Too bad the kitties don't come in black. Oh well. Maybe they will release a simular kitty plushie in April or May or maybe never. XP
Well, I will be leaving to go on a road trip to Florida later today with my hubby. We'll be seeing Tori Amos in concert and my grandparents who I have not seen in person for nearly 3 years. Hopefully they haven't changed TOO much. My grandfather is 90 now. Oi... So, that is mainly why I feel the need to see them, NOW. gonk
I'm nervous though about leaving my babies (kitties, cockatiels and ferret) behind for a few days. Good thing we have a trusted pet sitter to take care of everyone, including Ella who is still hanging on. heart
Oh, and Happy April Fools day. Enjoy whatever event is going to go on today, if any, go on. I'll hear it about it perhaps RIGHT before I leave for Florida or when I get back on the 5th or 6th. &_&
I'm also happy to announce Tim Burton's next stop animation creation:

The Corpse Bride, coming in September to Theaters</center>
Click above to see the Trailor. 3nodding
EDITED: We decided at the last minute to take Ella with us. This should be interesting. I hope she won't be too stressed out. sweatdrop
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