my story
dark and bro are stuck in a never ending strugle for there body bro is nice most of the time and has fare grater power's then dark but dark do not care about any one so he dose not mind showing off how strong he really is. dark and bro really have not got close to anyone because of fear of the other dark will make bro suffer no matter what it take's even if that would mean killing him self so bro try not to get close to any one.

historyhappend on may 12 1227
dark and bro where two differnt people till one day bro met dark's wife rosy. see fell deep inlove with bro but he all ready had a wife and one kid wich he did not plan on leving she was inraged that bro would not leave them and told dark to kill him and his famly. when dark tryed bro sent his wife and kid away but his son try to fight him killing him and foceing bro to wach. but his son lived only by a bit bro nor dark new this at the time dark tied bro up and took him to his place and to his wife to kill him but she could not. she could not kill the one she loved even if he did hurt her. dark was mad and killed her bro tryed to save her but was too late by the tim he got free* bro had so much anger in his heart he fought will dark for along time before killing him. dark casted a spell with is final breath casting his soul into bro's body. he then too control of bro and went to his home and killed his wife she neve knew it was not bro she begged for him to stop and asked why he was doing it but dark did not ancer her so she would not know it was him. dark did not kill his daughter even know's it was a kid from his unfatefull wife he set her free to live life as she wished
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