I remember in the summer I would just sit at the computer for about two hours and write a super long journal post, and when I told my friend I had a journal he took a look and said "Woah! Those things are huge!!!" (lol) and I don't really do that anymore. D: (sadness) Although I do write more often, (and you know, if I poured everything into one, there would be nothing to write about), but I miss being able to brag about it. xD I looked at my friend's blog a few days ago, (I feel kinda bad for not reading her about section until now) and her blogs are so loooooooong, and the ways she writes sounds all mysterious and cool, (at least the first few paragraphs, I didn't have time to read it all) and I was like WOAH TIMES ONE MILLION BILLION TRILLION. (It was one special woah) I have some kind of like ADD when it comes to writing for fun now, because I'll be thinking of what to write and somehow end up with A rabbit brushing his teeth while high or a gangster Pickachu. (Oh, and while I'm at it, here's the first lego video ever made, and this one's just funny. xD)
Sometimes I just go to my friends' profiles if I haven't talked to them in a while, and a lot of times they haven't had a comment in months or even a year and I always feel bad. Then I say hi and stuff, and they're just like "Yes Suzanne, I am okay," and I feel stupid. xD (Often times they are people I don't know very very well and kind of scare me, even though they're on my friends list).
I got this Prototype game on Amazon that my brother said I wouldn't like because it was so gory and bloody and just plain disgusting. xD He said it was really gay and dumb, but half the time I come out of my room I see him playing it with all the disgusting powers already purchased. xD his friend came over during Christmas break and he won't stop shaking his head at me. xD And I figured out I can play shooting games, but only with a sniper, which I've been told is extremely sad, (at least I've also been told I'm good at it. xD).
I'm going through my music and organizing it all and I found this song called "Fight Dirty," and it's awesome. xD Unfortunately the only place I can listen to it is on my computer, and I have no idea where it is on there. Dx
I made some more earrings last night and took pictures, but since my Dad stole the cords that connects it to the computer and has firmly established that I lost mine, I have to ask him to borrow "his" cords, (That jerkwad. Dx). I took pictures of the ones I made at Christmas, (including the ones I gave away) and I'm running out of space on my camera. xD Maybe I'll go ask real quick-like. O: *Goes and asks* Whoo! Now I just have to wait for my camera to charge! xD (Ugh, that always takes forever) I'll just have to wait and stall so I can toss them in here. =D
People always complain that I listen to music too loudly, and I always complain that people listen to music too quietly, which is why people never want to listen to music with me. xD My songs gave also been called "Emo Japanese music" and "******** Dance Electronica Techno crap." emo
Alright, I got them!! Oh, wait, I have to crop and resize them DANG IT. Just a while longer please. xD
Pictures From Susan's Camera Finally!
~The Earrings Collection~

I love this fish. heart My half-brother and half-sister-in-law sent it to me for Christmas. >w< Everyone in my family knows I love Asian stuff, (that's almost always what I get from my distant family. xD) and the fish so so beautiful! I wonder where they got it? I was planning on making it into an earring, (it would be destroyed as a key chain) and even though it looks heavy, it's really light. =D Oh, and despite the close-up it's only two inches long. xD (I forgot to put something else for reference to scale size, lol)
The wooden charms came from one of Crissy, (my sister)'s broken necklaces. I offered her them when I was finished but she said they made her look non-badass. xD I like them, so I think I'll keep them. =) The metal hearts came from a key chain my grandmother in Wyoming got me for my birthday that broke, (T-T) and a lonely earring that broke that I got from my great-grandmother. (I still feel terrible from breaking it. sad ) But I put them to good use, and they match pretty well. =)
I'm wearing the ones on the left right now, (lol) and they were also charms from the key chain that broke. The right metallic one, (with the paw on it)'s a bit heavy and at times is painful to wear, but usually no problem and I love it. ^w^ The pair on the right are gingerbread men I got from a mysterious source, (they came from the same place as the mini coke cans, guy whose friends are all girls. ಠ_ಠ ). They may look easy to spear with a giant needle, but MAN IT'S HARD. It's this plastic/rubber hybrid that's really tough, like...... I dunno. But it's really hard. I gave them to my grandmother for Christmas, she really liked them. >w<
The one on the very left is one I started making for my cousin, (my mom said she liked pearls) but I don't like it. xP It looks centered, but it's not, (I took it from an angle so it would look centered,) and the pearl is too small, (they're not even real. emo ) The one in the middle is one I also made for my cousin who likes pearls, but since the butterfly came from a necklace that broke, I don't have anything else to match it. xD (I'll get there, lol) The ones on the right are also pendents whose chains broke, (people always get me really super fragile ones, okay?!) and aren't a pair, I just put them in the same picture to save room. xD
Last pair of earrings I made, I gave these to my neighbor-friend who sings like an angel. =D (For Christmas) She got a Coke shirt a few days before break and these mini coke cans were in my charms box, so quite plainly I made them to match her shirt. xD Now that I look at it they look kind of dirty. sweatdrop Oh well, too late. lol
~The Small Strange Things Collection~ I have weird stuff, lol.

Okay, okay, so, for Christmas this was one of my stocking stuffers. xD They're from this line of eraser toys called "Crazerasers," and I love them so much I'm never going to erase anything with them. xD I put a hairpin by them for size scale reference, and two of them I haven't opened yet. 3nodding "Toys not meant for children under the age of three." rofl
 Saving the moment of opening them, lol. ~The Food Collection~Savor the Flavor!
My Pocky box collection! (Do they look familiar Chris?) My mom is holding my giant chocolate Pocky hostage, (T-T) so it couldn't be included, but that's all the other boxes I've got so far, (Thank you so much, Uncle!! ='D).
This is my apple. >w< I got bored a couple years ago and gave it a face. =D (Then I mercilessly ate it)
YES THEY ARE FREAKING CHICKENS AND I MADE THEM FOR CHRISTMAS. They were really really good. >w< (They looked really gross though. xD) You basically cut out the dough and then paint them with an egg-food coloring mix.
My lunchbox. >w< My Mom said if I found a lunchbox I wanted she would buy it, and four months later, (yes, it took me four months to find it,) I saw this one at Border's. It even had silverware meant for toddlers included! Whoo! My mom stared at it for a bit before saying "Yeah sure whatever I'll buy it." xD This one kid at my school said that "If food always smiled [he] wouldn't be able to eat it." xD
Okay, I'm done. ninja This thing is a monster because I put so many pictures, (I even have more!) and I don't want it to stretch the page so much. wahmbulance Goodbye!
Usaji-san · Sun Jan 17, 2010 @ 04:09am · 2 Comments |