunteer to be caught."
Inventory Description:
"The Candy Striper is known to lure little children with its alluring candy shell exterior. These children are fooled into believing they've found the motherload of candies then are gobbled up by this vicious carnivorous fish! HAHAHHAHA! Stupid children..."
Rare Fish from Port of Gambino
Fish Name: Buckin' Bino
Fish Location: Port of Gambino
Suggested Fisher's Pricing: 100k-120k
Last Reported Actual Sell Price: 112.5k (reported by Moldorm)
Fish Item Available: Buckin' Bino Mask
Time of Day Available: Day
Catch Description:
"A fish that even Gambino himself would be proud of."
Inventory Description:
"A fish truly worthy of swimming in Gambino's waters."
Fish Name: Tootin' Tino
Fish Location: Port of Gambino
Suggested Fisher's Pricing: 120k-150k
Last Reported Actual Sell Price: 150k (Reported by Bria Teregram)
Fish Item Available: Tootin' Tino Mask
Time of Day Available: Night
Catch Description:
"No amount of tootin' can save you from my bucket!"
Inventory Description:
"Like Chino, only more aggressive. His unique fin configuration allows him to use water pressure to propel him forward."
Fish Name: Chargin' Chino
Fish Location: Port of Gambino
Suggested Fisher's Pricing: 150k-250k
Last Reported Actual Sell Price: 177.5k
Fish Item Available: Chargin' Chino Mask
Time of Day Available: Dawn/Dusk
Catch Description:
"Hmm... how much would you CHARGE for this guy!"
Inventory Description:
"Like Bino, only a faster swimmer. His unique fin configuration adds 5 more horsepower to his fish engine."
Rare Fish from Durem Reclamation Facility
Fish Name: Diamondback Lion
Fish Location: Durem Reclamation Facility
Suggested Fisher's Pricing: 600k-800k
Last Reported Actual Sell Price: 700k
Fish Item Available: Diamondback Lion Mask
Time of Day Available: Day
Catch Description:
"King of the sea MY BUTT!"
Inventory Description:
"Graceful and elegant, these fish possess diamond sharp fins that can cut through other fish as they swim past them... kinda like a ninja... in like... say... an anime... where they run past each other and like... the other dude... like... slides apart or somethin... you know... elegant-like ... unlike this description."
Fish Name: Emeraldback Lion
Fish Location: Durem Reclamation Facility
Suggested Fisher's Pricing: 600k-850k
Last Reported Actual Sell Price: 650k (Reported by tiranaki)
Fish Item Available: Emeraldback Lion Mask
Time of Day Available: Night
Catch Description:
"Look at this guy! They will all be GREEN with envy!"
Inventory Description:
"A cousin of the Diamondback and Rubyback varieties of Lionfish. They're always after me lucky charms."
Fish Name: Rubyback Lion
Fish Location: Durem Reclamation Facility
Suggested Fisher's Pricing: 900k-1200k
Last Reported Actual Sell Price: 1600k
Fish Item Available: Rubyback Lion Mask
Time of Day Available: Dawn/Dusk
Catch Description:
Inventory Description:
"A cousin of the Diamondback and Emeraldback varieties of Lionfish. Like rubies compared to diamonds, these fish are more um... how to say... red."
Note: Suggested Fisher's Pricing is the price that we as fishers think the fish should be worth. We try to think of prices that are fair not only to those that caught the fish, but to those that are questing for the fish as well.
In order to update the Last Reported Sale Price, I need help. If you recently sold a rare fish to someone, please post the price, or a range. If you bought a rare fish, same thing. Also if you witnessed the buying/selling of a rare fish.
In the mean time, I will put the Lowest Buy Now price found in the Marketplace. Please note that price is NOT accurate of actual sales.
Thanks to everyone that suggested prices: SirTooky, DJ Trouble, Chaos Butterfly, and anyone else I am currently forgetting.
Last updated: July 28th, 2008
tiranaki Site Moderator
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Post: 18654283_4 created on Tue Oct 17, 2006 11:37 amPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 11:37 am
General Data
*click on banner to see gathered data.
* Rare fish can be hooked with ANY rod. They are found at 25 feet and higher.
* You CAN catch more than 1 rare in the same account. (I've caught 4.)
* A and D level bait will trigger a lucky bucket, F level bait will trigger a lucky bucket but since it's F bait, the game autimoatically nulls it. F bait is a rare killer, don't use it unless it's A or D level. Every F game you play could have been a rare that was just killed crying (seriously though, use D bait instead).
* However, it's possible using A level bait specifically, has a GREATER chance than D bait. This is just a theory though based on my experiences.
* Rares DO NOT move like trash. This has been proven by the game code. Each rare species has a specific movement unique to it that is also similar to another fish in that same lake.
Rare Fish Movements
The movements are as follows:
o ALL Bass'ken rares move like fast gray stripers
o ALL Gambino rares move like Warm Trout. Easily mistaken for Blue Seedkin because both fish have almost identical movements.
o ALL Durem rares move closets to a fast white pebbo with a very strong pull.
* You have a 1/5000 chance that the bucket you are currently fishing has a rare fish in it. If your bucket has a rare fish in it that you have not yet caught, you have a 25% chance of hooking said rare, IF it's in your bucket. This is also known by users as a lucky bucket. Chances are, it will be in the first 4 slots, if not the first row, so long as you don't loose any fish. If you loose a lot of fish, it will keep coming back until you do catch it (or you finish the bucket without catching it sweatdrop but anyways), meaning it might possibly not show up until the second row or so.
* LUCKY BUCKET: Is what users call a bucket that has a rare fish in it. It's nothing official, and doesn't really mean anything. There's no way to know that you have one unless you actually catch a rare. It's like saying "Wow, your bucket must be lucky because you just caught a rare!" And, for example, like a surprise party, you don't know you're having one until the moment arrives.
Random facts based on my information
o The most caught rare is the Diamondback Lion followed by both the Bass'terd and Tino. Since I've started this thread enough diamonds have been caught to complete a mask.
o The least caught rare is the Rubyback Lion, followed by the Chino. Contrary to popular belief, the Candy striper is NO LONGER the most rare of the rares.
o Most rares are caught with a PLUS rod, but not all.
o Most rares are caught with A level bait, but not all. A level F bait is also very common.
o Most rares are caught by regular people just out fishing normally.
o Rare fish cannot be obtained by trading up fish in the Fish Exchange (in Old Man Logan's Shop). The only way to get rare fish is by catching them.
tiranaki Site Moderator
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Post: 18654283_5 created on Tue Oct 17, 2006 11:38 amPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 11:38 am
Reports of Rare Catches*
*since new fishing version
Click Above!!! To see the website with all the information 3nodding
o SigmaJargon: Emerald*
o [[Scarlet]]: Tino
o SirTooky: Guppa
o ChiJadey: Emerald (second rare on same account, first rare was a Guppa)
o tiranaki: Emerald and Bass'terd (x2)
o narutosan17: Tino
o bluedragonfly687: Tino
o Tifflet: Guppa
o Sarma_Vassendian: Diamond
o Danna Vanzeneth: Emerald
o Kykeon: Diamond
o KittyGodess: Diamond
o seasweetie: Candy
o Potzi Hookman: Diamond
o Fayt_of_Redemption: Emerald
o Master Okita: Diamond
o Gallows Grey: Diamond
o KanadajinGaijin: Emerald. Reported via PM. In my stupidity I lost the PM. =/ Apologies.
o I_love_matt_powers: Bass'terd. Submitted report but not proof.
+ saphira_legend: Rubyback *Doesn't count. Old report from 2005.
+ x0x0x0x0x0x0x0xffffsssa: Bino
+ lunarviolist: Bino
+ Ariela Steadfast: Diamondback
+ hooded owl: Bino
+ out-of-the-ordinary: Guppa
+ Loves2read: Bino
+ ihua: Candy Striper
+ Angelic Ankh: Chino
+ Snow-Covered Swamp: Guppa
+ Alex Vasquez: Tino
+ Kykeon: Tino *2nd rare
+ Agamum: Tino
+ Jylla: Bass'terd
+ Demonic_Horde1: Emerald No report, saw fish in vend.
+ Force_One: Diamond
+ No Report, saw fish in vend.
+ Bittersweet Affections: Diamond Saw fish in vend.
+ hanzy_mare: Bass'terd
+ [LMDS] Esteban...!!! biggrin iamondback
o BlueCatastrophe: Rubyback Lion! heart
o Faye~Eva Mutha Guppa
o Dielee Emerldback Lion
o DiernaSoul Buckin' Bino
o Mr.FaM0uS Candy Striper -No report, saw stats screenie.
o Mr.FaM0uS Candy Striper
o Mr.FaM0uS Big Mouth Bass'terd (x2 but did not report the second one)
o Weaver_of_dreams Mutha Guppa
o Mariano002 Tootin' Tino
o Mariano002 Rubyback Lion
o Lootzoot Rubyback Lion
o ERIOL RYO Rubyback Lion
o Knight0072002 Emeraldback Lion * no proof submitted
o Blue_nanobot Diamondback Lion
o Wardog02 and
Dr Poptart Emeraldback Lion *No report submitted by user. Instead, confirmed via trustworthy eyewitness. Unconfirmed for latter user however.
o Juggalobullet2 Bass'terd
~IcyAngelicFireMaster~ Guppa -stats image was removed before I could save it. Confirmed.
o Mr. Zombie Buckin' Bino -proof image was removed before I could save it. Confirmed.
o Chikao-Dai Buckin' Bino
+ Maldervich jr Buckin' Bino
+ [cheating.for.last.place] Bass'terd
+ cartmon49 Bass'terd
+ TheAlterEgo Diamondback
+ Tyrant_fire Guppa
+ Crash Hgkldj Candy Striper
+ Accomplice Bino
+ Lonestorm Emeraldback
+ red_gyarados Bino
+ hooded owl Chino
+ xkages Emeraldback
+ I_love_matt_powers
+ thearchaicjoker Bino
+ Zeddicius Bass'terd
+ FishinSpidey Diamondback
+ Wolfsentrix Bino
+ WhiteDragon0305 Bino
+ Secks Shae Candy Striper
+ LykeOmg11 Emeraldback
+ [-Australian-Sushi-] Rubyback
+ H e a d l i g h t Bino
+ Secks Shae Emeraldback
+ Stiffler_33 Emeraldback
+ Aidou Chan Diamondback
+ Dragon Cross Emeraldback
+ ALuna Tik Tino
+ artlady Bino
+ sammica Tino
+ THATcrazyDOGgirl Tino
+ QueenDraken Rubyback
+ redhead_simon Bino
+ Rocker Chick 2007 Diamondback
+ Briiya Rubyback
+ Hucklecat Bino
+ _LordFisher_ Bass'terd
+ timo101 Tino
+ red_gyarados Tino
+ Slim Satan Diamondback
+ number1muzikpunk Chino
+ anhdang Emeraldback
+ Quiveez Diamondback
+ OnionKingForever Rubyback
+ Don HeHe Guppa
+ AlexBeAwesomerThanYou Bass'terd
+ II Lady Lucy II Bino
+ Goldie Locking Bass'terd
+ kao-kun25 Diamondback
+ kohaku-dono Diamondback
o pangolin22 Bass'terd
*reported in TF thread.
Last updated: July 27th, 2008.
tiranaki Site Moderator
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Post: 18654283_6 created on Tue Oct 17, 2006 4:49 pmPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 4:49 pm
Made a little link banner if anyone wants to use it
Link to:

Gaia Fishing Stats
Rare Fish Mask Count
Want to find out how many fish items people have created? Visit this thread.
Theory on Rare Fish Interested in catching an elusive dawn/dusk rare? Try out this method and let us know if it worked for you!
The Fish Exchange
Wondering what to do with your fish? This sticky will tell you 3nodding
Need Help Deciding Which Rod to Get?
Wondering which rod is best for you? Check out images of all the rods and see for yourself
Fishing for Profit at Durem: An Analytical Approach
Want to make gold from fishing? Read here to find out how.
Fishing Guides:
Fishing Ubersticky
-first thing you should read if you're just starting out! 3nodding
Gaidin's Fishing Guide
-Even more info on everything you need to know, and even things you think you don't need to know. Currently the most in depth guide on fishing.
A Newbies Guide to Fishing Want more info but don't want to read through every little thing? This one should help out.
Filtering Guides
Transcendent's Filtering Guide Keep hearing "filtering" but aren't sure what it is or how it works? This should clear up some doubts.
Bait Guides
Bait degradation? Which bait is better? These guides will tell you all you need to know.
The Bait Guide
Fayt's Bait Guide
Would like to thank:
Everyone that has caught a rare and reported it.
Top Fisher's Community for always being on the look out for rares and providing information.
Gaidin for letting me steal his fish information and formatting. whee heart
Juggalobullet2 and Commodore64 for stepping up and helping by scouring the thread and providing me with lists of reported rares.
Remember: This thread is mainly for the most recent rare reports. While older data is always useful, I'd like to collect as much new data as possible, starting from the last fishing update. There is reason to believe that rares have been changed in the game, and part of the purpose of this thread is to find out if that is true.
For most of us, Rare Fish is but just a dream, especially these 3, Candy Striper, Chargin Chino and Rubyback Lion. The window at which they are presented are extremely slim, only 4 hours a day (in real time), meaning you only 240 minutes in which to find them.
The Math:
On average, a bucket takes approximately 8 minutes to get through from empty to full, which means you can only spend 30 buckets a day on average to fish for these rares. So, in about 167 days, you would have gone through 5000 buckets, and in 1 of them you would have net a rare fish.
So, on average, you would spend about 27 seconds per cast. In order to trigger the maximum chance to catch a rare fish, it would be best that a prospective fisherman stock an immense amount of D Grade Bait.
The Theory:
Why D Grade Bait? This method of rare fishing is to seek the fastest way to catch rare fish, since rare fish chances are triggered by the bucket, the method proposed is to make use of this, by filling up only the first 6 slots of the bucket. As once a bucket has triggered a rare fish, the chances of encountering them is 25% or 1/4. To be on the safe side, I recommend filling up the first row, 6 catches. As can be seen, if you do not capture a rare within the first row, the bucket is as good as done, you won't hook a rare fish for the rest of the slots. This method of fishing drastically reduces the amount of time required on average to just 56 days. You could theoratically spend 500,000 gold every 2 months on D Grade Bait (5000 buckets), and profit 300,000 gold or more.
* ALL Bass'ken rares move like a Gray Stripers
* ALL Gambino rares move like a Warm Trout.
* ALL Durem rares move like a fast White Pebbo.
The Alternate Method: (thanks to tiranaki for data input)
This is for heavy fishers, people who fish for hours on end, though this won't likely guarantee you a dawn/dusk rare, it does raise your overall rare chances. The proposed theory is that since the ratio for rare catch rate is 1/5000 buckets PER lake, you could do heavy duty fishing everyday, maybe 5-6 hours of fishing a day, with your fishing times crossing over into all GST timezones (Day, Dawn/Dusk, Night). This would allow you to spend maybe 50 buckets per day (full buckets), and in 100 days (on average), you would have caught a rare, though it might not be the specific one you are targeting. This does increase your overall rare output as well.
Well, I hope people have fun reading this, and this might provide some insight into rare fishing, though the above theory is purely theoretical as it is impossible for me to be awake on all of the 4 hour slots of dawn/dusk per day.
Last note:
For this theory to work, you would need to be awake at all the 4 slots of dawn/dusk in GST (Gaia Standard Time), also, this is provided that you utilize every second available in those 4 single hour slots. This mini-guide is purely for fun, and I just timed my own fishing rate (I have around a 95% catch rate per bucket currently on average), and compiled in some information provided by the stickies as well as the links provided in them.
Hopefully, you have fun wracking your brains over the math behind rare fishing, and if anybody who actually goes ahead and use this method and succeeds, please pm me and I shall make a list smile.
Post 1: Introduction
Post 2: Getting Started
Post 3: The Fish >>>You are here<<<
Post 4: Fishing Hats/Junk Items
Post 5: The Fish Exchange
Post 6: Bait & Rods
Post 7: Bass'ken Lake
Post 8: Port of Gambino
Post 9: Durem Reclamation Facility
Post 10: The Scoreboard Explained
Post 11: TF Explains
Post 12: FAQs
Post 13: Links
Post 14: Reserved
Post 15: Credits
There are, as of this moment, 36 different "fish", and 3 kinds of junk. Granted most of these are just different colors of their counterparts, but that makes a lot of different little critters that you can hook.
Below is the complete listing of the fish, where they can be caught, their sellback price to Logan at the Ole Fishing Hole, the item you can make with enough of them, and what times of day you can catch them. The fish with their info in blue text are the "new" fish. This basically means that these colors were added in version 1.5 that was released at the end of April 2005. These fish have just had the hats become available for them in the beginning of June 2005, so they are a bit more rare. At least the med and large Helms/Helmets are.
You may notice that there are 4 classifications of fish: Small, Medium, Large, and Rare.
Small: Guppies, Seedkin, and Pebbo Feeders. These fish are the cannon fodder of the fishing spots. The lakes spew these fish out in hordes, and it can get pretty annoying. Especially if you consider the fact that they can be hooked at 25 ft or further, so everywhere is game. But on the bright side they are easy to haul in, and good to practice with when first starting out. They are the basis for every bucket unless you are very advanced.
Medium: Bass, Trout, and Biters. These fish appear less frequently than the small fish, but are not hard to find if you use any rod that can cast a decent distance. These fish are normally a small step up from the the small fish, taking a little more effort to pull in. The also require a further cast, only being hooked at 45 ft or further. But they also bring a greater gold reward and higher point count as well.
Large: Striper, Tuna, and Boldurs. These fish are pretty much the cream of the crop. Normally the fastest, and always the strongest fish in the lake, you usually need some skill or a Plus Rod to pull one of these suckers in. It doesn't help that they can only be caught at 65 ft or above, but most consider them worth it. They give even more reward gold and point wise, but make much less appearances even with better bait.
Rare: Mutha Guppa, Big Mouth Bass'terd, Candy Striper; The 'Inos; and the Gembacks. The most sought after fish in all of Gaia. It is said that the odds of hooking one is 1 in 5,000. Not only that, but they require that you use D or A level bait to hook them. Then reeling them in is another story. They seem to vary in difficulty and speed, which I will cover at some point in the guide.
Junk: Cans, Boots, and Tires. No, these are not fish, but you can catch them. Unlike the fish, these are available at any fishing spot, though the movements are different at each place. These can sell for varying prices, with cans being the most profitable, but don't do much for your fishing score.
Small Fish
Fish Name: Orange Guppy
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 3 gold
Fish Item Available: Orange Guppy Cap
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Yellow Guppy
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 3 gold
Fish Item Available: Yellow Guppy Cap
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Red Guppy
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 3 gold
Fish Item Available: Red Guppy Cap
Time of Day Available: All times
Medium Fish
Fish Name: Green Bass
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 8 gold
Fish Item Available: Green Bass Helm
Time of Day Available: All Times
Fish Name: Brown Bass
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 8 gold
Fish Item Available: Brown Bass Helm
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Blue Bass
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 8 gold
Fish Item Available: Blue Bass Helm
Time of Day Available: All times
Large Fish
Fish Name: Blue Striper
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 13 gold
Fish Item Available: Blue Striper Helmet
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Gray Striper
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 13 gold
Fish Item Available: Gray Striper Helmet
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Green Striper
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 13 gold
Fish Item Available: Green Striper Helmet
Time of Day Available: All times
Rare Fish
Fish Name: Mutha Guppa
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 1,000 gold
Fish Item Available: Mutha Guppa Mask
Time of Day Available: Day
Fish Name: Big Mouth Bass'terd
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 1,000 gold
Fish Item Available: Big Mouth Bass'terd Mask
Time of Day Available: Night
Fish Name: Candy Striper
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 1,000 gold
Fish Item Available: Candy Striper Mask
Time of Day Available: Dawn/Dusk
Small Fish
Fish Name: Blue Seedkin
Fish Location: Port of Gambino
Fish Sellback Price: 7 gold
Fish Item Available: Blue Seedkin Cap
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Green Seedkin
Fish Location: Port of Gambino
Fish Sellback Price: 7 gold
Fish Item Available: Green Seedkin Cap
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Pink Seedkin
Fish Location: Port of Gambino
Fish Sellback Price: 7 gold
Fish Item Available: Pink Seedkin Cap
Time of Day Available: All times
Medium Fish
Fish Name: Cool Rainbow Trout
Fish Location: Port of Gambino
Fish Sellback Price: 12 gold
Fish Item Available: Cool Rainbow Helm
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Warm Rainbow Trout
Fish Location: Port of Gambino
Fish Sellback Price: 12 gold
Fish Item Available: Warm Rainbow Helm
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Frozen Rainbow Trout
Fish Location: Port of Gambino
Fish Sellback Price: 12 gold
Fish Item Available: Frozen Rainbow Helm
Time of Day Available: All times
Large Fish
Fish Name: Icy Tuna
Fish Location: Port of Gambino
Fish Sellback Price: 17 gold
Fish Item Available: Icy Tuna Helmet
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Spicy Tuna
Fish Location: Port of Gambino
Fish Sellback Price: 17 gold
Fish Item Available: Spicy Tuna Helmet
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Dicy Tuna
Fish Location: Port of Gambino
Fish Sellback Price: 17 gold
Fish Item Available: Dicy Tuna Helmet
Time of Day Available: All times
Rare Fish
Fish Name: Buckin' Bino
Fish Location: Port of Gambino
Fish Sellback Price: 1,250 gold
Fish Item Available: Buckin' Bino Mask
Time of Day Available: Day
Fish Name: Tootin' Tino
Fish Location: Port of Gambino
Fish Sellback Price: 1,250 gold
Fish Item Available: Tootin' Tino Mask
Time of Day Available: Night
Fish Name: Chargin' Chino
Fish Location: Port of Gambino
Fish Sellback Price: 1,250 gold
Fish Item Available: Chargin' Chino Mask
Time of Day Available: Dawn/Dusk
Small Fish
Fish Name: White Pebbo Feeder
Fish Location: Durem Reclamation Facility
Fish Sellback Price: 11 gold
Fish Item Available: White Pebbo Cap
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Brown Pebbo Feeder
Fish Location: Durem Reclamation Facility
Fish Sellback Price: 11 gold
Fish Item Available: Brown Pebbo Cap
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Black Pebbo Feeder
Fish Location: Durem Reclamation Facility
Fish Sellback Price: 11 gold
Fish Item Available: Black Pebbo Cap
Time of Day Available: All times
Medium Fish
Fish Name: Black Rocque Biter
Fish Location: Durem Reclamation Facility
Fish Sellback Price: 16 gold
Fish Item Available: Black Rocque Helm
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Bluestone Biter
Fish Location: Durem Reclamation Facility
Fish Sellback Price: 16 gold
Fish Item Available: Blue Stone Helm
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Pyrite Biter
Fish Location: Durem Reclamation Facility
Fish Sellback Price: 16 gold
Fish Item Available: Pyrite Helm
Time of Day Available: All times
Large Fish
Fish Name: Stone Boldur
Fish Location: Durem Reclamation Facility
Fish Sellback Price: 21 gold
Fish Item Available: Stone Boldur Helmet
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Sand Boldur
Fish Location: Durem Reclamation Facility
Fish Sellback Price: 21 gold
Fish Item Available: Sand Boldur Helmet
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Slate Boldur
Fish Location: Durem Reclamation Facility
Fish Sellback Price: 21 gold
Fish Item Available: Slate Boldur Helmet
Time of Day Available: All times
Rare Fish
Fish Name: Diamondback Lion
Fish Location: Durem Reclamation Facility
Fish Sellback Price: 1,500 gold
Fish Item Available: Diamondback Lion Mask
Time of Day Available: Day
Fish Name: Emeraldback Lion
Fish Location: Durem Reclamation Facility
Fish Sellback Price: 1,500 gold
Fish Item Available: Emeraldback Lion Mask
Time of Day Available: Night
Fish Name: Rubyback Lion
Fish Location: Durem Reclamation Facility
Fish Sellback Price: 1,500 gold
Fish Item Available: Rubyback Lion Mask
Time of Day Available: Dawn/Dusk
Junk Name: Old Can
Junk Location(s): All fishing spots
Junk Sellback Price: 1 gold
Junk Item Available: Tin Hat
Time of Day Available: All times
Junk Name: Old Boot
Junk Location(s): All fishing spots
Junk Sellback Price: 2 gold
Junk Item Available: Patchwork Boots
Time of Day Available: All times
Junk Name: Big Old Tire
Junk Location(s): All fishing spots
Junk Sellback Price: 3 gold
Junk Item Available: Tire on my Head
Time of Day Available: All times
Gaidin Omni Moderator
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Post: 8650239_4 created on Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:39 pmPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:39 pm
Post 1: Introduction
Post 2: Getting Started
Post 3: The Fish
Post 4: Fishing Hats/Junk Items >>>You are here<<<
Post 5: The Fish Exchange
Post 6: Bait & Rods
Post 7: Bass'ken Lake
Post 8: Port of Gambino
Post 9: Durem Reclamation Facility
Post 10: The Scoreboard Explained
Post 11: TF Explains
Post 12: FAQs
Post 13: Links
Post 14: Reserved
Post 15: Credits
Alright, so you want to know what you can do with your fish when you catch them right? Otherwise, what's the point? Well, you can do basically two things. Sell them(In the Marketplace or in the Ole Fishing Hole) or exchange them in for fishing hats or junk items.
If you want to go the way of the hats, this post is what you want to read. I also majorly advise checking out the sticky: The Fish Exchange: How to Get Nifty Hats and Other Stuff . It has models for all of the hats below, to show what they actually look like equipped.
To obtain a hat listed below, you enter the Ole Fishing Hole, and click on the sign to the left that says "Exchange Fish". You will then see a list of fish hats that you can create. If the fish you desire to make into a hat is not there, then you do not have the correct amount of fish. The general rule is 100 non rare fish, or 10 rare fish for the older items. The newer items also come in smaller trade in amounts, or even combos. I've highlighted the new items in orange, just as I did for the newest variety of fish in blue, for your ease of search.
Hat Name: 3x Orange Guppy Helm
Hat Sellback: 150 gold
How many fish to trade: 35 Red Guppies + 15 Yellow Guppies
Hat Name: 3x Yellow Guppy Helm
Hat Sellback: 150 gold
How many fish to trade: 35 Yellow Guppies + 15 Orange Guppies
Hat Name: 3x Red Guppy Helm
Hat Sellback: 150 gold
How many fish to trade: 35 Orange Guppies + 15 Red Guppies
Hat Name: Orange Guppy Cap
Hat Sellback: 300 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Orange Guppies
Hat Name: Yellow Guppy Cap
Hat Sellback: 300 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Yellow Guppies
Hat Name: Red Guppy Cap
Hat Sellback: 300 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Red Guppies
Item Name: Catfish Whiskers
Item Sellback: 200 gold
How many fish to trade: 25 Bass(Any combination of colors will do)
Hat Name: Green Bass Helm
Hat Sellback: 800 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Green Bass
Hat Name: Brown Bass Helm
Hat Sellback: 800 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Brown Bass
Hat Name: Blue Bass Helm
Hat Sellback: 800 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Blue Bass
Item Name: Blue Fish Eyes
Item Sellback: 325 gold
How many fish to trade: 25 Blue Striper
Item Name: Brown Fish Eyes
Item Sellback: 325 gold
How many fish to trade: 25 Gray Striper
Item Name: Green Fish Eyes
Item Sellback: 325 gold
How many fish to trade: 25 Green Striper
Hat Name: Food Chain Blue Striper-Bass-Guppy
Hat Sellback: 285 gold
How many fish to trade: 25 Yellow Guppies + 10 Green Bass + 10 Blue Striper
Hat Name: Food Chain Silver Striper-Bass-Guppy
Hat Sellback: 285 gold
How many fish to trade: 25 Orange Guppies + 10 Brown Bass + 10 Gray Striper
Hat Name: Food Chain Green Striper-Bass-Guppy
Hat Sellback: 285 gold
How many fish to trade: 25 Red Guppies + 10 Blue Bass + 10 Green Striper
Hat Name: Blue Striper Helmet
Hat Sellback: 1,300 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Blue Striper
Hat Name: Gray Striper Helmet
Hat Sellback: 1,300 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Gray Striper
Hat Name: Green Striper Helmet
Hat Sellback: 1,300 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Green Striper
Hat Name: Mutha Guppa Mask
Hat Sellback: 10,000 gold
How many fish to trade: 10 Mutha Guppas
Hat Name: Big Mouth Bass'terd Mask
Hat Sellback: 10,000 gold
How many fish to trade: 10 Big Mouth Bass'terds
Hat Name: Candy Striper Helmet
Hat Sellback: 10,000 gold
How many fish to trade: 10 Candy Stripers
Item Name: Dark Head Fins
Item Sellback: 350 gold
How many fish to trade: 50 Blue Seedkin
Item Name: Green Head Fins
Item Sellback: 350 gold
How many fish to trade: 50 Green Seedkin
Item Name: Pale Head Fins
Item Sellback: 350 gold
How many fish to trade: 50 Pink Seedkin
Hat Name: Blue Seedkin Cap
Hat Sellback: 700 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Blue Seedkin
Hat Name: Green Seedkin Cap
Hat Sellback: 700 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Green Seedkin
Hat Name: Pink Seedkin Cap
Hat Sellback: 700 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Pink Seedkin
Hat Name: Cool Rainbow Helm
Hat Sellback: 1,200 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Cool Rainbow Trout
Hat Name: Warm Rainbow Helm
Hat Sellback: 1,200 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Warm Rainbow Trout
Hat Name: Frozen Rainbow Helm
Hat Sellback: 1,200 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Frozen Rainbow Trout
Item Name: Dorsal Fin
Item Sellback: 425 gold
How many fish to trade: 25 Tuna(Any combination of colors will do)
Hat Name: Icy Tuna Helmet
Hat Sellback: 1,700 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Icy Tuna
Hat Name: Spicy Tuna Helmet
Hat Sellback: 1,700 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Spicy Tuna
Hat Name: Dicy Tuna Helmet
Hat Sellback: 1,700 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Dicy Tuna
Hat Name: Buckin' Bino Mask
Hat Sellback: 12,500 gold
How many fish to trade: 10 Buckin' Binos
Hat Name: Tootin' Tino Mask
Hat Sellback: 12,500 gold
How many fish to trade: 10 Tootin' Tinos
Hat Name: Chargin' Chino Mask
Hat Sellback: 12,500 gold
How many fish to trade: 10 Chargin' Chinos
Item Name: Gills
Item Sellback: 275 gold
How many fish to trade: 25 Pebbo Feeders(Any combination of colors will do)
Hat Name: White Pebbo Cap
Hat Sellback: 1,100 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 White Pebbo Feeders
Hat Name: Brown Pebbo Cap
Hat Sellback: 1,100 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Brown Pebbo Feeders
Hat Name: Black Pebbo Cap
Hat Sellback: 1,100 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Black Pebbo Feeders
Item Name: Sharp Fish Teeth
Item Sellback: 400 gold
How many fish to trade: 25 Biters(Any combination of colors will do)
Hat Name: Black Rocque Helm
Hat Sellback: 1,600 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Black Rocque Biters
Hat Name: Blue Stone Helm
Hat Sellback: 1,600 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Bluestone Biters
Hat Name: Pyrite Helm
Hat Sellback: 1,600 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Pyrite Biters
Hat Name: Stone Boldur Helmet
Hat Sellback: 2,100 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Stone Boldurs
Hat Name: Sand Boldur Helmet
Hat Sellback: 2,100 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Sand Boldurs
Hat Name: Slate Boldur Helmet
Hat Sellback: 2,100 gold
How many fish to trade: 100 Slate Boldurs
Hat Name: 4x Blackrocque Helm
Hat Sellback: 2,060 gold
How many fish to trade: 55 Brown Pebbo Feeders + 45 Black Rocque Biters + 35 Sand Boldurs
Hat Name: 4x Bluestone Helm
Hat Sellback: 2,060 gold
How many fish to trade: 55 White Pebbo Feeders + 45 Blue Stone Biters + 35 Stone Boldurs
Hat Name: 4x Pyrite Helm
Hat Sellback: 2,060 gold
How many fish to trade: 55 Black Pebbo Feeders + 45 Pyrite Biters + 35 Slate Boldurs
Hat Name: Diamondback Lion Mask
Hat Sellback: 15,000 gold
How many fish to trade: 10 Diamondback Lions
Hat Name: Emeraldback Lion Mask
Hat Sellback: 15,000 gold
How many fish to trade: 10 Emeraldback Lions
Hat Name: Rubyback Lion Mask
Hat Sellback: 15,000 gold
How many fish to trade: 10 Rubyback Lions
Item Name: Tin Hat
Item Sellback: 5,000 gold
How many items to trade: 5,000 Old Cans
Item Name: Patchwork Boots
Item Sellback: 2,000 gold
How many items to trade: 1,000 Old Boots
Item Name: Tire on my Head
Item Sellback: 1,500 gold
How many items to trade: 500 Big Old Tire(s)
Gaidin Omni Moderator
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Post: 8650239_5 created on Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:40 pmPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:40 pm
Post 1: Introduction
Post 2: Getting Started
Post 3: The Fish
Post 4: Fishing Hats/Junk Items
Post 5: The Fish Exchange >>>You are here<<<
Post 6: Bait & Rods
Post 7: Bass'ken Lake
Post 8: Port of Gambino
Post 9: Durem Reclamation Facility
Post 10: The Scoreboard Explained
Post 11: TF Explains
Post 12: FAQs
Post 13: Links
Post 14: Reserved
Post 15: Credits
Alright, so you've seen the fish, you've seen what you can make from them hat wise. But this was before Exchange 2.0. Now you can exhange fish for certain other fish. This makes a lot of people wonder how exactly you go about such things. Well, first enter the Ole Fishing Hole, and click on Exchange Fish. Assuming you have every kind of fish and junk, and enough to make a cap/helm/helmet/item out of it, and no rares of course, here is what you should see:
Now, obviously there are no rare masks on there, but few are going to have one rare, much less 10 for a mask, and it all works the same way anyhow. Notice that the "new" fish are all grouped together after all of the others, this happens with your actual fish in the Ole Fishing Hole as well. Don't be alarmed if you see the different order than what you had in your inventory, it's just the page formatting.
There are two things you can do here, trade for hats, or trade for fish. While the hats are still pretty obvious, there are some basics in it that apply to the fish trading as well, so I will illustrate:
Upon clicking the gray text for the Red Guppy Cap, that is what you will see. Note that you can make a single cap, or you can trade in all of your Guppies for however many caps you can make with the available fish in your inventory. Assuming you just want to make one, see below. If you want to make them all, just picture the appropriate numbers instead of what is there:
Look at that, Logan's a pretty nice fellow, asking your if you are sure instead of just swindling you. Of course, if you aren't sure you click no, and try over again. But if you are sure, click yes, and you will see the following:
This works for any fishing cap, helm, helmet, mask, or junk item, just with the appropriate numbers of fish/items. Yes, the pictures are a little blurry, but this is to keep things under 500px wide, to avoid stretching too many screens 3nodding
But as was previously stated, you can also trade for fish, in steps to the point where enough small fish can become large. Note:
Again, pretty simple. Except it is 10 fish to the next up, instead of 100 for a hat. Granted, you can only make one or the entire batch into the bigger fish, but the option is still there, and there are ways around having to take half an hour to make a few fish. It works the same with medium to large fish, check it out:
With a different fish, just so you can see that it works the same. Also note, that at the exchange rate, one large fish is equal to 100 small fish of the corresponding type, listed below. Thus this addition to fishing is more for those fishing for the actual items than trying to make a profit.
There you have it, what each fish can be traded up for. But there is no junk, nor are there any rares up there. Why? Because you can't trade up junk, nor can you trade for rares. The current highest try is 5,000 Spicy Tuna, and the option for a rare still does not appear. Thus we can conclude that there likely isn't a way to exchange for a rare.
And that's it, it's really that simple. Happy Exchanging ^_^
Gaidin Omni Moderator
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Post: 8650239_6 created on Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:41 pmPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:41 pm
Post 1: Introduction
Post 2: Getting Started
Post 3: The Fish
Post 4: Fishing Hats/Junk Items
Post 5: The Fish Exchange
Post 6: Bait & Rods >>>You are here<<<
Post 7: Bass'ken Lake
Post 8: Port of Gambino
Post 9: Durem Reclamation Facility
Post 10: The Scoreboard Explained
Post 11: TF Explains
Post 12: FAQs
Post 13: Links
Post 14: Reserved
Post 15: Credits
Bait and rods, the basis for fishing. Without a rod, one cannot fish. The same goes for bait. While normally it is easier to buy bait from the Ole Fishing Hole, you can purchase them in the Marketplace as well. For rods, I recommend that you use the Marketplace after first checking the particular rod's normal price. You can usually find them at a discount there, leaving you more bait money.
Below is the list of bait and rods. The bait has the name, cost, it's use, and some personal advice from me on how to use it. The rods follow, with name, cost, line description, and some personal input as well. Read on for special bait info and pictures demonstrating the rod lines.
Bait Rank: Grade F Fishing Bait
Bait Cost: 25 gold
What it does: Allows you to hook any fish excluding rares, unless the bait is undegraded (See Bait Degradation). It has a high volume of junk and small fish, and very little else.
Gaidin's personal advice on this bait: If used together with bait degradation and/or heavy filtering, this bait can be very profitable. However, if you like to do high volumes of fishing, this is then more ideal for junking instead of actual fishing, as over half of the hooks tend to be junk when it is at true F level.
Fish in the water with this quality bait: Junk: 51, Small: 42, Medium: 6, Large: 1, Rare: 0
Bait Rank: Grade D Fishing Bait
Bait Cost: 100 gold
What it does: Allows you to hook any fish, even rares. It has a higher volume of junk than A bait, but less than F bait, truly making it the middleman.
Gaidin's personal advice on this bait: With D bait working again, I finally had some time to do the necessary testing. What I found is that D bait hooks 3-6 junk on average in a single bucket if you do not filter. It can be as low as 1 or 2(Zero is a complete fluke and should be disregarded) or it can be as high as 8 or 9. But generally I have found that I get about 4 junk per bucket with it. Thus, with it's better ability to hook better fish, it is more competition worthy. I would say this bait is now worth using, as it is cost effective when used correctly.
Fish in the water with this quality bait: Junk: 32, Small: 54, Medium: 11, Large: 3, Rare: 1 or 0
Bait Rank: Grade A Fishing Bait
Bait Cost: 250 gold
What it does: Allows you to hook any fish, even rares. It is the top of the line quality in bait, having a high volume of fish, a decent amount being med and large fish.
Gaidin's personal advice on this bait: The cream of the crop, and my personal favorite. The only problem is the price. If one does not filter, they could run through 10 bait in an hour fairly easily. This would be a hefty 2.5k gold per hour if you went fast. This bait seems to basically just be useful for getting med and large fish, or competing. If you are one to filter, A bait makes things a heck of a lot easier. A word of advice: Use bait degradation to get 5 A bait everyday for a total price of 350 gold that is worth 1,250 gold wink
Fish in the water with this quality bait: Junk: 18, Small: 54, Medium: 18, Large: 9, Rare: 1 or 0
Bait Degradation
If you hang around the Fishing Forum enough, you are bound to run into this term. Basically it describes what happens to bait when you use a lot of it. If you fish a bunch, your bait eventually degrades, or gets worse. You will hook more junk, though it only becomes obvious after a large number of buckets. But this phenomenon works both ways. If you do not fish for 12+ hours, your bait resets. By this I mean that your bait gets better, if only for a limited time. Your first five (5) baits will be a better quality than it normally would. Your first two baits, no matter the type, will act as A bait. The next 3 will act as D bait if you are using F bait, and act as A bait if you are using D bait. After those first 5 buckets, the baits will all become their normal levels again. Allow me to illustrate:
If you use 5 F bait, normally you would catch a ton of junk and small fish. But if you let your bait reset, you will catch better fish. Below is a comparison of what your F bait would act like if degraded vs. reset.
See the difference? The bait quality is much higher when you let it reset. Notice that after the first two baits however, that your F bait begins to act like D bait. That is what degradation is. The bait loses it's extra quality. If you were to continue to fish with the F bait, any buckets after those initial 5 would be F level.
The same thing happens with D bait, except for one minor difference. Observe:
You see, F bait, being of very poor quality, does not stay at A level as long as D bait does when they are both reset. But, you still do get a couple of A level baits with F bait, assuming it is reset. So, a certain order has been established long before I even started fishing, that will give you the optimum amount of A level bait at the lowest price.
Since your first two F baits act as A bait, you use two of them. Then, since D bait continues to act as A bait for 3 more uses, you use 3 of them. The reason you cannot simply use 5 D bait after the 2 F bait is because the Bait Degradation goes by how many buckets you have fished, not by any particular bait you use.
Rod Name:Basic Fishing Rod
Rod Cost: 100 gold
Cast Distance: 70 ft.
Line width and pattern: Minimal distance apart, Straight parallel
Gaidin's personal advice on this Rod: I would only reccommend this rod for the complete beginner, and one with little gold. It can be good for testing and honing one's skills later on, but I wouldn't use this much if you can help it.
Rod Name: Basic Fishing Rod PLUS
Upgrade Cost: 10,000 gold
Cast Distance: 80 ft.
Line width and shape: Further distance apart, Straight parallel
Gaidin's personal advice on this Rod: Better than the Basic un-upgraded, and actually worth using. A better casting distance means more chances for better fish, and the wider lines make things a bit easier, while still giving you more of a challenge then some of the other rods.
Rod Name: Strength Rod
Rod Cost: 1,850 gold
Cast Distance: 60 ft.
Line width and shape: Miminal distance apart, parallel, but curve out near the bottom
Gaidin's personal advice on this Rod: The perfect rod for a newbie, assuming you can afford it but cannot afford any upgrades. While this is the only rod that cannot hook Large fish, it makes pulling what you can hook(Including rares) in easier. The lines that fan out at the bottom are perfect for those that lose fish at the last second, as many beginners do.
Rod Name: Strength Rod PLUS
Upgrade Cost: 11,075 gold
Cast Distance: 75 ft.
Line width and shape: Further distance apart, parallel, but curve out near the bottom
Gaidin's personal advice on this Rod: The best rod for speed fishing. It has the strengths of a normal Strength rod, but now can hook large fish as well. Being the distance cast isn't that much, you can still get decent hooks and bring them in faster without having to regulate your cast distance. If you are looking for speed, and don't mind not getting that many large fish, this is your dream rod.
Rod Name: Performance Rod
Rod Cost: 2,475 gold
Cast Distance: 75 ft.
Line width and shape: Curve out both at the top and bottom, but thin in the middle ---& )(
Gaidin's personal advice on this Rod: A good rod all around, though not quite reccommended for a newbie. Though the lines are wide at both the top and the bottom, the middle actually has less width than the other normal rods, making it a tad challenging bringing it through the middle. But if you can handle that, this rod is good. It has the cast distance of a Strength Plus, but for less price, and has wider lines at the top.
Rod Name: Performance Rod PLUS
Upgrade Cost: 12,500 gold
Cast Distance: 90 ft.
Line width and shape: Curve out both at the top and bottom, but a bit thin in the middle ---& ) (
Gaidin's personal advice on this Rod: Statistically the overall best rod, at least theoretically. With the casting distance of a normal Distance Rod, you have a pretty good chance for large fish. The lines are wider than the Distance at the top, and the same as the Strength Plus at the bottom, so you have plenty of room to tell what the fish is at the top, and not lose it at the bottom. The only real drawback is that the middle has about as much width as a normal Basic Fishing Rod. But just like the normal Performance, if you can get it past the middle, this rod is great for you.
Rod Name: Distance Rod
Rod Cost: 3,500 gold
Cast Distance: 90 ft.
Line width and shape: Minimal distance apart, parallel, curve out at the top
Gaidin's personal advice on this Rod: If you have the skill to keep fish within the lines, or are fishing at Bass'ken, this rod is great. The cheapest rod for this kind of casting distance gives you a good chance for hooking large fish. While that stands true, I don't reccommend this rod for newbies until they do decent with a Basic Fishing Rod. Why? Because it pulls about the same, but hooks harder fish more often, not to mention the price. Try pulling in a Boldur with this rod and you will see what I mean.
Rod Name: Distance Rod PLUS
Upgrade Cost: 13,050 gold
Cast Distance: 100 ft. (Max Distance)
Line width and shape: Further distance apart, parallel, curve out at the top
Gaidin's personal advice on this Rod: My personal favorite, it has the max casting distance. It also costs the most sweatdrop But if you can afford it, the lines are wide enough to make up for it's lack in strength while fighting with a fish or piece of junk. You hook significantly more large and medium fish with this rod, but buckets do take a tad longer. The best rod for heavy filtering, but not so good for speed.
Rod Name: Angelic Rod
Rod Cost: Has not been released
Cast Distance: 100 ft. (Max Distance)
Line width and shape: Further distance apart, parallel, curve out at the bottom
Gaidin's personal advice on this Rod: It is basically a Strength Plus combined with a Distance Plus, giving you the lines of the Strength Plus, and the casting distance of a Distance Plus. The "Uber Rod" if you will, or at least it's upgraded form is. Yes, it can be upgraded. As of now it is not yet available to users.
Rod Name: Angelic Rod PLUS
Upgrade Cost: Has not been released
Cast Distance: 100 ft. (Max Distance)
Line width and shape: Max distance apart, parallel, curve out at bottom.
Gaidin's personal advice on this Rod: Best rod available, at least, when it is made available. The lines are even further apart than the Strength Rod Plus, and it still casts 100 ft. Rods just can't get any better than that. The only downside is that it is currently unreleased sad
Choosing a rod is something that should be done carefully. After all, it can vastly effect your performance in fishing depending on your skill. Below are some novice-skill edits to show you the lines of each of the rods, excluding the Angelic Rod. The red lines are for the normal version, and the orange lines are for the upgraded version. The orange lines are normally much smoother, but you will have to excuse me, as I am not the best picture editor. Do not forget that each rod upgrade has more casting length than it's un-upgraded form. See above for exact numbers. Also, there is another thread in the Fishing Forum that has the lines, entitled Need help deciding which fishing rod to get?
For those that are wondering, the Angelic Rod has the same lines as a Strength PLUS Rod, and the Angelic PLUS has lines another upgrade size wider than that.
Gaidin Omni Moderator
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Post: 8650239_7 created on Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:41 pmPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 1:41 pm
Post 1: Introduction
Post 2: Getting Started
Post 3: The Fish
Post 4: Fishing Hats/Junk Items
Post 5: The Fish Exchange
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Post 7: Bass'ken Lake >>>You are here<<<
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Bass'ken Lake, the perfect spot for beginners. Here the fish are very slow and very weak compared to the other fishing spots. It is here that you can come to test out your skills for the first time, and also the place I would recommend for such activity. Granted, the fish are not worth very much gold-wise, but the training you can get here is invaluable. I have seen numerous threads of "Why can't I catch a fish? crying ", only to find that they have not started at Bass'ken. If you have a Strength Rod here, things will be very easy, though you will miss out on Stripers. If you have a Basic Rod, you can get experience with small and medium fish, and occasionally a large fish as well. I personally advise one to fish here until they feel they can catch fish with their eyes closed before moving on to Gambino.
What can be caught here:
Small Fish
Fish Name: Orange Guppy
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 3 gold
Fish Item Available: Orange Guppy Cap
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Yellow Guppy
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 3 gold
Fish Item Available: Yellow Guppy Cap
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Red Guppy
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 3 gold
Fish Item Available: Red Guppy Cap
Time of Day Available: All times
Medium Fish
Fish Name: Green Bass
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 8 gold
Fish Item Available: Green Bass Helm
Time of Day Available: All Times
Fish Name: Brown Bass
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 8 gold
Fish Item Available: Brown Bass Helm
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Blue Bass
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 8 gold
Fish Item Available: Blue Bass Helm
Time of Day Available: All times
Large Fish
Fish Name: Blue Striper
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 13 gold
Fish Item Available: Blue Striper Helmet
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Gray Striper
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 13 gold
Fish Item Available: Gray Striper Helmet
Time of Day Available: All times
Fish Name: Green Striper
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 13 gold
Fish Item Available: Green Striper Helmet
Time of Day Available: All times
Rare Fish
Fish Name: Mutha Guppa
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 1,000 gold
Fish Item Available: Mutha Guppa Mask
Time of Day Available: Day
Fish Name: Big Mouth Bass'terd
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 1,000 gold
Fish Item Available: Big Mouth Bass'terd Mask
Time of Day Available: Night
Fish Name: Candy Striper
Fish Location: Bass'ken Lake
Fish Sellback Price: 1,000 gold
Fish Item Available: Candy Striper Mask
Time of Day Available: Dawn/Dusk
Junk Name: Old Can
Junk Location(s): All fishing spots
Junk Sellback Price: 1 gold
Junk Item Available: Tin Hat
Time of Day Available: All times
Junk Name: Old Boot
Junk Location(s): All fishing