
The Dream
Ayaka heard a tune, a familiar tune she had heard before, coming from the Grand Cathedral she was facing. She walked towards the massive doors, and slowly opened them, letting out a loud creak. There sitting on a stone pedestal, was a little girl. By this time, she had stopped singing. She turned towards Ayaka, and looked her in the eyes. Ayaka felt a chill crawl down her spine, and her heart began to pound rapidly.
"I've been waiting for you Ayaka.."The little girl smiled. "What do you mean? How do you even know my name?"Ayaka moved a step backwards, only to hear a loud slam come from behind her. She turned around and saw that the doors had suddenly closed. She tried to open them, but they wouldn't budge.
"Come here"The little girl's voice was very forceful. Ayaka moved towards the little girl, each step, bouncing off the cathedral's walls. Ayaka was now in front of the little girl, her body began to send off signals, telling her to run, but she wouldn't budge. " What do you want from me?"
The little girl put her right hand on Ayaka's forehead and grinned, "A new world, comes many dangers" Then a black light shot through Ayaka's forehead, sending her back to the massive doors.
Ayaka was on the floor, lifeless, she could see images rush into her mind and out. She began to hear a buzzing sound, which slowly grew louder and louder. Everything went white. ------ Ayaka jerked up from her bed and looked at her alarm, which was still buzzing. It was seven thirty, she yawned and went under the blankets. "Seven Thirty!!" Ayaka fell off of her bed and rummaged through her clothes. She was already fifteen minutes late. She ran down the stairs, while putting on her sweater. The front door opened and she nearly ran into her mom. "Sorry mom! I'm in a hurry" When she got out the door, she proceeded to run towards the train station. ------ "AYAKA! You're late!" Momoka slapped her across the back of her head."Jeez, we would've missed the premiere..." Ayaka rubbed the back of her head,"You didn't have to hit me that hard...and what's this premiere we're going to?" Momoka stared at her and sighed,"The new and improved "World" is coming out, that's what!"Her eyes sparkled,"We don't have to use controllers for this one! Instead we use our minds, pretty cool huh? " Ayaka suddenly remembered something, but she couldn't put her finger on it. "Attention all. Train 0068 is leaving in three minutes" "That's us!"Momoka grabbed Ayaka's arm and ran towards the closing doors. ------ The sun was setting and and it was getting late. Ayaka held onto her new game, along with the equipment that was given to her.
"I can't believe it! You get a free copy, while I have to buy mine.You're going to play it tonight right?" Momoka smiled, "We'll start together, and I'll teach you a lot of stuff! Since I'm a pro and you're a newbie..." "Sure." ------ "Welcome to "The World", please enter the code you recieved and speak a name for your character so I can record your voice onto the databank, please"
A name? How about..."Rubiryuu"
"Recording voice into databank, now please pick a class and race." "Shadow Warlock, Human"
"Creating appearance, please wait "
Lights flashed around, like she was going through a portal. She saw a figure of a human, slowly appearing. The character had brown hair, and the outfit was red,which was her favorite color. Then, black wings appeared on the back.
"Character appearance complete, we shall now proceed to 'The World' "
Ayaka felt a sensational feeling once more, she still couldn't remember, but it had something to do with 'World'. -------- She heard music play and saw an entire town appear.
"Welcome to Mac Anu, enjoy"
Rubiryuu looked around her and saw people running around and jumping. She decided to lift up her arm, but nothing happened.Oh right, mind...She thought of her lifting up her arm, and it worked.
"Woah! Your character looks similar to these two legendary players! I believe it was...oh Atoli and Shino! You're so lucky"
Rubiryuu turned around slowly and saw a cat-like person"Are you by any chance, Momoka?"
"Ayaka? First you win a free copy, then you get a rare character?You've got to be kidding me!"Momoka sighed,"Anyways, in the game I'm called Hana'ari, come on lets go, I'll teach you how to play."Hana'ari grabbed Rubiryuu's hand and ran towards a building.
"This place is the item's shop, this is where you buy potions, antidotes, and other things. You'll know it's a item's shop when you see the sign of a potion on it's building. Weapon's Shop have shields on them. And for this game, guilds design their own insignia's"
"Guild? I want to make one!"
"Silly, you can't make a guild until you're level 40! Come on, I have to teach you about battles. Go to the blue portal over there, and tell them you want to go to 'Goblin Fury Temple' go on."
Rubiryuu did as she was said
II Ribbon II · Sat Jul 23, 2011 @ 11:45pm · 0 Comments |