w e l l h a y
Hello, I'm Kegaz. If you couldn't figure that out. My quest item, the biggest item in my fantasy avatar, are Portable stereo Headphones. These are incredibly expensive, ranging up to seventy five million gold pieces in Gaia currency. I would appreciate gifts and money from people who respect me, want to be my friend, or who have gotten freebie art from me. If you donate then your name will be added to the list and you are automatically given a chance to win a freebie! [ 1/ 20 person will get it, and you all get hugs! ]
♪//____i t e m s
I accept any amount of money, but If you love helping, you could be kind enough to donate one of my favorite Gaia items!
→Portable stereo headphones. You are my new best friend and you get a billion arts [lolnojk] of any kind LOLOL.[Including couples].. [ LOL in my dreams. ]
→Mini angel wings. You are my new best friend and you get random artsies. [ Again, in my dreams.. ;x ]
→Devil Tail. Your the most epic person I know, and you get artsss~
→Gaia-Tan.[ Stops doing commentary. => w<= ]
→Ling Doll.
→Dark Halo.
→Kottan Bell.
Thanks all! I'll start a thread.. Someday. x]

Art c o m m i s s i o n s.