Today was okay-ish. We started with Math. And it's a good thing Rahima was there! Or I would have gotton a big fat zero for that quarterly exam review thing. Hehe. I managed to do all the homework in class even though she didn't check. ^_^
During SS, we did the Mock Trials thing, so no work for me. Haha. It was so violent there. Shirley and Briana kept kicking me. And when I say kept kicking me...I mean, THEY WOULD NOT STOP. Tohugh, I guess you can say that I started it. Hehe. But oh well. IT WAS REALLY VIOLENT. Which is so me, but whatever. Briana and me were hitting each other with books. And I was pushing Shirley's books on the floor over and over.
In art, I finished my painting. I thought it looked ugly when I started it, but then today, when Ms. Benner was handing them out, I saw mine and I was like, "Hey, that one's nice," and then I realized that it was mine hehe. So I guess it came out okay after all. ^_^ Then I was just painting a flower. Oh yeah, she got new brushes too! Yay! They were so nice! ^_^
Mr. Burton didn't come today. Thank Allah. xd whee
In Literacy, we went to the library. We finally returned those four month overdue books. Hehe. And we got these new books. Which were green haha. We had like this whole little argument over taking the purple book or the green book by the same author, Paula Danziger. Haha. And we got green, yay! Haha, Jasdeep. ^_^ And then, we were like having this contest or something on who could read fastest, no really seriously, but kind of. And I passed Shirley in the end, haha. And of course, Shirley and me had the usual violence going on there too. There are really some violent people in our class. *looks at everyone but me* Hehe.
Oh, the regents classes weren't so bad. It was actually quite funny. Briana was kicking my chair the whole time, so it was the same old picky little violence games between us. And of course, Kim had strange questions to ask, and all that. Oh, and it was so funny how Mr. Bednar was talking about Asher, saying that he had to get a stool to get into the bathtub. And he needed his brohter's help too. And the towel was like on the floor and all that. It was hilarious. lol
So basically, right now, I'm doing the usual. Music and typing. Haha. where did anime go? I kind of dropped it for a while. I'd forgotton about Tsubasa Chronicle. And Gunslinger Girl. Since there are only 13 episodes of Gunsliner, I'll probably resume that soon. ^_^ I'm not sure about Tsubasa Chronicle. I was thinking of going back to Fruits Basket, since I'd never finished it. Of course, I never finished Chobits either. Hehe.
I can't believe I forgot about anime for so long. Which actually wasn't that long. But I did like Alice 19th. I can't wait 'til volume 6 comes in! I'd rather not skip to volume 7, cuz that's the last one. It's gotton really good so far. I can't believe they just killed Kazuki like that. He wasn't that important of a character, but he shoudn't have died. At least Kyo and Alice kissed. Hurrah for them! ^_^ I wonder what's gonna happen next. Mayura better not die. I mean, she has been like portrayed as the bad character in a sense, but Darva is just using her, so it's not fair. Somehow this reminded me of Chrono Crusade when Aion was using Rosette. I forgot about that. Haha, I love that song. Tsubasa was Pleasure Line. And Sayonara Solitaire. That song was so sweet! heart
Wow, this is a really long entry. I didn't even go to the next song in all this time. Hehe. Maybe I should write something in WhiteStream's journal, if I have time that is. Good thing there's not really any homework today. ^_^ Okay, I think I'm just about done here! 3nodding

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