Tralalalalalala...I haven't said that in a while. Well, the science fair was kinda fun. Basically, we were just walking around and talking and stuff. It was ironic how Shirley, Kim, me, Rahima, and Jasdeep all won. ^_^ Anna also won. Doo dee doo dee dum. Haha, Jasdeep's dad tripped over a mop. My mom was so annoying...she kept telling me to stay next to my board the whole time, incase the judges came around. They never came around to mine anyway. I'm guessing they saw it within the 10 minutes before I got there or something. Well, I got first. Jasdeep got second. Rahima got third. Anna got fourth. Kim got fifth, and Shirlewy got sixth. ^_^ I still can't believe we all won! *chants* We got shiny plastic! We got shiny plastic! We got shiny plastic! *chants*
Anyway, today was kinda okay-ful. We went outside again, so that wuz fun. I never get tired of playing tag. Lol, I heard some girl asking why a bunch of 8th graders are playing tag...hehe. I luv annoying Matthew with "Whee!" I can'[t believe the hut-nun won help tag! Oh well, I hope we go outside tomorrow. I'm gonna get Lwam...muahahahaha.
Well, I don't have any homework. I'm taking a short break from anime, until I cand ecide on what to watch. I'm really leaning towards Tsubasa Chronicle, though. Oh well, time to listen to listen to some music...yay!

Community Member
You should have told her that. rofl mrgreen 4laugh