Angel or demon:
Gaianame: Cest-La-Vie-Kitsune
Name: Scarlett Rhapsody
Age: 16
Gender: female
Powers: She can control wind and storm elements
Personality: Scarlett is a playful bohemian with a fiery passion to explore and cause trouble in the process. Very curious and outgoing, she never ceases to bewilder, excite, and amuse. Though she may not act the part, she is a being of extreme intelligence and insight, and will stop at nothing to defend and help a's getting her to accept and trust that's the problem.
Bio: Before her mother passed away, life was bliss, happy, and sublime. But when her heroine and role-model-of-an-artist crossed into the next life, Scarlett was left to her alchoholic, abusive step-dad. She took up the responsibilities of the house-hold, becoming mother to her younger siblings, and dropped out of school, despite scholarship offers at age thirteen. From there, she joined a gang in her hometown of Chicago and would have been content in her melancholic life, had it not been for the faithful day she discovered her powers...and killed nine people. After that, she ran, far far away.
The original Scarlett and her artist
She is noted for her violet and gold eyes
fox tattoo (on her lower back)
danni (her ferret)
Gaianame: Cest-La-Vie-Kitsune
Name: Scarlett Rhapsody
Age: 16
Gender: female
Powers: She can control wind and storm elements
Personality: Scarlett is a playful bohemian with a fiery passion to explore and cause trouble in the process. Very curious and outgoing, she never ceases to bewilder, excite, and amuse. Though she may not act the part, she is a being of extreme intelligence and insight, and will stop at nothing to defend and help a's getting her to accept and trust that's the problem.
Bio: Before her mother passed away, life was bliss, happy, and sublime. But when her heroine and role-model-of-an-artist crossed into the next life, Scarlett was left to her alchoholic, abusive step-dad. She took up the responsibilities of the house-hold, becoming mother to her younger siblings, and dropped out of school, despite scholarship offers at age thirteen. From there, she joined a gang in her hometown of Chicago and would have been content in her melancholic life, had it not been for the faithful day she discovered her powers...and killed nine people. After that, she ran, far far away.
The original Scarlett and her artist
She is noted for her violet and gold eyes
fox tattoo (on her lower back)
danni (her ferret)
Gaia name:
Real Name: Yuri Hung
Name she'll respond to: Scarlette
Age: 16
Sex: female
Kingdom: Noko
Height: 5' 10"
Body tone: slender waist, curvious, athletic
Hair style/ color: Long, white har, often tied up
Equipments: little to no armour, occasionally wears leather armour beneath her two piece gown

((original piece by original artist))
star of spades(x5)
broken heart
sapphire reaper
Reason For Rebellion: When she was a young girl, the war between her kingdom and a neoghboring country resulted in the brutal slaughter of her mother and the false imprisonment of her father
Personality: She is often cold and blunt when not in disguise, her cynicism and sarcasm knowing no bounds. However, in a instant, she can guise her htred with laughter, her cold her with a warm, but some-how sad smile
Bio: Scarlette was once a kind, innocent girl, curious of the world and all it's wonders. Her light-hearted laughter lifted the spirits of many, her young beauty and grace inspired her family and friends. However, when war interrupted her happy, small-town life, the young girl, left parentless, tossed her kimono aside and turned to vengence. Her quick wit, high intellect, and ability to hide her emotions or disguise herself completely have made her one of the elite rebels, a spy amongst pawns, a beauty with a venomous bite. She has killed many politicians without leaving a trace of her existance, her entire life devoted to vengence. The child she once was is forced to watch within her as she loses herself to anger more and more each day, she has become incapable of trust or love.
Other: She has but one weakness to which her heart goes out, and that is her pet ferret, danni
Real Name: Yuri Hung
Name she'll respond to: Scarlette
Age: 16
Sex: female
Kingdom: Noko
Height: 5' 10"
Body tone: slender waist, curvious, athletic
Hair style/ color: Long, white har, often tied up
Equipments: little to no armour, occasionally wears leather armour beneath her two piece gown

((original piece by original artist))
star of spades(x5)
broken heart
sapphire reaper
Reason For Rebellion: When she was a young girl, the war between her kingdom and a neoghboring country resulted in the brutal slaughter of her mother and the false imprisonment of her father
Personality: She is often cold and blunt when not in disguise, her cynicism and sarcasm knowing no bounds. However, in a instant, she can guise her htred with laughter, her cold her with a warm, but some-how sad smile
Bio: Scarlette was once a kind, innocent girl, curious of the world and all it's wonders. Her light-hearted laughter lifted the spirits of many, her young beauty and grace inspired her family and friends. However, when war interrupted her happy, small-town life, the young girl, left parentless, tossed her kimono aside and turned to vengence. Her quick wit, high intellect, and ability to hide her emotions or disguise herself completely have made her one of the elite rebels, a spy amongst pawns, a beauty with a venomous bite. She has killed many politicians without leaving a trace of her existance, her entire life devoted to vengence. The child she once was is forced to watch within her as she loses herself to anger more and more each day, she has become incapable of trust or love.
Other: She has but one weakness to which her heart goes out, and that is her pet ferret, danni
Gaia Username: Cest-La-Vie-Kitsune
Character Name: Reed "Thunderfoot" Emerson
Age: 18
Gender: female
Power EATK (element attack): Shadow fire A unique fire unleashed when the weilder becomes emotionally distressed. The bire is both incredibly hot and pain-stakingly cold at once, releasing kight despite it's black veneer. the extremity of the attack depends on the user's rank, varying from timid fire balls at the beginner stage, to a berserker aura that surrounds both the assailant and victim at much higher ranks
Character Parents (For Bio):
Black Elk and Wading Doe
Reed's parents are firm believers in tradition and the culture of their people. When Reed displayed interest in the modern world and complained of tradition, her mother and father would show her the ways of their people and help her learn to appreciate the serenity of the Hopee. However, they knew not of her encounter with her hidden element and when she dissappeared after the slaughter of nine of their people, they were devastated.
Element: fire/lightning

((Note the gold-and-violet eyes))
((Original artist and piece))
Strenghts:She is an amazing mistress of disguise, able to take on any face or mood and blend in as needed. Often she has been hired for her skills in cunning and furtiveness
Weaknesses: She has a natural distrust of all, and because of it, she often comes off as cold or indifferent.
Personality: Reed is a playful bohemian with a fiery passion to explore and cause trouble in the process. Very curious and outgoing, she never ceases to bewilder, excite, and amuse. Though she may not act the part, she is a being of extreme intelligence and insight, and will stop at nothing to defend and help a's getting her to accept and trust that's the problem.
History: Born on an idian reservation, Reed is one of the Hopee people. Since her birth, it was obvious she was different, merely from a glance at her eyes one could tell. As she grew, she acquired the nickname "Thunderfoot" for her innate love of storms and cumulo-imbus (thunderhead) clouds. She would dance in the storms, despite the rain and wind, for she loved it all. The day she discovered she was one of the weilders of the hidden element fire, her life changed entirely. She lost control of her undiscovered abilities and killed nine of her people. It was then that she ran in hope of finding others like herself, and a chance to be forgiven for her unintentional murders.
Main Weapon:
Sapphire Reaper
Sub-Weapons .::
Ace of Spades
Character Name: Reed "Thunderfoot" Emerson
Age: 18
Gender: female
Power EATK (element attack): Shadow fire A unique fire unleashed when the weilder becomes emotionally distressed. The bire is both incredibly hot and pain-stakingly cold at once, releasing kight despite it's black veneer. the extremity of the attack depends on the user's rank, varying from timid fire balls at the beginner stage, to a berserker aura that surrounds both the assailant and victim at much higher ranks
Character Parents (For Bio):
Black Elk and Wading Doe
Reed's parents are firm believers in tradition and the culture of their people. When Reed displayed interest in the modern world and complained of tradition, her mother and father would show her the ways of their people and help her learn to appreciate the serenity of the Hopee. However, they knew not of her encounter with her hidden element and when she dissappeared after the slaughter of nine of their people, they were devastated.
Element: fire/lightning

((Note the gold-and-violet eyes))
((Original artist and piece))
Strenghts:She is an amazing mistress of disguise, able to take on any face or mood and blend in as needed. Often she has been hired for her skills in cunning and furtiveness
Weaknesses: She has a natural distrust of all, and because of it, she often comes off as cold or indifferent.
Personality: Reed is a playful bohemian with a fiery passion to explore and cause trouble in the process. Very curious and outgoing, she never ceases to bewilder, excite, and amuse. Though she may not act the part, she is a being of extreme intelligence and insight, and will stop at nothing to defend and help a's getting her to accept and trust that's the problem.
History: Born on an idian reservation, Reed is one of the Hopee people. Since her birth, it was obvious she was different, merely from a glance at her eyes one could tell. As she grew, she acquired the nickname "Thunderfoot" for her innate love of storms and cumulo-imbus (thunderhead) clouds. She would dance in the storms, despite the rain and wind, for she loved it all. The day she discovered she was one of the weilders of the hidden element fire, her life changed entirely. She lost control of her undiscovered abilities and killed nine of her people. It was then that she ran in hope of finding others like herself, and a chance to be forgiven for her unintentional murders.
Main Weapon:
Sapphire Reaper
Sub-Weapons .::
Ace of Spades
Gaia Username:Cest-La-Vie-Kitsune
Character Name: Reed Le'Mure
Age: 17
Gender: female
Race: Nymph
Occupation: student
Crush: none as of yet
She has heterochromatic eyes one violet and the other gold
original artist
Weapons: Dream Snatcher
Powers: She can control the natural environment and wind elements
Strengths:Her intellegence and patience
Weaknesses: She wears her heart on her sleeve at times and tends to overthink too much.
Personality: Reed is a competitive student and when it comes to her responsibilities, she'll stop at nothing to live up to her expectations. Otherwise, she can be very kind, she is known for her patience and is always there to turn to for help, particularly academic.
Character Name: Reed Le'Mure
Age: 17
Gender: female
Race: Nymph
Occupation: student
Crush: none as of yet

She has heterochromatic eyes one violet and the other gold
original artist
Weapons: Dream Snatcher
Powers: She can control the natural environment and wind elements
Strengths:Her intellegence and patience
Weaknesses: She wears her heart on her sleeve at times and tends to overthink too much.
Personality: Reed is a competitive student and when it comes to her responsibilities, she'll stop at nothing to live up to her expectations. Otherwise, she can be very kind, she is known for her patience and is always there to turn to for help, particularly academic.

Name: Nyx Rioko
Alias: 'Rio'
Pack: Black Spiral Dancers
Position: Warrior
Age: 17
Race:Fennec Fox Demon
Sex: Female
Hair: her hair is a rich autumn-red, dark in appearance and vibrant in the light.
Eyes: Her eyes are hazel-green that almost seem luminescent in her kitsune form.
Weight: 128 lbs
Height: 5'8"
Weapon: Because of her instinctive solitary hunting habits and heightened sense of hearing, Nyx prefers stealth and ranged sniping. A quiet observer, she waits patiently for her prey during the hunt, stalking it down in silence before waiting with her bow drawn. This is a useful tactic in protecting the pack, as she can ambush any enemies on the offense whilst her comrades prepare and the pups are safely hidden away. However, she is prepared for melee combat should the circumstances rise; her dual blades provide a vicious defense against enemies approaching 360 degrees, enabling her to protect a fallen pack member.
Armor: As an agile, stealth agent, nyx wears little armor, often in the form of black leather padding around her knees, shins, elbows, and wrists, along with a leather vest about her torso. The light weight of this protection, combined with the durable, thick material and ridges provide a comfortable, shock absorbing, chafe-preventative alternative to heavier armor.
Strengths: Because of her race, she has heightened hearing compared to the rest of the pack, which makes her a good canidate for an alert system with her inmistakeble, shrill call. Her overall small figure, agility, and observation skills make her an excellent and clever stealth agent. Also, Nyx's appetite for more abundant prey such as insect, small rodents, and fruit enables her to run more efficiently and avoid taking from what already sparce food the pack has. A lover of knowledge, she has studied much history and is fond of war tactics as opposed to blind fury. Her innate speechcraft and wit make her excellent at persuasion and trickery.
Weaknesses: Being smaller than most of the pack means she has less melee endurance, and considering most of her challenging adversaries would be wolves, she must make up for the comparative incredible lack of power. And though her wit aids her in conversation, she often overthinks in battle and as a result become less efficient. Despite guerilla tactics providing excellent ambush, once she is exsposed, she must focus on offensive and fleeing measures at the same time, rather than a full frontal assault.
Black Fire: Nyx has the ability to procure a black fire that carries several traits she can use to her advantage in healing and in battle. This substance seems to emit light and swalllow it in darkness all at once and can burn most substances much like dry ice or liquid nitrogen.
Serenity's Blessing~ by emitting a suttle amount of black fire from the hands, an aura of warmth can overtake an ailed patient and break states of fever and delirium. The process entails returning the body to homeostasis and dissipating harmful pathogens.
Sheild of Shadow~ When the caster or allies face an imminent threat, this magic forms a semi-transluscent, shadowed shield encompassing chosen person(s). Both an offensive and defensive measure, this sphere externally emits black flames to burn an attacking foe and the surrounded persons can move to safety or await the threat's demise.
Offensive Fire~ Black fire can be procured from the caster's hands and mouth in fireballs. The effect is detromental as it can cause severe burns, frostbite, bring certain objects to a shattering point, and in some severe cases, fatality.
Screeching Halt~ this ability requires Nyx be incredibly emotional, which generally is hard as she doesn't panic easily. however, when she is frenzied or scared, she can emit sharp yelps that increase in decibels exponentially as the defense continues. This tactic can temporarily deafen the targets within a kilometer's radius and inflict paralzing pain.
Chameleon~ This defensive mechanism enables Nyx to overtake her body with the surrounding images and belnd in. It is a last resort stealth tactic, as it requires incredible energy absorbtion and emission.
She is skilled in guerilla warfare, stealth, and speechcraft. This dangerous combination makes her a great negotiater, charmer, and slueth.
Appearance: With a small, vuluptuous figure, there is a certain irony in being called a 'vixen'. This young warrior has a fit, curvious form perfect for agile maneuvering. Her short, autumn red hair is often hidden under her cloth-wrapped cap, but sheens like garnet in the sunlight. Her hazel-green eyes make an incredible contrast againt her olive skin. Her bdy bears a slight muscular definition to it, assuring she'd not the slothish type, but not a furious fighter, either.

Personality: Nyx is the observant type. She often prefers to watch and wait, taking exstensive note of every detail she possibly can. On the hunt, she is solitary, however, playtime is an entirely different thing. She is quite social and charismatic, finding a way into just about every heart fondly. In fact, she's a firm believer of keeping one's friends close and enemies closer. This is not a one-way interaction, as she has grow particulary fond of her pack and its memnbers, and fights for it with a certain honor. Rather maternal to the pups that could never be her own, she likes to play games, read to, and teach them the ways of cunning and stealth. she does have her quirks, though. Nyx overthinks, and when she does so inefficiently, she panics and becomes prone to anxiety and hesitance, a direct opposite of her usual self. In this state, she can grow emotional and act on those as opposed to tactics. though she loves games, when the tables turn and she is outwitted, she can become spiteful and hold a treachorous grudge.
Biography: As a pup, Nyx was seperated from her mother earlier than usual. Her primal instincts seemed to fail her in every which way and she was doomed to become a sitting duck. However, wandering the barren and desolate forests of Dark, she ran into the Spiral Dancers, but more importantly, their pups. Quickly, she befriended the pups, both races ignorant to anything but play in their youth. The Alphas of the pack at the time decided to take her in, and soon, she became a skilled warrior, and, because of her race, a furtive slueth for her pack. Evry now and then she experiences bouts of reclusive depression, the gap between her and her wolf peers becoming a chasm as she dreams of meeting her own kind. But soon enough, she is quickly reminded of the pack she loves her responsibilities to it.