Name: Ketsu Hemerashi
Year: 4th
Major: Art
From: Shibuya, Japan
History: grew up in gang neghborhoods (biker), he was raised by a leader of one of the largest groups in Japan named Shadows, after he was 13 his Guardian began training him, which he eventually got forced into the gang, he quickly climbed by the ranks to lieutenant doing whatever he was told, he learned after history searching that his actual family was killed by the very same gang and that he was just a child then, learning that he abandon the gang taking his guardians treasured sword with him (knowing that this would make him a target), he went to school after that and at that age he was already in his late 15's, when he entered his grades would plummet because of his lack of school skills, his artistic however were immeadiatly recognized and thought of brilliantly, he thought of them as ok and not that great, commenting usually that every drawing was better than his, in short time he was accepted into the school and has been here ever since
Personality: quiet, though can get himself into a conversation, modest, friendly though that can change
Notes: he practices with his sword in the courtyard often, and when he's not doing that he's either in his classes or drawing in his room (no roomates), sword and clothes is his only pieces of his past

Gaianame: ox-Toushiro-hitsugaya-xo

Character name: Shinzu Haishiro
sexual preferance: Straight
relationship status: Single
Age: 9,682
Race: Vampire
Type: Vampire that lost his main weaknesses (sun) (can create and control ice, and can run extremely fast)
blood type (optional): AB-
gender: Male
weapons: 2 Pistols, A Katana, and a hidden knife
clothing/Armor: The clothing he has on, nothing else
occupation (optional): Wanderer / Leader of Shadow (a group of vampires)
background: he has always wandered, traveled around the world many times, experienced many cultures and can speak many different languages, ocasionally be the leader of a tribe or group, but would outlive the people that were apart of it. he treats everything as unimportant except his katana which he has carried around for over a century,
Extra: Shadows first and only leader Shinzu, Shadow is an orginization of vampries that follow Shinzu without question, recruitment has only been up to the leader, their objective is uknown, and it is highly unlikely for a member to be seen besides the leader, people believe it's a myth and no one knows who the leader (him) looks like, each member has a specific sort of skill, have to have extreme speed, and a katana has to be carried
Gaianame: ox-Toushiro-hitsugaya-xo



Characrter name: Ayaka, Natsumi, Sayuri
sexual preferance: Straight
relationship status: Single, Single, Single [though all three completly interested in Shinzu]
Age: 4,287; 1,345; 6,365
Race: Vampires
Type: Ayaka: Same as Shinzu can control and create ice, Natsumi: Can travel through Shadows, Sayuri: Can control and create Fire
blood type (optional): all AB-
gender:All Female
weapons: Ayaka has a big axe like sword, Natsumi has a spear, and Sayuri has a katana; all three have dual pistols and hidden knives
clothing/Armor: What they have on
occupation (optional): Honor Guards
background: Each of them had certain troubled pasts from either living poorly, being beaten or abused, or Natsumi's case feeling that theres a bond between her and Shinzu; Shinzu saved them from the problems in their lives by killing their family, though asking them secretly before doing so, they are the only people that have ever been turned into Vampires by the hand of Shinzu, their abilities were given to them when they became vampires, plus Ayaka and Natsumi are one of the very few that don't have katanas...there names were given to them by Shinzu
Shadow group Optional: Member--& Honor Guards for Shinzu
Note: i may give a character for some person to use if asked, pm me and i'll go over details
Yo~ My name is Terumi Seju!
I blew out 20 candles on December 18th!
Just in cause your wondering, I'm a Male and I am Straight
Looking in the mirror I see,


I'm apart of the Terumi Clan
Yeah that's right! I got a Kekkai Genkai! Its called the Lava Release
I used to be in the ninja academy for 2 Years in the village of Mist Village but now i currently i reside in the leaf village, after disapearing and showing up at the gates having to enroll at the leaf, graduating quickly from experience
Currently I am a Squad anbu captain: Jonin
But I would like to be what i am now
Everyone has one so here's mine! Every one should have a right to go anywhere
Oh Yeah! Now we're talking. This is my specialty! Lava style Justsu(fire style and earth style, (kekkei genkai))
Damn! I failed again. hes able to do a third style which is rare which is water style but can barely do anything with it
This jutsu is for the record books! Lava Style Eruption and lava style lava spikes, only 2 other lava styles that actually exist
This is what it does! Lava spews out of his mouth all over the battle ground, lava spews making sharp spikes that'll burn and pierce if hit
This is how I act around my friends! good sense of humor, usually quiet, laid back
I love when people ask about, what i would like to eat
I loath when people ask about, My kekkei genkai
This is the person that breaths life
Gaia name: ox-Toushiro-Hitsugaya-xo
Name: Keita Ryohei
Nick name: Kei
Age: 2592
Race: Forgotten Angel
Bio: His assignment was given to him long ago, simple to watch how the humans progressed in technology, he was given a date when his assignment ended, during his work he saw just about every emotions, how people reacted in times of danger or fear, and different personalties, eventually after some time on earth he reached the dealine but nothing happened to him, he was not returning, after a century his wings turned black and he gave up his search for a way back to the heavens when he noticed it, he went around the world looking at different buildings and living in many places, his current curiosity is acting as a student and he saw that the place that he found had a sort presence that he felt a little comfort, that he could show less restraint
Powers: many different types of enrgy balls that he could form, wether it be fire or ice, a blast of sheer energy or just a blinding flash, even electricity, he could also fly [only when wings are out] and run extremely fast
Likes: cats, trees, parks, dorm room,
Dislikes: insistive people, small dogs, noisy places, technology
Personality: silent, keeps away from noisy enviorments, likes to spend most of his time doing something thats tranquil
Other: he hides his wings almost all of the time (recedes nto his body) and he has a cat that he absolutly treasures, [lives in his room], his body also doesn't age