Chapter 5 Joining of crystal shards |
"We now have 5/6 of the crystal shards"Said my partner "1 more left"The captain responded" We had all been standing in the captain courters having a meating.We had it on display.The crystal of course.then i had to go check on a mine field and boring crap like that.But as i got back things got pretty bad,"Welcome back yami" A huge deep voice called to me as i got back to base,Yet it was all black.As lights turned on i gasped to see Captain and Yuna tied together,then the worst part as the man i saw...Him,He was back,"Heh you thought i was dead correct?" "How"I got ur crystal displayed on the table in front of you?" "keys are fun finding." "This time i will make sure your dead" I said "Well let me explain this diamond/crystal in front of you,If i achive power by re joing all parts DE will be release"He started (DE!!!!!!! stressed ) "Yet if you can rejoin them Dream Eater Will not be realeased and all imprisoned by me will return and my powers will perrish"He continued "So yami you think your so clever huh,Hand it over!!"Assuming battle stance i said"Come get it. "LEVEL 3 POWER LEVEL ACCESS"In a explotion of power I Glowed Blue,As he charged at me with a very powerful blow that could have taken my head with it,As i dodged i returned a kick to the Stomach,pulling my gun i prepared to shoot him,Firing one shot was my garentee to win,If he would'nt of caught the bullet between his fingers."Ah Crap!!!!!!!" I yelled as he charged with his blade.
(Not Enough Power!) Power Level Access 1 Passed Power Level Access 2 Passed Power Level Access 3 Passed POWER LEVEL Access 4 Passed,POWER LEVEL ACCESS 5 ACHIVED!!!!!!!!!!! " AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed as i Blew a serious Blow to the chest PUNCHING HIS FACE REPIDIATLY AT 50 MILES AN HOUR made me feal like super man."Take this!!!!" I said kicking him in the air and appearing in his path smashing him again. over and over reapeating the prossess.He then blew up into flames ( eek ) Turning into a flame dragon afterwards.( stare ) I then Jumped over the diamond quikly dodging flame after another. "Its Over" i said falling to my knees.As the evil dragon looked down the diamond was completed and started to glow brightly.'NOOOOOOO" He Hissed.As a silver knight reavealed hiself As the knight glowed light blue he started "Its no longer my fight Drac" As he handed me his sword and shield. ( biggrin Happy day) Now here i am confronting a 5 story tall dragon.As i charged forward with the blade "Drac" Breathed fire at me,Holding the silver shield out i blocked his fire waves,I charged forward then in 1 big push i removes all flames,"Time to DIE!!!!!" I scream as i charged and Slice The dragon
Over and over again as he hissed and turned into human again.

"I..." Was his last word as he turned to ash,Grabbing my knife i sliced the rope tieing my allies together,As we made it out side the base completley blew up."No the crystal." yelled the captain "captain I have it here" i said reavealing the jem. I handed it over and talked to silver boy wonder (Knight) "You really helped me out"
I said "Now the Dream Eater is gone for good i can now be reavealed,"As he glowed he turned in to a man,The man that has helped me access my powers"Who are you?"I asked "Your father..." As a tear fell from my eye."Yami" My captain yelled,"This is only 1/6 diamondsThe man you killed.. his body is dead but not his mind,He will be back soon in a diferent Body." (Oh come on!!!!) As weakness consumed me i collapsed,Awakaning at home with my mom,And Dad in the kitchen talking. "Was it just all a dream?" "I remember who i am now,Opening my closet i found m,y Police uniform and a badge."Guess not,The dream eater was stealing my meamory. I turned to find my partner."Well done" thanx is all i could say,"Just go to base through this warper" ok i responded like that she was gone,Now my life went from lazy defencless target to But Kicking agent.(Life is good. Walking into the kitchen i Ask Whats For breakfast.Every one just sighed.
Die Dunkle Meister · Fri Jun 27, 2008 @ 05:42am · 0 Comments |
Chapter 4 My Name Is Luna |
It was a normal day,I got up at base and completed my duties,then i noticed some thing that bothered me until i got to see my partner again,"Hello yami,Nice day huh?" She greeted "Um i was wondering,I have been on 2 missions with you and never got your name" blowing me off she changed the subject,"What are you geting for lunch?" I started Rolling my eyes I ignored her."Agent Dark Dragon bring your team to council room" (council room=captain courters)"Come on lets go" I said,Running to the Room i got briefs for a big mission."Yami we located a crystal shard that is heavily guarded,The rest of the 4 are there,It must be a trap,The leader is not stupid,Your mission,Swipe it,He knows there is a chance of lose if he has only has 4 there,One is not there"He said(Huh) "You will travel via warp TTYL" (huh) Just like that we were in a Deep Cave,"Yami" My assistant started,"Yea" I responded "When I was young my family abandon me,In flee from a army taking only my brother,I am so ashamed of them i want nobody to use or know my name,I am ashamed of my name" "Don't be ashamed of your name,Your name does not reflect your Parents or family,It resembles you and only you." I responded,Before i got a response a bomb blew and we were shot at,Taking cover we sniped them hardly escaping death,Sweaty and dirty we sat behind a rock clutching our loaded guns Panting for air."Wow that was" "Close" I finished my partners speech."Lets move along through the cave
"You know they want our shards right" I ignored her question,Making it to a engine room where all the power was being generated for the base "Well i am geting tired of the boss pushing us around"A guard started"Well he will give us as he promised Besides are you not scared a little of that child those guards got beat?" "No way once i get a chance i will tear him limb from limb" they continued "Yami,How do we get down there to turn the generator off? those men seem as if they dont really like you mutch" My partner Started,But turning to see both guards out on the ground And me tapping away on a keyboard hooked into the huge 6 story high generator,As the generator shut down I laughed.My assistant just stared,
stare As we got to the boss room we over heard some terrifying Chat, The bos turned and talked to him self ( rofl ) "I need to prepare missles to blow the Yc Ps base to bits,I have 5 minuts till launch,Hmm,Yami long time no see" As i jumped out of a crack i wondered how he knew i was there."Its over,You will never blow up the Yc Ps!!" "You over heard,Heh now i will have to kill you." He then drew his huge Blade out Ready to kill,And then i was Brought to a daised field where i saw the man,Remember when i said it was all dark last time i saw him,Yea well it was.Now not so much,"Yami you can now access level 2 power level when going into powerful stages,Now go and cream This loser!" As i then daised out i prepared to fight.I was so fast dodging his moves i jumped behind him and Kicked him,(Access the power Access the power Access the power Access the power Access the power) I thought over and over,As i filled the room with a red light i was consumed by,I had red eyes and saw in slow motion,Now beating him should be easier."How the..." He mumbled "Mess With The YC AGAIN LOSER" I screamed "AND I WILL KILL YOU" as i kicked the man in the face as i dropped kicked him.I aimed my gun at the beaten body on the ground,As i noticed the unthinkable,I looked up and saw my partner being zapped in a eletrical ring,"Kill me..And... She dies"He said coughing" "1 minut till missle Reaches target" Said the computer,I then Chained The boss down to a bar with hand cuffs As i leaped to sut the eletric ring down i noticesed it needed a password,Forget This crap I said As i blew bullets into the screen.As she fell out i held her head of the ground in silents,I then heard her mumble "Missles" "Ah Crud" I said as i bolted to stop it."10...9...8...7" The computer counted down,I then taped away at the key board until i stopped the misslees path,"Missles redirected back to base"The computer said as the room was flashing red. "Incoming missles alert alert" The alrm said,I then Grabbed the shards and ran,As i exited the front gate the base blew up,(Oh yea what do you think i forgot my partner!?!?!?!?!?!?) as i set her down i feared the worst, as her eyes opened she spoke softly."My name is...Yuna"
Die Dunkle Meister · Fri Jun 27, 2008 @ 02:13am · 0 Comments |
(Now what,i don't have any idea who i am and were i come from,My memory is fading fast,Who was that man that told me i had powers within,He also told me i had a great treasure that was being taken from me and that i need to stop the DE to get it back,Now i was told the DE was in a stone chamber sealed away,If it gets a lot of this Treasure stuff,It will get more power full,) As i sat silently in the jail cell i struggled with the cuffs,It was no use.(Little did i know at this time i was being watched by a being... A power full being,Now fighting is fun,Like canning enemy's and waiting as they succumb in pain.But it gets close,Its so weird how these men i so easily beat yesterday could drag me here and lock me in this cell.)I then saw the man again(When you saw me last i showed you how to unleash your power,Such as you busted steel cuffs saw in slow motion practily flew from jumping and speed to can these punks.You can access the full power but at a price,It uses all your power and leaves you helpless after unleashing it,) As as fast as light he opened my power giving me access,"Hey you wake Up!"Said a guard, "ACCESS THE POWER!!!!!" I screamed as i Started to glow a blinding red light,I bent the bars open with my hands beating the guard.I took his guard pistol and was marched off down the hall.The sound of moning guards filled the cooled halls.i then reached the leader of this wacko bunch."Um,are you the leader of the circuss here because your clowns are a tad sick right now." Turning and jumping off his floating platform he whipped out the biggest blade i have ever seen,Reaching for my pistol i pulled it out and aimed,I fired,But all i head was this terrifying click of the empty ammo less weapon. stare "Ha thats all you got your father was never this funny,I remeber taking him about 4 monthes ago,He is still alive though" mad In pure anger i lashed out and punshed him in the stomach with what felt like 700 tons of force behind it.sending the leader hurling he returned with a slice tha knocked me down to the ground in a sickning gash on my arm.
"I will let you live this once... but i will be wating here." "Heh i don't think so." my back up unit and 3 other Yc Ps Warriors (Yami Corp Protection Squad,The name of the organization)Walked in and took aim,"With all your men down i dont think you can win now" "Fine me and my men will,Leave but We Will Be Back!!!!" He screamed,Then a big flash brought light there and every one back,Yet every one else gone,Exept us,I then felt this spike of weaknes as i collapsed...
I awoke on a medical table,"Your clear To leave now mister yami"Said a young nurse,Ok when i got back to my room i examined my cut,It was littered with stiches and dried blood."Well done i heard in the distance" You should be dead right now yami,Your very lucky"My assitant said entering the room,Yea i was lucky.The next few hours we chatted then we went to sleep,Then awoke to do our daily duties,"Yami To Captain corters" The pa Rang After walking down to the captain corters i found out i was a hero,Then i was awarded with a gold badge to be a complete meber,Life is good.Now i can arrest people."EMERGANCY ALERT"The alarm Rang,"2 partys on base system,Un ID'd Party attepting to steal data"it cntinued,I ran to the captin corders and asked for the system key that i might be able to fix it,(I dont even know who i am but think i can fix this,Oh well.)As i pounded away at the key board and did so many things at lightning speed,I was amazed,"Now entering data Mainframe"The Computer started"Isolating Intruding party" It continued"Now Identifing Intruding pary,....Pary ID'd,Connection Comming From Under Water In the middle of the artic sea,Cordinits displayed on screen,Deleting Party and rebuilding security walls,Passwords all changed,Party elliminated." "Wow that was amazing" Said the Director at the same time as my assistant,"Looks like another mission..."
Die Dunkle Meister · Thu Jun 26, 2008 @ 01:40am · 0 Comments |
Chapter 2 Escape from the city |
After returning to base things settled down,I even played a raffle game and got my own automatic pistol,"we got 1 shard,How many more are there?"i asked (Besides it was more of a chunk than a shard) "About five more" my partner responded,Now we have been chating in my room,As soon as we knew it the alarm was sounded,"INTRUDER ALERT" the alarm Throbbed."But how did they find us?"said my partner,(What is her name anyway?)I thought.I checked my glove and noticed a small red blinking light,(Huh a transmitter?)as i ripped it off my glove and threw on the ground to only be crushed by my shoes. As the alarm informed intruters were not detected in base everyone calmed down,I( got my mission breifes,Get this i have to go to a huge city far away to hunt a chunk...I mean shard.how do we get here? I asked "By jet eject" eek WHAT?? "Bye Bye" The director said as i fell through the floor,I a now on a fastly moving ship or jet that is about to fling me out over board,(ever have a Bad day?)we then touched ground,We saw a flyer informing of a huge party at 6pm,"Hmm what time is it?" i asked "2pm" my partner responded,Taking a ally way to get to town we came across a gange beating on a poor Helpless Girl for her money,I walked in and said stop but that only made things worst,"Wanna taste of my blade little boy," Now i have been bullied enough to beat the CRAP out of these snakes,It only took about a minnut.I then saw the overly beating fainted girl lying there,"Um,I think i might need a ambulance" i spoke into my communicater. "Medical team dispatching ambulance 1" "Thanx"By the time the medics where done the ghirl was sent to the hospitle,and all the battered gang members were arrested,This girl was about 13 and had brown hair put in hair ribbons.I then got to the party,(yes it was a 4 hour ordeal)as i saw a man in a black suit,He had a patch on it that said Dc Dg on it,Hmm wait that one gaurd that held a gun on me had a patch like that 2,"Hey i bet you any money that man over there has a gun" I said as i pointed through the window,"Hmm the Dc Dg Stands for diamond corp Defence Gaurd" As we got to the front of the entrance line we just figured out we needed a invite,Leaving was not our plan,I then found myself on a roof sliding down from the roof inside through a glass roof.The man saw me and turned in a run,I chased him up the stares to a office chamber,Where i met up with a lot of similar armed men,I then turned and not to my suprise my partner was gone.
Standing bye the door you could here alot of gun shots and bodys falling to the ground,My partner bursted through the door to see half the men in the room lying on the floor and me and the other half gone,With closer observation she noticed the window was open.they have chased me to the roof.Rappid fire was passed around,By the time she got there,All the men but one with a gun with a smoking barrel,I was on the ground...Shot,Now of coarse she sniped him at point blank on site.closer observation shows i was shot in the chest motionlessly laying there.Then to every one suprise a gaurd had a gun aimed at here and was ready to shoot her.More suprises,A gun shot went off yet the gaurd dropped,As she turned she saw me standing with a smoking barrel of my pistol.I ripped my shirt off to reveal a bullet proof vest.We then got back onto the streets,Sher was upset they still had the shard.then we saw a gaurd dressed as a police man giving a reward for our heads.Police units arrived and started for us,"Your truck is here" saiod my partner.As i looked a very nice truck was there,(The job just payed off)We where chased out of town,"Wy did they want us" (They have good ressoning) After awaiting the jet forever we decided to drive back,I opened up the door and returned to briefing station,"Ive been waiting Yami" As that was said a gaurd grabbed us,(I knew that there was no way of the intruders this morning to escape so fast.Now i was found in a interagation room,"I heard a voice yell prep the Jail Hold"i was then in a cell full of regret.
Die Dunkle Meister · Wed Jun 25, 2008 @ 05:44pm · 0 Comments |
today was just a tipical day,walking to school.no father and just a mother (If i could have stopped his Awol State and bring him back,If i was stronger,So Weak).I got bullied every day. (ugh i cant stand it.) besides i cant fight.on my way to class is tough without getting a problem,But today i made it.i got out of class and went to head for lunch,But by the restrooms i was taken by 2 men in black,I was hauled into the bathroom as they opened a stall and opened a seceret department witch revealed a key pad,(what is going on) Then the floor sank as i fainted.i woke up in pitch black and as i thought i was dead a huge light revealed a chair with a man it.as he spoke i stared."your father has been sent on a mission to recover a diamond from a enemy' (He's Still...) "Although he never returned,I am recruiting you to go find him and retreive the diamond" he continued "If you accept you will under go harsh non stop training for the next three months" "So what is your answer?" "I will accept" affter three months of harsh training i could now use a automatic pistol and all kinds of weapons,I knew all fighting ways."One last thing son,What is your name?" "Yami" i answerd. "Now you shall go home until i can send you" "I sent a hologram of you to live with your mother for your absents" "Soon" (oh yea my mom" Those were my lasts thoughts as i awoke at home.Time for school,Moms at work so i better head out.On the way three boys asked for my money, "Leave" i responded "Heh lets show him respect" they said before throwing a punch at my face,As fast as lightning i blocked and returend with a super human kick to the jaw and dropped him there,Grolling the other 2 attacked in vain for my speed was two quick,I defeated them there,Guess it wasnt a dream,What was that? i pulled a gun out of my pants and put on a red bandana around my neck then placed sun glaces on my face,Replacing my geeky old cloths i bought a Bullet proof vest and chained black pants with a set of steel plated shoes.Once returning to class a boy asked if i was robbing a bank or somthing.I smiled and slamed him in the face knocking him out.i turend and in stead of grabing me to men asked me to step into the restroom,Repeating the same thing we entered the same place.The man said i would meet my assistants,2 of them my medical back up,and one a female back up partner,She spoke up "Mission 1,Retreive shard of crystal from everglades.
ok then fine i said loading my gun.we then flew to the cold snowy mountains and entered the sewer pipes.turning corner to fast we were revealed to a gaurd that punched me so hard i wanted to scream.Returning a fierce blow to the ribs knocked him to the ground quikly,Ouch,I turned to see my back up gone,What? She then turned a corner and explained a very dule look on being backup.i turned and shot a man over 30 times in the chest in about 5 seconds.Well this place is swarming with gaurds,i then ALONE walked through the rest of the sewer canning every gaurd.I was then caught and dragged to a base then painfully abused bye raining cracks of whips.then i did somthing that freaked everyone out,accessing a weird power from in deep,(After talking to a man in my head,He was in a feild,he said he was there to help me,he told me i had a power i could access a power inside me,I asked who he was,After a long quietness he said...It don't madder any more.)I brok the cuffs around my wrists,Now beating the Living Crap out of all of them was a fun easy way to blow anger,I had never felt so strong,Or light Even fast,They had it coming for them,"who are you...) a wounded man asked,Now that i thoght of it i did not remember any more, With a hard punch i responded,"Your most terrible nightmare.)I then saw a man in the corner of my eye,I turend as i noticed his aimed pistol at me.He commanded me to stay still,I closed my eyes as i heard the gun fire.I opened my eyes in dis beleaf,I turned and saw my back up unit,with smoke coming from its barrel she heald her pistol aimed at the motionless boddy of the gaurd.Uh... (I was speechless) "Not a problem" Lets get that shard i responded,As we ran i got a message from my peramedic unit asking for my status,after explaining i thought hard about who i even was,It didn't even madder anymore,I knew who i had become,I am and will always be,Agent Dragon.
Die Dunkle Meister · Wed Jun 25, 2008 @ 06:41am · 0 Comments |