If your wondering yess i do do rplays but verry raly i do 2 people so far its fun i would like to go fater with my rp skills if you want check out this one im doing with my friensd go on (if u dont like yoir dont read on)
enjoy mrgreen
*sivers as if ino or sakera had done it to him* What the heck was that for *starts running again*
*thinks in head, dame that did not stop him what am i going to do i no i'll get naruto*
Dont even think about it Naruto or ile tie you up to a pole and eat pokie and Ramine in front of u *tants naruto with fav food and he runs*
naruto:no my ramen!!!!!!! hay sasuke i got a way for u to give me back my ramen he he
tsunade watches*
what r u doing ui doit *stops running to wach*
transform(puff) *turns into his sexy jutsus with no clouds or nothing and starts danceing on a pole and gives sasuke a wink ^_-* u want this dont u sasuke i can see your alittle happy in your shorts thier
tsunade fants
*sasuke stands there* NARUT U IDOIT U KNOW THE SEXY JUTSU DOESNT FASE ME. *gets ready to figt naruto*
*transforms back to naruto* comon sasuke i need u to get turned on cause well i think your hott sasuke believe it.......plz give me one chance sasuke i will do anything i just whant u to do it to me like they do on the discovery channle.
song time''''''':u and me baby ant nothing but mamles so lets do it like like they do on the discovery channle.
so plz sasuke
okay okay okay but only......um only......um *blushes* only if u teach me the sexy jutsue irst there i said it. *turns becase he is blushing*
0_0.......heh fine y not sasuke i'll start teaching u tomarow k *walks up and makes out with sasuke*
tsunade still fanted
sasuke gets into it and pulles off narutos jaket and shirt *this is more like it steph
mmmm s-sasuke not here lets go to my plase k
ummm....yeah beter not let sakera cach us *blushes again*
k *grabs sasukes hand and pulls him there* u no u look hotter when your face is like that sasuke
Like what *blushes again*
like that *he says wile opening the door to his room*
*he walks over to the bed with sasuke and then pulls sasukes shirt off*
sasuke u do the rest to me ok *takes off shirt and pants*
u beter be ready for this idiot *blushes not knowing if he is even ready himself taking Naorutos pants off*
idiot? looks who talking your the one blushing wait i think im blushing to so never mind just give me what u got and be careful this is my first time k sasuke
what ever u say naruto said sasuke hesitantly
its your first as well ant it sasuke
umm...ye..hhhh i may hve tones of fan girls but i neverd liked any of them.* blushes and starts on naruto*
realy *gets closer to sasuke and makes out and falls on bed with sasuke on top
*Sasuke starts playing with narutos har and the door opens* SASUKE sasuke thinks oh s**t
dame -_- *naruto sits up on the bed and puts the blanket over his lap* who is it!!!!!
*he yelld at the intruder*
yor tem mates Sakera and Kakashi *kakaish pules off blaket *oh s**t* sasuke meremers
umm its not what u think kakashi sensi realy
K)its not me u should be woried about its here *naruto u should run cuz sakeras gonna kill u* sasuke slips on close*
heh heh hi sakura hows your day
sH)your dead noruto* cracks knucles and cases after him *sasuke sneeks out dooor* your not going any were naruto or sasuke* kakashi said. * s**t*sasuke said
ahhh *runs around in room with sakura chasing him* *thinks in head dame just when things started to get good but they r going to find out for shure*
man things were just getting good *blushes whats so embarising sasuke* kakashi
*thinks in head dame y dose he haved to make that face dame he turns me on......oh s**t*runs in bathroom and locks the door
NARUTO NO *gets away from kakasi and goes after naruto * come out or il brake the dooor down *blushes again*
umm i cant right now *blush* and its your fault sasuke.....s**t i mean....oh crap
what do u meen its my falt you started it and come out.*blushes*SH) what is going on sasuke. nothing
i cant come out right now ok and it is your falt for making that face
your blaming my blushing i cant help that* blushes*
*sigh* thats true i'll be out as soon as i take care of this problem in here k
KK just hurr up.......*blush * k naruto
allright!!!! *blush*
*giggles and blushes wile walking away from door*thinks in head wile washing white stuff off his hands...did i just hear sasuke giggle nah....but would be nice to hear him laugh.. opens door* allright im out happy
goood now........*blush*
*looks at sasuke and starts to blush to*
whats with you two saskera souts
umm nothing sakera
yeah its nothing *sasuke smiles and gigles alittle* see you all later especiley u naruto*wink*
sigh* umm ok sasuke *winks back and blushes
*wanders out the front door*SH) ok naruto spit it out what was that all about
umm * in, gotta think of somthing gotta think of somthing* well umm u see sasukes shower broke and he came here wile i was sleeping and he found some of my hidin porn stash in the bathroom so he wook me up and we became the best of friends cause we both have the same taste in wemon believe it
umm...no i dont belive it next naruto i no somethings going on here
and that was it ^^
get out sakura
*Kuniu cums in from the dooor and perces her in the back killing her* man i ve wanted to do that for my entier life *blushes* hi again ..n..n...nar...naruto* sasuke stuters and blushes a bright red*
heh heh ih sasuke *blush*
so i killed sakera what next
we do this *stuffs the body in closet*
now close the door sasuke
*closes door and wonders whats going to begin* ummm yuki
oh hi yuki -_-
"What, don't give me the cold shoulder punks, I am here to replace the wench." Yuki growled lightly eyes flashing quickly to the crimson of his kekkei.
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