Sick again...
I stayed off school today because my stomach was all screwed up, and earlier in the term the school sent a letter home saying 'do not send your child to school if they have...' then listed a bunch of illnesses.
So here I am, 2:06pm, MY time, I was just playing Zelda on the N64 out of sheer boredom and ended up going on my newest game that I haven't complete and went and defeated the Spirit Temple (the one in the dessert) in about... Three hours... It only took me long because I had to get use to playing Zelda, because that last game I played was on the PS2 and it was .hack//Mutation... Or was it Dark Cloud 2..? I can't remember, but it was one of the two 3nodding I was playing it with a deadline to finish before... 2:00pm (my time) because I originally was going to go to my school as to drop something off with my friend for a group project so that she could do her question... Bu~ut... I'll just give her my information tonight when I'm online and then work on the poster thing in my frees tomorrow so it actually looks like I did some work on the poster. Did I forget to mention that I'm the group leader in the project? ninja If I could really have it my way, we would have used red and black as the main colours, but nooooo... My group want baby blue and pink... gonk
Okay, I admit, the colours go well together, but not all of us in the group are little stuck up bitches who fuss over the stupidest things on the earth. I'm fine with half of my group, but there are two girls which I hate because: 1) They're bitches 2) Neither of them like me and they try to hide it but it's so damn obvious 3) There's a 99.9% chance that one of them isn't going to do her part of the project, leaving me to do it for her, that is... Right after I kick her out of the group for not doing the work twisted 4) The other girl who will do her work is picky as ever and is most likely going to say that what I did was wrong (if she does, y'all have to pay me 50 gold, okay? 3nodding ) 5) They're both annoying as all hellz...
Anyway, off the topic of school... I was on RO just a bit earlier and some dumbass called Sir Kurapika comes to me where I'm sitting in Morroc and starts blowing kisses at me and then states that he loves me and he wants to marry me. Of course I said 'hellz no' stare (in those exact words) but he kept on pestering me... So-o... I broadcasted from morroc saying 'Can some get Sir Kurapika to stop harrassing me' scream and SirPunchAlot (a QOP) suddenly appeared 'on' me, meaning he jumped to me... That's when the idiot said 'Bye my love' and took off and SirPunchAlot broadcasted something like ':sigh: at least admit what you did before running away'... From there, SirPunch just hung around for a bit and the idiot, Kura appeared again. I was like 'I feel I'm being watched/stalked...' when I noticed him sitting in the corner of my screen, and when he came up to me, I was like '*COUGH*' then the idiot started saying 'I love you' and crap again. stressed SirPunch was like 'she doesn't love you, so leave her alone' but the guy continued, so-o... SirPunch killed him for me 3nodding But, the idiot still was blowing kisses... And then said 'bye my love' again and that's when SirPunch threatend to jail him for harrassing me... So the guy left... A bit later on SirPunch said 'Kenki, I would harrass you but... You're not hot enough' So I calmly replied 'Good. If I'm not hot, that means no one will harrass me, and moronic jackasses like Kura will leave me alone' SirPunch paused for a minute before saying, 'That's mean...' xd
Anywho... you've probably heard enough, it jsut goes on a bit more like that, stupid questions and things said