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View User's Journal

I'm not what you are.I was at one point but not anymore.That point is long gone. *sighs* I miss it so.....
I'm listening to what? Who are these people in my head? I glance around, my head pounding. Oh God. What happened? I glance at the calendar next to me, a stab running through my chest. It can't be two years. It just can't. I sit up, my world swimming before my eyes. It took me a moment to realize it was tears that was making my world swim. Two years..... He's the one in my head. I woke up, I told him. He's still disappointed in me, though. He smiles sadly, sitting on the edge of my bed. I reach towards him and grasp only air. He's gone again. Left in my mind once more. I shake off the chills and stand, steady on my feet once more. I'm back in my life, back alive. I smile at Lauren, her worried gaze meeting mine. Time to start the fight once more.

Time to set myself free.