Okay. Today i am talking about commercials that don't make sense. Such as Finallyfast.com
1. WHEN the woman is all like "It's not loading!" its because she has to wait a darn second!
2. PLUS that man that clicked something and that thing poped up, that wont even happen. you dont just click search and then it takes you off the url. maybe it will, because he didnt let it load BEFORE he searched.
3. ONE of the most RIDUCLOUS things is that since it doesnt load, how do they get to finally fast dot com?
4. PIXOS are also so annoying. i mean like, there always saying "PIXOS!!!!!!!!!!!" and all they are were the aqua dots. aqua dots werent saftey tested, and my frends and i are 90% sure pixos arenet.
5. BENDA what? benda who? BENDA ANNOYING! it turns perfect unique stuff, into useless junk! stick em on ur wall, and theyll fall off immediatly! now THAT is what they should say in the commercial.
6. ENDING this post. again, these commercials are some of the most irretating commercials that appear EVERY MORNING when im trying to get ready for school. ALL THESE ARE SO IRRETATING! scream