Blood Demon/Fire Demon
He has more of a complex description.

The Blood Demon was born in one of the hotter parts of Hell (a twisted version of hell, more like an alternate Earth than the Christian "fire and brimstone" vision). He began his life as any other demon, but since Hell is an undesirable place to live, he opted for escape. Through a harrowing battle that cost many of the lives of his opposition, Kane managed to escape. There he was free to cause pain and hurt in others, something he found very pleasing. He has a need of blood, an addiction of sorts, though he does not need blood to live. Due to this dependency on blood, his powers are centered around it.
Because Kane is of the demonic race of Fire Demons, he has such powers as creating fire explosions, controlling flame, and immunity to it. Due to his blood-addiction, he may transmute these powers into the form of causing an opponent's blood to boil. Once he has taken another's blood into his system, he may influence that person's actions. He is capable of limited telepathy with other creatures whose blood he has not taken. He also wields a variety of other lesser abilities, such as teleportation
His addiction to blood is his one weakness: he must have blood in his system to make use of his blood powers, and also suffers from common withdrawal symptoms without it.
Blood Demon/Fire Demon
He has more of a complex description.

The Blood Demon was born in one of the hotter parts of Hell (a twisted version of hell, more like an alternate Earth than the Christian "fire and brimstone" vision). He began his life as any other demon, but since Hell is an undesirable place to live, he opted for escape. Through a harrowing battle that cost many of the lives of his opposition, Kane managed to escape. There he was free to cause pain and hurt in others, something he found very pleasing. He has a need of blood, an addiction of sorts, though he does not need blood to live. Due to this dependency on blood, his powers are centered around it.
Because Kane is of the demonic race of Fire Demons, he has such powers as creating fire explosions, controlling flame, and immunity to it. Due to his blood-addiction, he may transmute these powers into the form of causing an opponent's blood to boil. Once he has taken another's blood into his system, he may influence that person's actions. He is capable of limited telepathy with other creatures whose blood he has not taken. He also wields a variety of other lesser abilities, such as teleportation
His addiction to blood is his one weakness: he must have blood in his system to make use of his blood powers, and also suffers from common withdrawal symptoms without it.