I made an art shop! ^_^

Evelin7's Avi Art Shop!!! (B.T.W:You Better Go To Her Shop!!Her Art Is Awesome!!!)

(^з^)-☆Chu!! Read this
Stuff About Angel!!
Name:Angel Wu
Birthday biggrin ecember.24,1993
Location:Under Your Bed! >:3
Cute Stuffies!!!
Emo People!!!
Listen to music♫♫♪♪(Who Doesn't???)
Gay People who think they are all that >.>
Mean People
Racist People
Status:Happy ;D
Speaks:Chinese,Japanese,Taiwanese,Malaysian,Singaporean,English >.>
Fav Food razz OCKY!!!!!,Strawberries,Cookies!!!
BIG SISTERS:_xiWolfiie,Imathreat2u,Rosepetal15
SISTERS mad Xx__PopTart,Cherryxangel,XxXmyrellaXxX
BIG BROTHERS:Holy-Angel-815,imperfection1993,got-rice95
TWINS mad Xx_Poptart

"When one door closes, another one opens, but sometimes we look so long at the closed door we don't see the one that has opened."
"Don't waste your time on someone who's not willing to waste their time on you."
"Take some chances, risk losing it all, close your eyes and leap, because it just might be worth the fall"
"You might regret what you do, but you will regret what you don't do so much more."
95% of the kids out there are concerned with being popular and fitting in. Paste this on your profile if you're part of the 5% who aren't.
--------------"♥Girls--------- --------------
-----------are like apples-----------------
-------on trees. The best ones-------------
-----are at the top of the tree.-----------
---The boys dont want to reach-------------
--for the good ones because they-----------
-are afraid of falling and getting hurt.-----
-Instead, they get the rotten apples-------
from the ground that arent as good,--------
but easy. So the apples up top think-------
something is wrong w/ them when in----------
-reality they're amazing. They just--------
---have to wait for the right boy to-------
---- come along, the one who's-------------
----------- brave enough to----------------
---------------climb all-------------------
---------------the way---------------------
--------------to the top-------------------
-------------of the tree.♥"-----------------
96% of teens won't stand up for God. Put this on your channel if you will be one of the 4% who will.
Be with the one that makes you happy,
The one that makes you smile,
The one that makes you laugh,
And makes each day worth while,
Live life at that moment,
Try to make it last,
Because life is too short,
It goes by so fast,
So when you find love,
Don't let it slip away,
Hold it forever,
And cherish it each day,
As long as you are happy,
That is what you should do,
Love that person and let them know,
Before your life is through.
A true boyfriend will...
• Stay on the phone with her even if shes not saying anything
• Tease her and let her tease you back.
• Stay up all night with her when she's sick.
• Watch her favorite movie with her.
• Give her the world.
• Let her wear your clothes.
• When she's bored and sad, hang out with her.
• Let her know she's important and always put her first.
• Kiss her in the pouring rain.
• Never leave her side
¤ø„¸¨°º¤ø„¸¨°º¤ø„¸ ¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨
¨°º¤ø„¸ BEING EMO NEVER ¸„ø¤º°¨copy and paste
¸„ø¤º°¨ HAD ITS CHANCES`°º¤ø„ if you are emo
¸„ø¤º°¨ ¸„ø¤º°¨ ¨°º¤ø„¸ ¨°º¤ø„
~made by:ANGEL (WUT!) :3
♥ B ♥ L ♥ O ♥ O ♥ D ♥
█████████ 10% hyper
██████████ 20% sporty
███████████ 30% funny
████████████ 40% sexy
█████████████ 50% kawaii
██████████████ 60% vampire
███████████████ 70% huggable
████████████████ 80% loveable
█████████████████ 90% kissable
██████████████████ 100% girlie
. `·.¸.·´ ¸.·´¸.·´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ .·´ ¸¸.·¨ `*~*~*
*•*~♦*VAMPIRES 4 EVER*♦~*•*
********(¨`·.·´¨).I.(¨`·.·´¨)* *********
****(`·.·´`·. ¸.·;Love`·.¸.·´`·.·´)*****
*****`·.¸.·´*My Friends!!!*`·¸.´******
*******`·.¸(¨`· <33333·´¨)..·´********
**************`·.¸.·´********* ********
Fake Friends: would always fight with u
Real Friends would say i love u
Fake Friends would still ur pop and say hey this is mine
Real Friend would take ur pop and drink and say here u go
Fake Friends would call ur parents mr and mrs
Real Friend would call ur parent mommy and daddy
Fake Friends wouldnt annoy u
Real Friends would bother u 4 fun
Fake Friends would want to kill some 1
Real Friends would punch that hoe and say hey back away
Fake Friends would say STOP FOLLOWING MEH!
Real Friends would say stay with meh
Fake Friends would let u go and date ur bf
Real Friends will stay with u till the end and be friends with there bf and not date them
Fake Friends would read this
Real Friends would steal this
Another One
Fake Friends would say hi
Real Friends would say I LOVE U with no one careing that ur gay
Fake Friends would give u a cookie
Real Friends would give u a cookie then eat it
Fake Friends would sit next to u
Real Friends would sit on u
Fake Friends would want to stay up tell 2:00 AM
Real Friends would want to party all night WHOO
Fake Friends would just stare at u
Real Friends would want to tickle u
Fake Friends would read this
Real Friends would steal this
THE END(Credit Goes To Babe Rockstar2)
♥«´¨• Twilight •´¨`»♥
♥«´¨• New Moon •´¨`»♥
♥«´¨• Eclipse •´¨`»♥
♥«´¨•Midnight Sun•´¨`»♥
╔══╗♫ ~ ♫
║(o) ║ ♪Song: Private Dancer♪
╚══╝ ♪Artist: Danny Fernandes♪
Heard Melodies Are Sweet..
But Unheard Melodies Are Sweeter..
(゚、 。 7
l、 ~ヽ
じしf_, )ノ .. Nya~
(__/) Im Bubbles.
(='.'=)Copy & Paste Me On Your Page
(" wink _(" wink If You Are Against Animal Abuse
_.·-"-·.___ This is SnOoPy. Copy and
_/) c_c_(__ paste him in ur profile to
(/(_ O _))__ help him gain world
_(``)~(´´)_ domination ^^
║║║║╠╗║═╣╚╗ AnGeLoFdEaTh™
~~~~~~~~~*Vampire Knight Rox*~~~~~~~~~~
¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`* •.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•
::: (_( ...*...*...*...*...*...*...*.. .*...*...*...*...*
*: (=' :') : Thanks 4 Visiting My Profile
•.. (,('')('')¤...*...*...*...*... *...*...*...*...*...*...* ¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`* •.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•
.`•.¸.•´ ¸.•´¸.•´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ .¸ •`4EVA`•.¸•`•.)
¯`'•.¸(¯`'•.¸*♥♥♥♥*¸.•'´¯)¸.•' ´¯)
♥(¯`'•.¸(¯`'•.¸*♥♥*¸.•'´¯)¸.•' ´¯)♥
♥♥(¯`'•.¸(¯`'•.¸**¸.•'´¯)¸.•'´ ¯)♥♥
(_¸.•'´(_¸.•'´*♥♥♥♥*`'•.¸_)`'• .¸_)
♥(_¸.•'´(_¸.•'´*♥♥*`'•.¸_)`'•. ¸_)♥
♥♥(_¸.•'´(_¸.•'´**`'•.¸_)`'•.¸ _)♥♥
¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`* •.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•
::: (_( ...*...*...*...*...*...*...*.. .*...*...*...*...*
•.. (,('')('')¤...*...*...*...*... *...*...*...*...*...*...* ¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`* •.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•



I can go through my daily life without hearing it even once
Making your dreams come true and being happy...
...Why are the two separate things?
...I still don't know why.
I am truly glad that my own heart is encased in a tomb of ice…
…I can achieve all of my goals, don‘t stand in my way!. . .
The Greatest ting you'll ever learn . . . Is To love and be Loved in return
I've been a little more than sad lately. I need some cheering up.But I don't know who to trust anymore. Can I trust anyone?...

Vampire knight Guilty!!

look at these funny pictures!!! xD

Vampire Knight.


Dream Avatar!!!(Please Help Me Achieve it!! ^_^)

Total Value: 313,582 Gold, 15,000 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Red Eye Stripe Tattoo~Bought
Buck Teeth~bought
Missy Pearl Ribbon~Have
GO Phones
GO Player~Bought
Blue SKA shoes~Bought
Light Purple Leg Warmers~Bought
Plasma Gear
Ocean Cut Off Shorts~have
Gold Mountain Blue Vest And Shirt
A pic to show Kitty: